Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"Look what I got for Christmas..."

Dead silence except for my comment of "I think I'm going to pee my pants." Wow, my tact and wonderous grace astound me sometimes. Geeze. Sorry. It was more a reaction of shock than anything else. I thought I was supposed to be the first one married and pumping out babies. At this point, I would most certainly be content to be the last. Working with all those kids has made me learn a whole new kind of patience. And funny anecdote: Rachel's nose started running at church and she didn't have any kleenex so I leaned over and wiped her nose with my hand. Probably not too appetizing for my priceless readers, what can you do? *shrug*

So, yes and no, break has been eventful. I refuse to go through my daily ritual constantly--what's the point? Several of you have already heard or were there to witness it firsthand.

My snoring has become absolutely atrocious. What can I say? I have no only inherited Dad's height and non-graying hair but his sinus problems as well. *shrug* I kept Kristen and Corrie up at our little sleep-over Friday night here at Dad's (all of us agree we have not eaten this much junk in a LONG time) amd Jessie Christmas Eve after she got home super early in the morning. She actually moved to the couch downstairs to get some shut eye. I think Eistir's sleeping pills have masked me snoring problem since the time school began--either that or coming home really made it worse.

Christmas Eve and Day were massive family days, which I loved. I did get quite a few very excellent presents. Among my favorites Greg's purse, Patty's lotion, Jessie's purse, and Mom's luggage (I love luggage--I think my set is almost complete). Dad's family was over for a Patty-cooked meal on Sunday...Uncle Paul was the last to leave, as usual, and got Rachel the most horrific combo cell phone holder/wallet thing. God, it's ugly.

I got my bottom wisdom teeth pulled today. I couldn't feel my lower half of my face all day, which was especially fun when I was eating my soup and drinking, things just kept dribbling out of my mouth and onto my only Illinois shirt. Grandma took me, and after an hour of sleep at Scannura's office, we came back to the house and I have remained awake since then. I am impressed...I thought I would have slept all day. *shrug* I'm rotating my vicadin and prescription mortin, not to mention this very digusting mouthwash I have to use at least twice of day to keep my mouth relatively sanitary...I can't even brush my teeth until tomorrow afternoon. Ew. Right now I am waiting up until midnight to take another vicadin to knock me down for the count so I sleep all night. My lip is super swollen along with my stitched-up gums, and although gums don't necessarily hurt, I get a twing of pain whenever I put the slightest pressure on my jaw, like when Chewy bonked my face earlier with one of his paws on accident. Oh, well...I am hoping tomorrow will be as good as today and that I'll be able to have some Taco Bell by the weekend--that's the goal. ;)

Scott called me today and I was very glad he did. I think we're planning on meeting in Bloomington on Tuesday so he can move some of his stuff into my room before we have to move back in a couple of weeks. We'll get to spend the whole day together. Hooray!!! His bus leaves around 5:30 and that's about the time I will be hopping back on train towards Springfield, and if I buy my tickets in advance, it'll only be around $10 for the trip and I can get my paycheck while I am there so I will have some cash for the rest of the break. Go me. I invited Kristen to come if she wants, too, and as long as it is okay with Scott, she more than likely will. She called me tonight from Florida. She's not having any fun and so she calls me from her hotel room to tell me about the hot high school baseball players that seem to be floating around the hotel.

I keep spelling "Floriday instead of "Florida." And I gossip waay too much. But hey, I'm the one to always have the goods. ;) I think that about raps it up. I am going to secretly play Mah Jong and have another 7Up before taking my pill and heading to bed. You guys get a good night's rest and enjoy your day tomorrow...I know I will. Good evening, folks.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

"Oh, my Sarah Lou, what do I do with you?"

I like it that Wyatt calls me Sarah Lou like it's his geeky way of identifying me--like he thought it up in the first place. Haha. He just drove me home from Bloomington. Hooray!!! He got me around 9-ish, we left, then Angela called from the Studio saying I'd left my phone so we had to get off the highway to go back and get it. While driving back south, I had an epiphany--SnS time!! We stopped for shakes and onion rings in Lincoln and I filled up his tiny tank in the Z (his pet name for the car). We made it back to New Berlin around 11:45...Dad was half passed out in the chair in the music room so I sent him to bed and here we are.

Work has been going great...yes, it's quasi-stressful but I went out on a good note so tis excellent. Tonight was uber-busy because people are picking up their last minute Christmas pictures and taking group photos. I even had several passports today...a six-month-old farted while I was trying to take his passport photo and it was the most sickening smell I have ever encountered. Yeah, that might seem kind of absurd to put in my journal, but you would understand why it was significant if you had witnessed the crime. Geeze. Angela and I were the old two photographers and Jen manned the front desk...tough work but always a lot of fun. Angela thinks Wyatt is a major cutie, heh. At any rate, Tracy told me to send her my spring semester schedule, which is fantastic because that means A) I am not just a seasonal photographer and B) I have a job for next semester. *happy dance* This leads to a transfer over the summer. I think I will still apply for a Dept. of Ag job, but this is a good fall back. I can always work at Sear's until summer ends and transfer back to Bloomington for Christmas season if need be. :)

I went on a date last night after work...it was kind of a last-minute thing. He picked me up and I had absolutely no idea what we were going to do...he ordered Monical's in the car so by the time we got there it was all ready to go. We stuck it in my purse and went next door to see Rent. I don't think he knew I had seen it twice already, which is fine by me. Anyway, we chowed down on Monical's throughout the entire movie and afterwards we went over to Z's, across from Watterson, and got some dessert. By the time we got back to my dorm, it was nearing 1:00...I invited him up and we ended up watching As Good As It Gets on TBS until he fell asleep and I told him he could call me tomorrow (today), which he did around 9:00. "Get out of bed, go take a shower, I am taking you to breakfast." More like brunch, but whatev. Went to Denny's then I chilled out in my room until I had to go to work. Ironically enough his name is Greg. Greg is from southern Illinois, somewhere near Carbondale. He has an apartment in Bloomington with some of his buddies. He is a junior, almost 21, majoring in sociology. He did a good job on the date, I'll give him that. He picked out a Sarah-type movie without knowing much about me at all and he picked up some of the best pizza in town. Good job. He's going home on Friday and will be driving through Springfield so he's supposed to give me a call. We'll see.

At any rate, it is late and I think I'm going to go snuggle on the couch with Chewie until I decide it's time to get into bed. I'm so glad that I am home now...and for a very long time, too!! Lots of me-and-Rachel time...and of course girl time with all the Lunch Buddies and the such. I probably won't write in this again until next year so merry Christmas and a happy new year! w00t. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

"Miss Sarah! Miss Sarah! Are you all right? Don't cry!"

I love some of the little kids that run through that studio. Today I not only ripped my only pair of jeans in both knees but I got a blood blister from pinching my finger inbetween the camera and the stand then I almost tipped over the camera stand which is really freaking hard to do, not to mention extremely heavy. And to top it off, I kept tripping on the muslin and made a hole in my shoes larger than it already was. Fantastic, eh? But those boys...they saw me when that stand landed on me and gave me some hugs and, "Don't worry, Miss Sarah, it will get all better." It was so sweet it made me want to cry. Working around kids can be so fun sometimes...

We got our Christmas bonus. *air five* Not in money, no, portrait sheets, oh yes. Now I am thinking of how I want to use them or if I will at all. I think I'm going to have to consult Rachel on this one. We might have some fun with this. ;)

Here's the deal...I worked Tarah's very early, very long shift today. Had a couple of screamers, one of them has a red face to match his even redder hair. It was actually kind of amusing--I have never heard a kid with a set of lungs like that. *shrug* Had some very good sits today, and it's great to know how very shocked I am sometimes to find so many attractive families out there. I don't mean to sound odd, but this one family, the one with the boys that cared, was gorgeous. All three boys were very cute and had fantastic everything-smiles, attitudes, clothes, hair, dimples, blue eyes-all inherited from their both very attractive parents. My ramblings bother me sometimes. Anyway, I made it out of there by 5:00 even though I was supposed to leave by 4:00. Once I got back, I started to clean some more and take apart my stereo, move my fridge, some of the basics for bug spraying. Beth gave me a call around 9:00 to see if I wanted to do anything; by 9:30, she was cleaning my fridge of leftover Papa John's from last night and we decided to go see Narnia at 10:00 at Parkway (funny how there is one here, too). I just got back and so I thought I should update because tomorrow will be busy, busy and I am not sure if I am coming back Monday or Tuesday for work, it all depends on whether or not I have to work Tuesday night.

Dad says he is going to be here around 9:30, so I am getting up around 7:00 to shower and pull together everything else I will need to take with me. I am ready to go home, friends. It's about time.

I hope you had fun at Megan's wedding...you'll have to give me all the details later and let me know if Jessie fell on her face or if someone pulled something out on the dance floor. Aunt Mae's birthday was today and I forgot to call her...whoops! I should try to remember doing that tomorrow (today really). And Kaylin turned five today (meaning Sunday). Oh, she's an old fart now.

Good night, folks...have a good one!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

"Wow, that was extremely awkward."

Ah, poor Micah. Yesterday, Scott came by while I was half-napping and we had some lunch that we brought up to my room to watch TV. On the way out of the dining hall, Micah comes running out, yelling my name, which of course I didn't hear immediately because I am deaf. If he had done that towards the beginning of the semester, like he used to do so many times, I might swoon a little bit. But not then, right then I was thinking of food. He hugged Scott and gave me a little handshake. Always the awkward boy. He's 21 now, just think what he'll be like at 60. I bet he'll still be just as sweet and just as if not more awkward. :P He talked about finals and this and that...he's student teaching this next semester and then he graduates. He told me I will be sure to get an invitation and come to his little grad party afterwards. He's going to be at Morton over break and the next quarter then he's going to South Dakota to teach on an Indian Reservation. At any rate, as Micah walked away, he tried to hug me, which was very awkward but very tight then he told me he was going to miss me. When Scott and I got on the elevator, I let a sigh escape and Scott laughed at me. Oh, well.

"Come Rain or Come Shine" was just running through my playlist and I remembered I used to sing that to someone. Very annoyingly. I am pretty sure it was Jessie Kratz, but I couldn't tell you for sure. I am almost positive it was the choir gang...speaking of choir, I thought I should let you know that I had to rearrange my class schedule for next semester, and unfortunately, it excludes choir. The first time since...forever...that I haven't been in choir. I am going to go talk to Dr. Fredstrom about it once we get back from break to see if I can still attend class even if I'm not on the roster. It makes me extremely sad...

I stuck with band because it's Christine's last semester and they don't have very many trombones but in choir we have a bazillion altos. Plus band is only one rehearsal a week and blahblahblah. I can always sing, no matter what, but I will lose my chops completely if I stop playing. And I think this will give me a chance to check out the choral groups--maybe the a cappella group or something. They only have one good bass, I might be a good addition. ;)

Oh, I am completely finished with finals now. I am extremely delighted. Dad is coming to get me on Sunday. He wants to help move me out since Mom got to move me in. I'm debating on whether or not I am going home on Sunday because if I do, I'll have to come back Monday or Tuesday depending on the work schedule and I'd have to find someone to drive me to the train station during the day. I am going to check out my work schedule tonight to see what I need to do...like packing and laundry and all kinds of random stuff. In fact, right now I am going to take a nap then wake up in an hour or so and do some packing and get ready for work.

All my close friends on campus have left which makes me sad, but I will get over it. I won't be the only person in the dorm all weekend, so that's not too bad. Anyway...g'day, folks.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

"We've kinda started a movement."

To Those Concerned As you may or may not know, a new rule has gone into effect for the 2005-2006 Pep Band. The rule states that no band member is allowed to leave his/her seat during a basketball game unless Mr. Jones permits them to use the restroom.  No one will be allowed to move during the game, unlike previous years where we were allowed to converse or sit with friends not in the band. Not only this, but now the tyrannical Mr. Jones has decreed that all members must stay for the entire game rather then just until the half, thereby doubling play time.  This cannot stand! According to these rules, all band members are required to sit in the same place for three hours consecutive. Something must be done to resolve this problem. What if all band members had to suddenly use the restroom after pre-game?  Well, the line would be so long, all members will be in line until a few minutes before half time. This is the plan; everyone will stand up and leave after tip off. If this is a combined effort, and if everyone participates, Mr. Jones will not be able to punish anyone.  Remember, we will be at our seats at pre game, at halftime, AND at post game. If you choose to miss post game presentation, feel free to, but you will not be endorsed by the militia. We mean only to protest, not disrupt. On Saturday, we will rebel. Long live the Free Band!
The Militia

I got this from Brian's away message and Kevin told me about it last night. Those band geeks are the best, not to mention my most favorite people in the world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

not worthy of a quote.

I told myself I would not cry. I almost managed it, too, until I read in Corrie's journal about how she needs a Sarah hug. I broke down. And I can't stop.

A) He text'd me, "God I am so sorry."
What is that supposed to mean? Does that mean he regrets not going further, not treating me better? Sorry things didn't work out better? Sorry I couldn't have been better? Yes, I am sorry. Limitations amongst other things make me regret my dating this semester. I have blown off some perfectly nice guys, for what? I could have gone on the dates and had fun, but no, I refuse to go on a date with someone I only feel lukewarm upon meeting. I found someone I liked a lot and things didn't work. Is that what he's sorry for?

B) Finals.
I haven't really stressed about them until now. I hadn't stressed at all, truth be told. And now I am. Especially tonight, this moment...I feel a disaster.

C) I had one of those good cries in a long time.
As a matter of fact, I don't think I have had one of those really excellent cried in a couple of months (could be wrong), somewhere along the lines of being homesick. Now I am sitting her, blubbering, with no one to hug me or keep me company. Because Eistir isn't here, and even if she was, she'd tell me to suck it up or look awfully uncomfortable while trying to console. This leads to...

D) Not being sure who to call.
This poses a major problem. I want some consolation, but not just a note online or whatever...I mean, I want to realy hug, a little peck on the cheek, soothing voice, a listener. Who do I know like that? Quite a few people actually. I flipped through my phone racking my brain but alas those I chose to call I could not get a hold of and the one person I managed to procure before the waterworks was extremely busy as always and could not speak. So instead I have a pity party and complain to my online journal.

E) I hate being sick.
Yes, it's an excuse to not do some things, but I have been feeling like absolute crap since Saturday. I swear I have lost five pounds because my pants feel like they're going to fall off and my normal belt notch isn't substantial enough to hold up said pants. These are freshly laundered pants, too, which means they're especially tight, fresh out of the drier. I hadn't noticed with all my baggy PJs and crappy last-resort clothes I wear when I haven't done my laundry in a while. Dehrydration does wonders for the figure, girls.

Guys, I even called someone I would never call under these circumstances, Jake. He's been ignoring me since Halloween...haven't spoken, no texts. It's so irregular, and do I dare admit, I kind of miss the annoying bugger.

Now that I have stopped crying, I am just very mad at myself. I hope you have a much better night than me. I'm going to get some gossip out of Rachel...she always makes me feel better.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I wretched again. Vulgar, I know. I was lying in the dark, waiting to fall asleep when I had to run to the bathroom. I went over to Daryl and Jen's room and Jen gave me peptol bismo but I am not sure if I should take it, so I am consulting Mr. Matt and Mr. Caleb, the only two souls online without away messages. Caleb gave me some websites to go to because he is ingenious and told me he thinks pepto should be fine as long as I don't throw it back up. We'll see.

Geeze, Tuesday is going to be a VERY long day, kids.

PS Eistir's friend Kelsey is coming very shortly to pick her up and whisk her back to Libertyville. I can't believe she gets to go home a week and a half earlier than me. Hope she has fun...I'm not helping her move her stuff.

Monday, December 12, 2005

"Oh, my God...it's...MARK!

So I watched Dazed and Confused tonight for the first time. It was pretty good. I'm uber glad I have the soundtrack already. As I was watching said film, I saw a character I thought I recognized. Oh, yes. Anthony Rapp. Oh, yes. My latest crush from Rent--Mark Cohens. Oh, my God! As silly and ridiculous as I might be, I went to imbd.com and checked out what other movies he has been in...A Beautiful Mind, Road Trip, Man of the Century, School Ties. And he played Oliver when he was 9. Ah, geeze. Makes me want to love him more.

Seeing him go from the geek of Dazed and Confused to the geek in Rent makes me a very happy girl. ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

"Pukey magee!"

That's right. That not-so-good feeling from last night lasted ALL night. I don't think I slept at all because I felt so revolting. I got out of bed around 7:15ish and made a run for the bathroom. Thank God because if I hadn't no one would be able to come into our room for a very long time. I managed to crawl back into bed around 8:00 where I decided I would call Tracy and tell her how very sick I was. So I did that around 8:15 as I was getting dressed because I knew if no one could cover my shift I would have to go in. Which is exactly what happened. Tarah picked me up and I was feeling a little better. I was drinking my water and munching on some saltines...after sitting at Sear's for twenty minutes, I puked in the trash can. Disgusting, I know. Especially because it was just water and those two crackers I had eaten since the last puke fest. And I had to clean up and hose the garbage can out...it was a complete disaster. I called everyone I knew that had a car except Jeff but let's not go there and no one could come get me or was still asleep, so I passed out on the floor of our storage room and waited until Tarah could take a break and drive me home. As soon as I got upstairs, I passed out on my bed until 4:30ish and decided I was completely disgusted with myself. I now feel like I could cry I am so tired and stressed. I have a final at 7:50 tomorrow morning that I haven't studied enough for and I have yet to find someone to cover my shift for Tuesday for my chem final. My day just keeps getting better and better.

But I did manage to down some soup and crackers, so I am feeling better yet revolted. Grawr. I'm off to take a shower and study some more. Good luck to all of you taking your finals this week. Have a good one...

"Hey, bitch."

It's super late. I am super sick. And Eistir is super drunk.

10 Firsts:
First Best Friend(s): Johnathon Deerdorf
First Screen Name: sarah3106rachel
First Kiss: Mark in Florida at sunset (no joke)
First Pet: Heidi, the three legged dog and misellaneous kitties
First Piercing: 'lobes at 13
First Crush: Johnathon Deerdorf
First CD: No Doubt, Tragic Kingdom
First Car: BURT!
First love: Johnathon Deerdorf
First stuffed animal: no idea. Mom would be better qualified to answer that one.

9 Lasts:
Last Song listened to: something Ludo
Last drink: my water. Hooray!
Last Car Ride: Beth gave me a ride home last night from work.
Last Kiss: I don't even want to talk about it...too embarassing.
Last Movie Seen: currently watching Silence of the Lambs
Last Phone Call: Kathy N.
Last CD Played: Matt's Thai and oreo pie mix
Last bubble bath: More than likely when Grandma Spengler made one for me...
Last time you cried: When I was watching Friends this week!

8 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends?: no
Have You Ever Been Arrested?: no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped?: yes XD
Have You Ever Been on TV?: Thanks to Noonan's True Value and News Channel 20. Hooray Christmas showings.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone of the Opposite Sex? Yeah, I hope so.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone and Then Regretted it?: most certainly.
Have You Ever had a Dream About Someone You Knew?: Yes. I had another one about Mike. That's not weird at all.
Have You Ever played in the middle of a hurricane?: erm, no.

7 career paths you’ve considered:
social science teacher
music teacher
army girl
freelance musician
cheerleader (don't ask)

6 Things You’ve Done Today:
slept very late
worked a lot
ate some old Papa John's
felt very sick to my stomach
opened my last secret santa present
watched Eis fall

5 favorite things in no order: (things, not people)
Papa John's garlic sauce
my orange squish pillow
random texts

4 People You Can Tell Anything to in NO order:

3 Choices:
White or black: black
Hot or Cold: cold
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

2 Things You Want to Do Before you die:
sky dive
have that handful of kids

1 thing you regret:
eating that pizza today

Thursday, December 08, 2005

"As the candy canes frollick on my toungue...?"

Yummy, candy canes. I am freaking bored OUT OF MY MIND!!

Nothing on TV, tired of working on homework, everyone here in the dorm is working on classwork or studying and me? I have nothing to do. And I think Lindsey borrowed my copy of Empire Records so I can't watch it. Le sigh.

And it's after midnight...can't sleep either--too early. Brownies? That sounds good, too. Peanut butter brownies. And more macaroni. This is how I gain weight. Jesus H.

Dude, I know what. I am going to eat some mac while watching a movie then start to read some Jane Austen. That will wear me out. ;)

Malz says she will have those pictures up from this weekend tomorrow or I get to slap her in the face. I told her she shouldn't say such things because I will hold her to it. Lololol. Not really. So I will have pictures of my friends for you tomorrow! So excited. There is a super cute one of my and my second lover, Lindsey. My first is Scott. Oh, Scotty, I need a picture with him, too.

At any rate, I am done blathering for now. G'night, folks.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink."

Not true! I actually got some sleep last night. It was very nice!!! I'm contemplating a nap here in a little bit, but I should finish working on my comm portfolio and look over the study guides for both comm and justice. Since I don't have plans for the next couple of days, I had was going to work on those three things. I have to write a three-page paper to finish my portfolio, but let's be honest here--I won't start that until tomorrow afternoon or night. That's just the way things go around here.

Last night I got off work early so I cam home, ate the rest of my sandwich from Chili's, and decided to make some mac 'n cheese and lure Lindsey down to watch some TV. It worked. Muahaha. :) She came down to eat some macaroni and we watched most of the tenth season of Friends. Jen down the hall has the entire DVD collection so we've been borrowing her discs when we get bored. I honestly haven't seen a lot of the episodes since like 2001, so I feel like I need to catch up to some extent. I think Jen's letting me borrow a couple of seasons over break since I will be here by myself for a while, which is a very generous offer.

Right now I am listening to The Be Good Tanyas. Eistir's influence. Mom, I think you would like them a lot--folk music. Kind of reminds me of Nickel Creek. I have a couple of their CDs on the computer now, so I can burn you one when I get home. I made this relaxing, fun mix of a bunch of crazy songs on iTunes. It always cracks me up when the Mountain Goat song comes on--the one Matt sent me. I guess he went to a concert with Mike and Matt thought I should hear a song. And of course, what mix would be complete without "Bitches Ain't Shit." Haha.

I finished my shopping with the minor exception of the Secret Santa Rachel pulled for me, or as Bekki and Wyatt now refer to him as "Creepy Uncle Paul." What do I get him? I was thinking Pease's or something...but that just doesn't seem like an Uncle Paul present. Plus Grandma tells me we are to encourage the reducing of his belly size. Oh, well. I will think of something, I always do. Speaking of Secret Santa, I got my presents from work, and so far, I have a little black planner and a bottle opener (beer, wine, and can). Someone knows we college kids like our alcohol.

Now it's off for my nap. Have a good one, lovelies.

In Scott's bed "studying" for chem. We were actually listening to the Temptations sing "Ain't No Mountain." He recorded me singing all over the room--it's a good thing that didn't go online. :) Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 05, 2005

"On Sunday morning without any warning..."

I am in a ska kind of mood. I bought some dirt cheap argile airwalks. Ah, they make me think of duck shoes. And I don't think anyone knows what I am talking about when I say that. *sigh*

This week is looking pretty free. I am almost disgusted with my lack of things to do. So I am thinking that maybe studying for finals would be the best plan of action. XD Not overly thrilled, but I am going to need all the help I can get. Want to know a secret? I bombed that last chem test--just saw my grade and thought I could cry. Yeah, I passed, but I was doing so well in there and that just dropped my grade like 3 points. Geeze, Louise. I better kick ass on these finals. *crosses fingers* I guess my final schedule is looking different than I thought it was going to be. I have justice 7:50a Monday, chem 3:10p Wednesday, comm 7:50a and math 8p Thursday. Sucks hxc style.

On a brighter note, I am going to the mall today to drop off my Secret Santa's present for the day and hopefully finish up my Christmas shopping. Tonight I want to go to church, but I am not going by myself, so I'm hoping Scott or Sarah will go with me.

That's how my day is looking folks, sorta boring but entertaining. PS I started wrapping Christmas presents today and I kick ass at it.

Oh, and the day of Christmas music went well. A lot of Lindsey and Mallory. Some of Scott. More of the boys that sit in front of us than normal. James, John, and our newly adopted schoir geek, Alex. Cute kid--senior. :) I bet he's glad he has befriended so many nutty freshmen. But hey, we're cool so it's all good. Mom brought Greg. I was slightly surprised but at the same time not so much. Hope you guys had a good time.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Did anyone mention it's now December? I guess I missed that with all the chesnuts roasting on an open fire, the rosy cheeks, and kids nestled in their beds. What am I talking about? How should I know? Freaking-A. It's 1:57 in the morning. All I know is I had a spectacular day today and now I am really tired, feel no motivation to put away the Christmas presents I bought or fold the clean clothes on my bed, nor do I wish to bother changing into PJs. Nope, throwing everything on the floor and crawling under the covers seems ideal right now. Oh, sleep. Glorious, glorious sleep.

Bill IMed me and we're having a...Bill-and-Sarah conversation. It has its moments. Sometimes it's a little awkward but I think it gets like that with everyone now and then. Nope, I guess he's over in California at the compay headquarters. Moved to Chicago and now he's in California. The boy just keeps moving up, and he's loving it. Good for Bill.

I hate the high school drama. Yeah, it has its place, but try to avoid putting it in my journal. Thanks, guys.

Rent is just as good the second time as it is the first time. Except I didn't cry as much this time. I want Mark, Collins, and Roger--in that order, only if Collins was straight. And if Collins and Roger didn't have AIDS. Yes, I would have Mark's babies any day, just so you know. The voice, the attitude, his glasses, and his emoness. Gotta love 'im.

I have a very random bottle of vegetable oil on my desk. I now have some green striped gloves and they make me think of Slytherin quidditch. And there's leftover Papa John's from last night and Chili's from tonight. Some drunk guys stood way too close to me at the ATM at the theater tonight. Weirdos.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"F*** off."

Haha. I thought this statement rather amusing. Maybe an inkling LoL style. But whomever wrote it should realize that if you want to be mean, you'll get a better kick if you put your name to it. See anyone can write profanity anonymously on someone's journal, but a real man or woman would write their name and be proud of the fact that he or she is angry and wants to use said profanity. Geeze, own up to it; otherwise, it looks kind of like cowardice.

I thought it was Matt at first, just being himself. It would have been funny either way. And if it's the person I think it is, I will just see here and be amused.

Anyway, I just got out of bed. Whoops. And Eis is still asleep, but what else is new? So apparently, my clock is an hour ahead, which is another big oops. Geeze, Louise. I have some major hunger issues going on, so I am thinking about getting some pants and going down to Southside. Even if I do need a shower really badly, that can wait. Mainly because I take half an hour in the shower then all the good food will be gone. So I am going to stop talking and go back to getting pants and food. Have a lovely day, kiddies.

Monday, November 28, 2005

"Wow, I've never felt this bad in my life. I'd kind of like to die now."

Sorry for the missed calls yesterday. I know I had four voicemails and a couple of missed texts. I turned my phone on silent for work yesterday and forgot to turn the volume back up. Oh, well.

Seriously, guys, I feel really disgusting right now. I skipped my justice class to take a shower and chill out (I didn't miss much--they talked about prostitution). We went to lunch at Southside afterwards. I noticed that I always without fail end up sitting next to Eric. Today he brought his laptop to go over a presentation he is giving Wednesday. Mallory are meeting for dinner at 5:30 because we have rehearsal tonight for choir 6-9ish. Blah. I am just kind of worried about going over all the math for the chem test tomorrow. It's a good thing almost all of my speech is done. I actually think that I will be going on Monday of next week, but I am sure we will find out on Wednesday.

It was gorgeous outside this morning. But not anymore. It looks like a storm is coming. I don't want it to rain. It's bad enough it is so cold but rain? It is not conducive to the college life--it makes walking across the quad much less pleasant. Especially if you don't have an umbrella.

And I just realized my umbrella and several CDs of mine, including Fall Out Boy, is still in Dallas' car. I haven't talked to that kid in...at least two weeks. Geeze, Louise.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

"Sarah Lewis rocks this studio!"

That I do. So work was completely kicking my ass until after my break. I came back from Pretzel Time slightly refreshed. You know, at like 2:45. Crazy. The last baby before my sitting I had done his three months, now five months. Caleb. This is the baby with the uncle who we thought was gay and gave me his phone number so we could "go get coffee or something." Talk about awkward. Except it really wasn't all that bad. Angela helped me get some smiles out of the kid so I could go eat my pretzel and drink my lemonade. Once getting back, my sittings went fairly quickly. They all turned out pretty nicely, and we were extremely busy. At one point, we had four families waiting because we were running slightly behind in a couple of the camera rooms. I directed traffic, answered questions, and played our PR until my room opened back up and I was ready to roll. Yep, so I took on a group of 13 because they had been sitting there for twenty minutes or so and they needed to get a move on. Keep in mind I was in the smallest room in the studio. It was tough but they turned out great and sold them about $300 worth of pictures. I just kicked ass. Oh, yeah, that was me. I was totally on a roll today. Even if I was tired and slightly grumpy, I did really well and have come to realize I do better in chaotic situations than our slow times. Kicked butt, people, no joke. And damn, was I proud of myself. All the girls were so proud, especially Pam. She was all about the "yay's" and the hugs.

On our way back to the dorm, Tarah stopped for some "cigs and pop" and we happened to get a flat tire. More like a popped tire--don't ask. We changed it successfully without much trouble, and twenty minutes or so later, which was excellent timing considering neither of us or Shawndra had changed a tire before, we started on our back. Apparently, Tarah had fallen on her ass when she walked into Quik 'n EZ, too. Poor Tarah. She was just a mess...but at least she was laughing it up. She kept saying, "Man, I just need a drink. All I wanted was my freaking cigarettes!" She thinks God is trying to tell her something. Gets a popped tire on the way to buy some cigs. Hmm...
this is an audio post - click to play

"Turkey turkey turkey!"

I hadn't planned on getting on the internet tonight but then Matt text'd me to check out something. I think it was worth it. It made me smile. :) That and I checked everything, mail and journals and all. *shrug* A lot of junk I didn't really need to look through tonight.

Lots of updates from Jessie, which I guess is good. And I have been home. w00t. Whose tat is that? Looks kind of...angry? Lol. Mom even updated, and Iam not sure but I think a sexual reference lay therein, which needless to say, kind of grossed me out. Oh, well. You can't just put "little guy" in quotations unless your readers know what you're talking about; otherwise, our minds wander to the gutter.

Anyway, break was fantastic. The only people out of my close friends from high school I didn't get to see would include Corrie, Mia, and Wheaton. I kid you not, I think I saw just about everyone else. I must say I am rather impressed with my skills. I even made it to the school to check up with some teachers and see my geeks. Jarvis, Welch, Jones, and Kimball. Mr. Kimball reminds me of Dilbert, which then reminds me of Wyatt which then reminds me of Algebra 2. At any rate, it was a lot of fun, and I didn't have to come back until this morning. Again, I had to take the 6:33 back because the 10:29 was running three hours behind. I slept most of the day then got ready for work. The room is a complete disaster zone right now because I threw my things on Eistir's side and didn't really care how precariously placed my clean and neatly-folded clothes were placed. I would write about my events of the week, but what is the point? I had a great time and saw many people, not to mention used over half a tank of gas.

I am not ready to go back to school. I don't necessarily want to. I don't mind the work so much, it keeps me extremely busy and in good humor. But school? I just wish the semester was over so I could go sleep in Rachel's bed like I did this week and play with the multiple puppies all day. I really needed that break. I am so happy another one is coming soon!

Monday, November 21, 2005

"You scored as...PUNK."

Three of those ridiculous online quizzes told me I scored as "punk." I think I've always wanted to be a punk deep-down. I think I could pull it off, too. But at the same time I want people to see me a certain way. Like getting a tattoo or more piercings...why should I when it could affect people hiring me or people's perception of me being responsible and trustworthy? As unfortunate as it is, most people don't like the tattoos or the multi-colored mohawk. Not saying that I don't because I most certainly do. And as much built-up anger I had at a certain point in my extremely short and unworthy life, I had at least the attitude of a punkass. Eistir told me I am just too nice to be punk. I am wholesome little Sarah Lou, friendly, outgoing, and always mindful of my surroundings. Even though I appreciate the fact so many people think me "nice," I am still slightly taken aback by people's perception of me. I am almost want to prove them wrong, but I know that really isn't me nor would it make people think better of me. I would just become the poser that tried to change because she didn't like being a good girl. How typical is that? And I hate posers, so here I stay, nice Sarah Mae, farm girl at heart, knowledgeable about music and certain genres of movies, and doesn't like change a whole lot.

Geeze, I sound like a blathering idiot. I'm sitting here drinking my Diet Dr. Pepper and contemplating on eating my leftover Chinese food from last night. Guess what? The scale in the bathroom says I have lost three more pounds since I was home around Halloween. Woohoo, three pounds. Better than nothing, right? You would never guess it by the large amount of Papa John's and China Star I put into my mouth. Meh.

What else is there to talk about? Not much. I am working on my foie gras ban speech. It's pretty grotesque if you ask me. People forcing ducks and geese to eat this corn-and-oil mixture that makes them gain weight like crazy, then they harvest their livers afterwards for foie gras. Damn, it is such brutal treatment...I hope I don't make anyone sick. *sigh* Oh, and I gave myself a huge blood blister yesterday when team shooting with Tarah. My pinky got stuck inbetween the camera and the bar that holds the camera up, which pinched it and made me want to cry but I managed not to. Just managed to get a rather large blood blister.

And now I am done with disgusting things.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

"She'd cry herself to sleep but she don't dare."

I'm on a Something Corporate kick. Don't ask me why...they're relaxing and still fun. If you would be my punk rock princess then I'll be your heroin.

Scott keeps telling me how fantastic when it is down, even when it is poofy. I am starting to believe him, heh. I have managed to control it, and since it's longer, it gets better and better.

When I look at my window, I see all of them closed with shut curtains. No one is here. I am the only girl on my floor. This is rather unfortunate. I managed to snag a few movies from Michele and Kristi's room so I will have something to watch besides what's on TV and what's in my small collection. And I have nail polish from Lindsey to mix it up a little. I have a paper flower Scott made and signed so I can think about him, lol. I have some money to order pizza, which will last three meals and some Chinese which will last two meals. Plus all my fruit and mac 'n cheese. I just wish I had some milk to make it slightly less cheesy. It's really cheesy if there is no milk...maybe I can buy some this week since I won't have time today and the bus doesn't run tomorrow. Monday?

I don't think I am going to get Tuesday off. Beth has to strike her play set that night. And I can't get a hold of Kristine. I think she is avoiding my calls, which is really sad because I covered a Sunday shift for her a while back and we didn't trade. Blah. I hope Angela can at least trade my night shift for that morning shift. I want to see the band concert. And that would give me an extra night at home. *pout* I don't know...all I want to do is go home. I am jealous of everyone else that gets to. I realize I was the one who took this job, but it was because I couldn't find a school job. And I really do get paid more this way. This makes me realize how badly I want a car. Even if only for work on Sundays and to come home more often. I realize it's cheaper to take the train but the train only goes home at certain times...I could spend more time there instead of at the train station or at least waiting for the train.

And now I am just babbling, for which I apologize. I am going to go eat some chili and relax with a movie before taking a shower and getting ready for work. Have a fantastic day, my journal.

PS Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was fantastic. I might be going to see it again!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

"Oh, geeze."

Rachel was here earlier.

I have nothing to do today because it's the end of the week, the start of fall break, so nothing is really assigned. I did my nails, took a shower, listened to music, and avoiding the TV. I was flipping through my random music list and a song came on that Ben burned onto a CD for me. And I started to think about him. I realized he's been gone for over a year now. A year this past Sunday. Who would have known that? It makes me sad and I want to cry but I don't want to cry, don't want to feel sad, don't want to be the me from last year. Does that make sense? I guess it doesn't have to.

To take my mind off things and to relax beyond my wildest dreams, I am listening to Something Corporate (thanks to Matt) and playing Mah Jong. *sigh* Have a good one, kiddies.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

"Mmm, baked potato."

I had such a fantastic lunch, especially after being so confused on that math quiz.

It's raining a lot. Somehow romantic, even though it's so agitating having to walk through it (mainly because I left my umbrella in Dallas' car along with my Fall Out Boy CD *gasp*).

I have to work 4-8, and I am trying to get someone to cover next Tuesday's shift so I can come home two days earlier than I had originally planned.

Today is Dad's 53rd birthday. Go him. He's old, like usual. And man, am I getting late on the birthday card thing. I still have Wy's and his birthday was in mid-September. *shrug* Whoops? Jessie, you should call him if you haven't already, lol. And now I sound like Grandma.

At any rate, I have to go do some homework and take a very brief nap before I get ready for work.

Monday, November 14, 2005

"No, but I am fluent in bullshit."

Hehe. Just heard it on the TV.

Matt, that's exactly why there is now an automatic thingy when putting entries. No more LoL entries. w00t.

I ate far too much Chinese food tonight. Far too much. Classes aren't that bad...took the chem quiz and got a 100% after much debate. And I am almost finished with artifact three for comm that's due Wednesday--and another math quiz tomorrow. I have a feeling it's not going to go over so well, but we'll see. I have to go study. Boo.

Something is up with Eistir. She's acting differently, and she says there is nothing wrong...it might not be wrong but something is up and she's not telling me. Oh, well...she'll tell me when she wants to.

Now I have to go. It's way too hot in this room, that's why I can never sleep.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

"Hey, chocachocachoc. Boom chocachocalot."

The weekend has flown, as it normally does. I swear each freaking week goes by at warp speed and then some. Even if I'm being an emo bitch and uber sad, it still passes like no other.

Friday I went to work and then went out with the girls afterwards. I didn't get back until maybe 1:00 or so, then we ended up eating some leftover Papa John's and chilling out in Michele and Kristi's room until the rest of the girls got back. It was excellent when Nicole came out of her room with only a sheet wrapped around her. Or when Stef's roommate Stacey came back absolutely trashed. She was rather entertaining. Oh, and we bumped into RA at Z's, eating some cheese fries. I gotta tell you I ate a massive amount of food, and boy, can I pack it away.

Saturday I woke up not feeling all that great. I think Dad called me and I talked to him for five minutes or something (or maybe that was Friday morning?). I crawled out of bed around 1:00 or so, ate some nasty food from Southside (only nasty because I was feeling sickly), went to Dallas' for a little bit and met Ted and Big Jake. The rest of my day was consumed by lounging in my bed and eating while watching TV.

Today Micah woke me up by calling on the landline, which is annoyingly loud. He was back here for the weekend, so he called to see if I wanted to go to church. And even though I had planned on skipping, I got myself ready in a record twenty-three minutes (shower and all) to go to Journey. We had a guest speaker from Louisville, and he was great. Pretty fiery. I booked it back to my dorm so I could change and grab Shelley. I ended up being a tad bit late for rehearsal, but it wasn't all that bad, so whatev. :) I putzed around and met some parents inbetween rehearsal and the concert. We stayed for the symphonic band, but it was edging on 4:30, so me, Mom, and Rach got out of there before we got to hear the orchestra. We came back to my treacherous room and Mom and Rach left to go to my first cousin twice-removed's wake. Grandma Spengler's cousin? Yeah.

The RA meeting was super long, lasted until 9:00, but it went really well. They split up our huge group into groups of ten and made us do group activities. It could have been a lot worse, I can say that much. The people in our group were really cool, so it was all good. And they had people evaluating us while all this was in progress. Not too bad at all.

I wish I had some Chinese. We got a new Chinese place that delivers so everyone ordered some. And if I hadn't eaten before the RA meeting, I sure as hell would order some. I did get some of Lindsey's eggroll, though. I have come to the conclusion that I can eat about half and eggroll before not liking it anymore. There is that one definitive bite that just makes my mouth go, "Stop eating this crap. No more, no more! Spit it out!!!" Maybe that is just a me-thing. Quite possibly. So I am thinking Tuesday after work I am definitely ordering Chinese. Oh, how I miss China River! *wails* It's okay, though...I am sure I will frequent there over the summer, especially since I haven't eaten any real Chinese since the end of senior year. Blah. 'Night, kids!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

*LoL face*

Since Scotty says, "JK," a lot, I've taken to using the LoL face and yelling, "LoL!!!" really loudly. His roommate finds this slightly annoying, I think, but laughs nonetheless because I am so unbelievably witty and charming. Er...right.

I have a little bit of time to kill until I meet Dills. Which means I should be technically meeting her right now but she has a tendency to show up three minutes late, so I will be leaving in about two minutes to meet her. *shrug* I decided I don't want to drink tonight. So instead I am going to Campus Crusades with Sarah. Should be fun, I have never been...gotta try everything once, right?

Something like that...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Put an X by the movies you've seen. More than 70 and you're a movie whore.

(x)Pirates of the Caribbean
( )Boondock Saints
( )The Mexican
(x)Fight Club
(x )Starsky and Hutch
(x )Neverending Story
(x)Blazing Saddles
(x )Garden State
(x)The Princess Bride
(x)Young Frankenstein
(x)Napoleon Dynamite
( )Saw
( )White noise
( )White Oleander
(x)Anger Management
(x)50 First Dates
(x)Jason X
(x)Scream 2
(x)Scream 3
(x)Scary Movie
(x)Scary Movie 2
(x)Scary Movie 3
(x)American Pie
(x)American Pie 2
(x)American Wedding
(x)Harry Potter
(x) Harry Potter 2
(x) Harry Potter 3
(x)Resident Evil I
(x)Resident Evil 2
(x)The Wedding Singer
( ) Little Black Book
(x)The Village
(x)Donnie Darko
(x)Lilo & Stitch
(x)Finding Nemo
(x)Finding Neverland
(x)13 Ghosts
(x)The Grinch
(x)Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( )White Chicks
(x)Butterfly Effect
( )Thirteen going on 30
( )I,Robot
( )Universal Soldier
(x)A Series Of Unfortunate Events
(x)Along Came A Spider
(x)Deep impact
(x)Never Been Kissed
(x)Meet The Parents
(x)Meet the Fockers
( )Eight Crazy Nights
(x)A Cinderella Story
(x)The Terminal
(x)The Lizzie McGuire Movie
(x)Passport to Paris
(x)Dumb & Dumber
(x)Dumb & Dumberer
(x)Final Destination
(x)Final Destination 2
( )Halloween
(x)The Ring
( )The Ring 2
(x)Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
(x)Practical Magic
(x)Ghost Ship
(x)From Hell
(x)Secret Window
(x)I Am Sam
(x)The Whole Nine Yards
(x)The Whole Ten Yards
( )The Day After Tomorrow
(x)Child's Play
(x)Bride of Chucky
(x)Ten Things I Hate About You
( )Just Married
( )Gothika
(x)Nightmare on Elm Street
(x)Sixteen Candles
( )Bad Boys
( )Bad Boys 2
( )Joy Ride
(x)Seven (SE7EN)
(x)Oceans Eleven
(x)Oceans Twelve
( )Lone Star
(x)Predator I
(x)Predator II
(x)Independence day
( )Cujo
( )A Bronx Tale
(x)Darkness Falls
( )Children of the Corn
( )My boss' daughter
(x)Maid in Manhattan
( )Frailty
( )Best bet
(x)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(x)She's All That
( )Calendar Girls
( )Sideways
(x)Mars Attacks
(x)Event Horizon
(x)Ever after
(x)Forrest Gump
( )Big Trouble in Little China
(x)X-men 1
(x)X-men 2
( )Catch Me If You Can
(x)The Others
(x)Freaky Friday
(x)Reign of Fire
( )The Hot Chick
( )Swimfan
(x)Old School
(x)The Notebook
(x)Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
(x)Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(x)Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
(x)A Walk to Remember
( )Hitch
(x)The Fifth Element
( )Star Wars episode I The Phantom Menace
( )Star Wars episode II Attack of The Clones
( )Star Wars episode III Revenge of The Sith
( )Star Wars episode IV A New Hope
( )Star Wars episode V The Empire Strikes Back
( )Star Wars episode VI Return of The Jedi
(x)Troop Beverly Hills
( )Swimming with Sharks
(x)Air Force One
(x)For Richer or Poorer
( )Trainspotting
( )People under the stairs
( )Blue Velvet
(x)Sound of music
(x)Parent Trap
( )The Burbs
(x)The Terminator
(x)Empire Records
(x)SLC Punk
(x)Meet Joe Black
( )Wild girls
(x)A Clockwork Orange
(x)The Order
(x)Spiderman 2
( )Mean Girls
(x)Shrek 2
(x)The Incredibles
(x)The Fast & The Furious
( )2 Fast 2 Furious
(x)Sky Captain Of The World Of Tomorrow
( )Closer
( )Saved
( )Bowling For Columbine
( )Fahrenheit 9/11
(x)The Sixth Sense
( )Artificial intelligence (AI)
(x)Love actually
( )Shutter
(x)Ella Enchanted
(x)Princess diaries 1
(x)Princess diaries 2
( )Constantine
( )Million Dollar Baby
( )Malibu's Most wanted
(x)Big Daddy
(x)Black Sheep
(x)The Breakfast Club
(x)West side story
(x)A Christmas Story
(x)Pulp Fiction
( )Sleepover
(x)The Evil Dead
( )Killer Klowns From Outer Space
(x)The Seed of chucky
(x)Vanilla Sky
(x)Nightmare Before Christmas
(x)Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
(x)Interview With The Vampire
(x)The Crow
(x)Purple Rain
( )Reservoir Dogs
(x)Wayne's World
(x)Wayne's World 2
( )21 Grams
(x)Edward Scissorhands
( )Clerks
(x)Beauty and the Beast
( )Guess who
(x)Monster in-law
( )Elf
( )Stuart little
( )Stuart little 2
(x)Mall Rats
(x)Chasing Amy
(x)Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
(x)The Last Samurai
(x)The Amityville Horror
(x)The Aviator
(x)Romeo and Juliet
( )Beauty Shop
(x)Legally blonde
(x)Legally blonde 2
(x)The forgotten
( )Confessions of a teenage drama queen
(x)The grudge

Um, stole this from Corrie's blurty. So...my math might be off, but I counted 165. Corrie, you said you got 73? Haha. I am such a movie whore! And the only reason any of you saw Empire Records was because I love that freaking thing. Niki got me to love SLC Punk, though--I'll give credit where credit is due.

And as for an actual update...let me see. Nothing too exciting going on. Band is almost over for the semester. Our last rehearsal is next Wednesday which is Joe and Jim evaluation time since the concert in on Sunday.

Dane Cook last night was absolutely freaking fantastic. Oh, my wowza. A lot of explicitly sexual content, but what did you expect? Especially when he through a "and the pickles" in that creepy, creepy voice of his...I almost peed my pants laughing so hard. I thought of my Nikker Bockers. I almost called to leave a voicemail with some of his stuff, you know, to let you hear some of it, but the security was really tight and people were getting the phones yanked if they got them out. But yeah. Saw this guy there that I see around constantly. I think he lives up on seven, he sure does hang out with that crowd often enough. I bump into him maybe three times a day and he is the dorkiest kid ever. He sings along with his headphones when he's getting salad at Southside; he seriously walked around the quad the other day with just his guitar and played; and he bet me he could beat me to race to the end of the sidewalk yesterday. He freaking cracks me up. And now I have his phone number. :)

Dallas' friend, Big Jake, is coming up on Friday and I guess we're supposed to go do something. Oh, yes, I am excited. :/

Next Friday is the start of fall break. It's too bad I won't be able to enjoy it at home.

Monday, November 07, 2005

tie. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 06, 2005

"Hi, Mike Wille!"

That kid cracks me up. I walked back with him, Amy, and Scott from the concert.

Today I woke up earlier than I wanted, ate, got into Tarah's car for the ride to work. I made an excellent sale, too! w00t. Dill picked me up from work to drop me off campus because she is a lifesaver like that. I made my way over to the CPA with Lindsey and Matt, where we practiced for about an hour. I bought the tickets, booked my way back to Atkin to change my clothes, and then ran all the way back to the CPA. It turned out okay. The concert went really well. :) I got to see Dad, Patty, and Rachel, and they brought me some clothes. Dad and Patty aren't coming to the band concert because they're going up to Chicago for church. They had leave almost immediately because Rach had to be at school for some key club stuff and I went to dinner with Mom, which was excellent. We talked about men, heh.

I miss her.

Now I am off to do some math and then I'll be going to my Scotty's to just hang out. I really did miss him this weekend, lol.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

PS I got a 90% on my chem test!

"Do you always have to look so freaking cute?"

I took a picture of this eleven-month-old boy named Cameron Lee who could have easily been mistaken for an eighteen-month-old. Big kid...he's going to be very tall when he gets older. And then an eleven-week-old girl came in and her parents had her in a chili pepper costume. Poor kid. Adorable but nonetheless very grumpy for being made to wear a really hot suit.

I hung out with Heather and Mallory tonight after work. We had a girls' night in...watched Sex in the City and ate Papa John's. That was after we stopped by my dorm and stopped to talk to Nicole. Elvis had called and left a voicemail to go drinking with some girls on our floor. Unfortunately, Jen, Michele, and Nicole are all using him for his age to buy booze, which I can understand, but why Elvis? Just make him leave the fourth floor whore alone! Please go away. Heather and Malz got to meet him and now people know my pain. They all know my pain. I hate being nice and feeling guilty about rejecting him. I can do it to Brian with no problem but I can't do it to a stranger? Not easily.

I got my work schedule. I want to cry when I look at it. I am really glad I got last weekend off. :/ I work every Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until Dec. 2, which is where the schedule ends. I have two days off Thanksgiving break--Wednesday and Thanksgiving. I hate that. Makes me wish I had a car for at least Sundays since the bus doesn't run.

And I am officially addicted to David Gray. Grawr.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

"Life is like a cafeteria."

Ah, Liv Tyler knows best. I've been watching movies ever since I got out of my chem lab. We were the second to last group out of there, which sucked but meh. I cried at the end of Hanging Up. I somehow know how Meg Ryan feels.

Someone is over here. He flipped through the channels and HBO had Pornucopia on. Huzzah. That didn't stay on very long, I guarantee it. Now we're listening to jazz and chilling out, talking. He made a restroom stop which will be like a five minute walk since he has to go over to Colby.

I looked through several people's pics on Facebook and most of our group from home has pics from my album and nowhere else or only a few from other places. I wish I had a camera to take pics of everyone here. I guess we're still working on that one.

Rosemary Clooney rocks my socks. And his, too, apparently. Now that he's back he is dancing all over the place...and he wants me to, too. ;) I guess I will go join. Good night, folks.

"That's it. I give up."

Yeah, so after my awkward thing with Jeff last night, I have decided it's a very good thing to be single. Now I just need to avoid Elvis all weekend.

I just did my registration for next semester.

  • History 101 9:00-9:50
  • English 101 10:00-10:50
  • Psy Statistical Reasoning 138 12:00-12:50
  • Geology 102 2:00-2:50
  • Psy Lab 3:00-3:50
  • Choir 4:00-5:15


  • Psychology 110 12:35-1:50


  • History 101 9:00-9:50
  • English 101 10:00-10:50
  • Psy Statistical Reasoning 138 12:00-1:50
  • Geology 102 2:00-2:50
  • Psy Lab 3:00-3:50
  • Choir 4:00-5:15
  • Band 7:00-9:50


  • Psychology 12:35-1:50
  • Geology Lab 4:00-5:50


  • History 101 9:00-9:50
  • English 101 10:00-10:50
  • Geology 102 2:00-2:50

Seventeen hours, baby. I have to go to my chem lab now. I'm all about my new schedule. It's mainly just Monday and Wednesday. w00t. Anyway, I have to go now, kiddies. I heart you.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

"Keep him, keep him!"

I've decided no.

My bruise is taking a nice green hue.

I have really bad cramps that should NOT be there at all.

Eistir and I talked about what happened this weekend...she is so different from me that almost any advice sounds alien.

Last night I went to choir, had dinner with Scott and studied chem. I went with Daryl and Jen to the study session and came back to Atkin with Elizabeth (flute player from U band). After having a rather serious conversation with Nathan Buckland, I coaxed Dills into coming to with me to Scott's. I have to say it was pretty uneventful--and I ordered pizza for Scotty. :) Apparently, I am affirmative. Sarah and I walked back to our corner where we stood for a hour or so in the freezing night air to talk about all kinds of micellaneous things. Elvis rode by on his bike, and by the time I made it into the lobby, he was waiting for me, ready to try to make me interested in him. Geeze. When he asks, I through Jeff out there and said honestly, "I don't know what the hell is going on." "Jeff? Really?" "Kinda." What an awkward conversation. Today I found him cornering some other poor girl. What a desperate kid to ask out every moving thing with a vagina and college books in hand.

I woke up early this morning to finish working on my group speech and went to the lab, which wasn't that bad. Except we had some miscommunication problems that will be fixed here shortly. I just ate some mashed potatoes, greenbean casserole, and green grapes big enough to cut off all your air in your esophagus.

  • chem test 2:00-2:50
  • LinC portfolio
  • study for justice test tomorrow
  • finish group speech part
  • work schedule
  • out with Eistir before 10:00


  • math 8:00-8:50
  • justice test 9:00-9:50
  • comm 10:00-10:50
  • lunch with comm gang
  • group speech!
  • choir 4:00-5:15 in Cook
  • dinner with Lindsey and 6/7 gang
  • band 7:00-9:30


  • math 8:00-8:50
  • group meeting 12:00 at Milner
  • chem 2:00-2:50
  • Eistir goes home. :/


  • math 8:00-8:50
  • justice 9:00-9:50
  • group speech 10:00-10:50
  • RA application due
  • work 4:00-8:00

I am trying to avoid the internet for the rest of the week because it is a weakness that needs to be toned down. And I have a lot to do. Nonetheless, I am still typing away...as we speak...

I need to go finish my cheat sheet for the chem test. Have a great day, kiddies.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

"Good luck, babe."

I'll need it.

I woke up yesterday morning after four hours of sleep and got ready to leave. Made it home and helped Mom with some random weiner roast things. Wy came by for a while while Rachel entertained Aunt Mae. I left to pick up Lindsey, which didn't work out, she didn't come. And I stopped by Shakey's to see Grandma and more of Dad's extended family. I showed up to the roast an hour late to find some annoying kids and some beloved ones. Overall, it went pretty well. Everyone had a good time, so woohoo! Bobby and Meg, Brandon and Niki, Wheaton, and me decided to rent a movie so we got Land of the Dead, which I had already seen. Jared appeared out of nowhere which made me a million times happier. The two couples left and I was left with Wheats and Jared in the living room, doled out some backrubs and "You know you love me's." They both want to come visit. Jake came over around 2:00 and we went upstairs to talk and eventually sleep after we chatted for a long-ass time. He left around 8:00 this morning and I got up to go to church. Rachel went with me, we ate at MCL with Dad and Patty, then we went back to the house to get the Audi. Saw Matt to say goodbye since we didn't have enough time to see a movie (I am so sorry, sweetheart. I really wanted to spend some time with you.). We headed over to Dad's to grab some stuff and see the new puppy. Cute. Mom's puppies were uber cute, too. Got on the train and came home.

Jake and I discussed last night how neither one of us feel at home when we do visit home. We belong up here now. I missed it. But I miss where I used to live, too.

Jesus H, I am so flipping confused. I hope to God I get to talk to him tonight...otherwise, I might pop from frustration.
I fell down the stairs and have a huge bruise. It hurts a lot. Just thought you would want to know.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

"Tomorrow would be better. I'll call you."

Okay, so I am pathetic. I completely agree with Eistir. I've been so bummed, you guys. It's not different than any other time.

Last night I drank quite a bit of merlot. I will admit to it. And Jeff and I talked. Obviously, I'm not the most pleased about it. But what are you going to do, right? Not much to be done. So I mope and move on. Or something like that.

Lindsey has this test tomorrow she didn't remember until today so she is taking a later train into Springfield. I'm getting on the 10:29. I am so excited! I can't wait to be home, people. It's going to be so fantastic to see everyone and just relax with some of my girls and boys. Wyatt said he wanted to pee his pants he is so excited. And I talked to Wheats, too. Matt came back so he could come and hang out at home...we're going to see Corpse Bride on Sunday with Lindsey. D-niggie is coming up late on Saturday (he supposed to call me tonight and he didn't?). I tried to coax Scotty into coming home with me but it didn't work.

Speaking of Scott, I realized I didn't have to work tonight so I called him to ask if we could mope around since I wasn't in the greatest of spirits. He was out of his room so I got to talk to his roommate, Dan, who is extremely cute in an emo-sorta way and really easy to talk to. Scott made the comment that Dan was talking to me more than him. And I wrote some notes to him on the board outside the door. Anyway, Scott took me out for Ben and Jerry's and we sat on one of the horseshoes to talk. He let me know some things that I had been wondering about for a while and we talked about Jeff and everything. I truly heart that kid. He's unbelievably fantastic. We went to the Acafellaz show and they were smashing. Geeze, Louise. I about had a heart attack when they started singing an arrangement of Eric Clapton. And the girls group prior to them sang a Beatles song. All I wanted to do was talk to Jeff, but by then, Jeff had told me he couldn't meet and wanted to tomorrow, to which I replied I was leaving in the morning and only wanted ten minutes of his time. Because that is so time-consuming. After Acafellaz, we made it to the opera. Wow, the Mozart was great, and the second piece was cah-razy. I didn't know what to expect and I was completely shocked. Oh, well, we had a really good time. We made it back to his dorm and finished Aladdin and ordered yummy Papa John's, which we ate joyfully. He was kind of mad I had hardly eaten anything at all today. Whatev. Talked to Scott's brother, Steve, for a while and he seems pretty nice--I told him I want to meet the entire family, which is completely true. It would be so much fun.

I got a backrub and sang to and danced around the room a little bit. We had so much fun, and I mean we really did. Our night in. S squared because Scott is a geek and I heart him dearly. I eventually made it back to Atkin, and when I realized Daryl and Eistir were not back yet, I went for a walk. I just wanted to be out in the cold air and think about nothing but the path in front of me. It worked for a while until I got back here.

And I love Matt. I miss him. I miss everyone. But at least he tells me how much he misses me, lol. Plus he tells me he hearts me back. And he listens. At least I know I am loved.

How come I realize I want to talk to someone when it's like 1:30-3:00 in the morning and it's not appropriate to call? I hate that. I will see you in the morning, Mommy...I have to be up in four and one-half hours. Go me. And wish me luck, kiddies.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

"Thinkin' about the times you drove in my car..."

So last night. Was. Great.

My day was spent being my dorky self and looking cute in a hat Kristen bought for me a while back. I went to all my classes and finished the night off with band. We got out a little after 9:00 because everyone wanted to leave to see the rest of the game. B and I walked back to the dorm followed by my bone buddy, Christine. I was walking up to the room when I bumped into Eis and she took one look at me and said, "He's on your bed." Of course, I was extremely smiley and walked into my room, trying to hide it. Liz (Jeff's friend), Elvis, Jeff, and Daryl were all watching the game when I came in and dropped off my stuff, trombone and jacket. I left the room because I didn't want to be so freaking obvious and headed upstairs to find Lindsey. I bumped into some of the girls and told me she had gone to Chatter's. I came back down to the room and checked up on all my email and things of that nature and decided to take the only seat remaining between Daryl and Jeff.

When they had won, we all went outside to join the mob of chaos. I promise I didn't violate any laws while out on the quad, which is more than I can say for half the campus. People were running into traffic and doing all kinds of crap that they shouldn't have. Our group got split up, but I managed to stick with Liz and Jeff. We all held hands to stick together and not lose one another. And Jeff didn't let go when Liz did. He held my hand all the way back to my dorm; they walked me back to make sure I didn't get molested or run over or something. We (me, Jeff, Liz, Daryl, and Eistir) all made it back to the dorm eventually and Liz and Jeff left for Watterson. Lindsey made her way to my room and we ordered some Papa John's with lots of extra garlic sauce. :) Lindsey knitted while everyone watched CMT and I dozed off. All I remember after that was Lindsey hugging me and passing out around 2:30 or so.

People keep calling us on the landline and it's really loud. That and Eis' alarm went off for class (which she didn't go to). Oh, and the final wake up call for me was her screaming, "NO!" really loudly. I got up and took a shower. Now I am just sitting here, typing away and thinking about my night. Tonight Eis, Daryl, Lindsey, and I are heading over to Jeff's to hang out and watch some movies or something. And I think I need to go get some lunch...I am starving. Anyway kids, I am going to work later today to get my work schedule. Love you, kiddies.

I told you not to wander 'round in the dark.
I told you 'bout the swans, that they live in the park.
Then I told you 'bout our kid, now he's married to Mabel.
Yes, I told you that the light goes up and down.
Don't you notice how the wheel goes 'round?
And you better pick yourself up from the ground
Before they bring the curtain down,
Yes, before they bring the curtain down.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"I'll call you later..."

Sorry, Meg. Everything is hectic around here on Wednesday, especially since the world series is going on. I'll give you a call after band gets out (maybe 9:30-ish). And now I am going to be happy, like Meg. :)

  • boy smell
  • blue eyes
  • wrinkly foreheads
  • puppies
  • hot chocolate
  • twizzlers
  • my bed
  • Beatles
  • our purple notebook
  • Sox win
  • minty breath
  • fantastic, comfortable snuggling
  • short updates
  • spoons on noses
  • random texts: You are my sunshine
  • thank you cards
  • Lindsey's jacket
  • buttons for my purse
  • my $4 hot topic cherry glasses
  • art
  • collages
  • little, giggling kids
  • hoodies
  • Wheats
  • Law & Order and Sex in the City
  • getting a phone number
  • making chicken noodle soup for Eistir
  • getting the random emails that make you smile
  • kilts
  • people from high school
  • dry erase boards
  • AIM
  • Korean flash about bunnies and kittahs
  • Scott hugs
  • sweet dreams
  • Eskimo kisses
  • constant supply of paper towels
  • weiner roasts
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show

You. You make me so happy.

Last night was fantastic. End of story.

Monday, October 24, 2005

"I smile just when I see I have an email from you."

This ain't a movie, naw
No fairy tale conclusion ya'll
It gets more confusing every day.
Sometimes it's heaven sent
Then we, head back to hell again
We kiss, then we make up all the way.

John Legend is fantastic.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"Drunk-dial much...?"

I think last night was one of the strangest I've had so far in Normal. It was weird...Katie felt a little strange. And oh, God, can she get to giggling. It was uncontrollable giggling. Elvis (yes, he was here) laughed at her laughing which made me laugh. I don't know how to handle my current situation. Some things are nice and some things are down right frightening. It's just an awkward situation all around. And Lindsey got sick, so that part sucked, and she would stop talking about Mike Wille which was freaking hilarious. I don't know...I hope tomorrow gets better.

Katie leaves about the same time I have to go to work. And Dallas will be getting home tomorrow afternoon. I have no money for the next two weeks so that sucks...I paid my bills which was important and now I am just kind of twiddling my fingers until I can be constructive. The girl just fell asleep while she was watching Pretty Lady. Me? I'm talking to Matt and working on homework. I heart you, get to feeling better, babe.

Off now. Hey, Bill. I'm sure you're very glad I called you last night. :)

Bill said this is an "adorable" picture of me. That's what he said last night, at least... Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 21, 2005

"Happy much??"

I attempted writing last night but it didn't work out very well. Yesterday was uber-busy. Or at least it felt like it. I didn't get up until eleven or so then ate then groomed then went to my chem after doing some homework. Scott was the only buddy to show up so we hung out at Bone for a little bit afterwards. It mainly consisted of him eating his PizzaHut and me watching Wayne's World 2 on VH1. They have a flatscreen in the lounge area between Burger King and Pizza Hut that I was unawares of. Oh, well. We split up so he could go do some homework and nap and I came back to my sickly Eistir and watched a little bit of TV while working on homework. Eventually, I made my way over to my chem lab. It took forever and my group was the last out the door because my partner screwed up the math on one of the questions, meh. As soon as I got out the door and safely outside into the rain, I made a dash for the :25 bus to the mall to pick up my paycheck. Congratulations, me, it was only one dollar higher than the last. Eistir called while I was out all worried because I am never gone that long on Thursdays and she did the "worried mom" thing. It was kind of cute. But when I got back, we headed to Chatter's and I got some 'Zello sticks (not that impressive), so next time I am trying Bosco sticks instead. Blahblahblah. The rest of the night was spent working on comm and justice while Eistir watched TV. That entire it was raining...I was wet from my 2:00 until 9:00. And I managed to talk to Patty, Mom, and Grandma. Lol, and Eistir kept saying, "It's Kevin," whenever someone called. That was mainly due to the fact that I talked to him Wednesday night for almost three hours. Crazy, eh?

Today I managed to go to my classes without much grumpiness. Kelly, Em, Fitts, and Eric went to Southside and I met them there after I dropped off my crap in my room. It wasn't too bad. You know, Southside. The place I eat daily. Went to Fitts' room to get her bio stuff and walked them to Bio before I had to go meet Dallas to get his car keys.

Tracy called me while I was eating to tell me I don't have to work tonight, which is extra nice. And if Katie and Jake weren't coming up this weekend, I totally would have gone home. I mean, I don't have to work tomorrow until 4:00 anyway, so that would have made a lot of sense. Now I get to do homework, finish cleaning the room, and do some laundry. And I'm contemplating whether or not I should clean the car or not. I'm thinking no right now because I am lazy and have a lot of work today. At least I can worry about my homework now and finish it before people get here the weekend officially begins. :)

Anyway, have an excellent weekend, kiddies, and hopefully I will talk to you later, journal.

Jessie--hope the shower is great. XD
Mom--thanks for calling me last night. I love getting calls from you.
Meg--gimme a ring when you're feeling better.

PS Scott is out of town for the third weekend in a row. A) I'm extremely jealous he gets to leave, B) I can't believe this is his third weekend he'll be gone, and B) I miss him uber amounts when he is gone. It makes me sad. :/ But hopefully, I'll get to see him before he leaves tonight at 5:00. Oh, Scotty, m'dear. Come back in one piece, darling.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

"We'll make sure to say goodbye before we go."

Man, sorry about last night, guys. I was a goner. GONE. Phew.

Eistir was so sick this morning. I don't know if that's from last night or from just being sick. Probably a combination of both. Funnily enough, she went to the doctor today and when he stuck the swab down her throat she puked all over him. Heh. I probably would have been mortified if I was her, but she's Eistir. What does it matter, eh? Not much apparently.

I find out my November-December schedule on Halloween. I am so glad I don't have to work that night, too. Shcore! I want to know my schedule for next weekend, too. I better have Saturday night off. I hope Dallas does, too. He really wants to come, you guys. :) We just have to see about work. Blahblahblahblah. Work, work, work. Did I mention I get Dallas' car for the weekend? Yes. So excited. I love driving that thing. Who wouldn't love driving a Camaro? ;) WOOFREAKINGHOO.

Have I told you guys recently how much I love my roommate? Well, I do. Very much.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"What is LinC?"

PS To Corrie

I'm sorry if I forgot to tell you what it was earlier. It's Learning in Communities class built for freshmen. The same kids are all in LinC, communications, and justice class. We're the guinea pigs this year, but it's basically to get us together so we can make friends and adjust better to our surroundings if we have some people we see on a daily basis.

Monday, October 17, 2005

What would make you happy? "Just Sarah."

Oh, my freaking gosh.

New Bette Midler CD out, produced my Barry Manilow...plus it's all Peggy Lee songs. Gimme me a phone so I can order me a copy. Haha, actually, I wouldn't mind at least listening to it.

Comm midterm. The studying would have gone better if this mob had been running through the streets and the quad screaming about the White Sox winning. Great. No joke. Emily counted nine squad cars following them. And some girls on Walker three flashed the mob and will be getting in big trouble for public nudity or something.

I hung out with Em and Eric a while after lunch. He went to bio and we watched the Maxim's Top 100 Sexiest Women. The Latino chick from Desperate Housewives got first place. Emily gave me her Red Lobster nametag to add to my bag and this large red lobster I have to figure out how to pin to my purse, plus Scott made me two buttons. One says, "I <3 Silly Sarah," and the other says, "My head is getting bigger." I gave him kisses on the cheek and loads of hugs in thanks. I was so thrilled. Remnant was great tonight like usual, and it seems about ten times better when Lindsey goes with us, too. Afterwards, we went to Chatter's and got some Ben & Jerry's and sat on the quad for a long while. Lindsey and I sang oldies the entire way back to the dorm and some guys sitting on the front porch between Dunn-Barton kind of laughed at us and sang along.

Once I got back, I started talking to Matt. He wasn't in a spectacular mood but I think I helped fix that. And he is so stinkin' sweet. Geeze, Louise, the things that come out of his mouth. <3

Now I am headed to bed. I don't have LinC anymore, so I won't be getting up until like 10:30. w00t--go me!!! Talk to you later, my devout journal you. I love you, my darling. Sleep well until I log on again.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

"Kinda like a butterface but not so obvious."

Matt made me look it up on the urban dictionary. Gah.

PS I just wanted to mention I took my earlier frustrations out on my eyebrows and they don't look like they used to. Not like sophomore and junior year but closer to senior year. For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, it does not matter in the slightest. Just thought about my randomness. Anyway...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

"Look at that! They're not even ashamed."

Says Dallas at SnS when some kids walk in with McFlurries. I miss hanging out with him more than he knows. And he was super giggley tonight, I think due to lack of sleep. He is working his tail off. 6:30-10:30 landscaping then class then Bath & Bodyworks. He can get me a discount, though. :) Score! And he can use mine, too, so it's all good. He IMed me and told me he had to take a break from this paper he's been working on all week that must be turned in Monday, so we went to SnS. Used some dollars he and Wy won in a basketball tournament last year and I managed to pull five bucks out of my butt (not really, that would be kind of gross and reminds me of the Christopher Walken character from Pulp Fiction). I had my first milkshake since Labor Day weekend when we went after the football game. It was not as good as Corrie's, I can tell you that. Nor did the onion rings.

Yesterday I went to work and we were book solid. I had absolutely no down time from 4:00 until 8:40. One sitting after another, blahblahblah. The last normal bus left at 8:45 so I wrote down my receipts, cleaned out a room, and shut down a computer in about four and a half minutes then booked it to the other side of the mall to make the bus, which I almost missed. Once I got home, I chatted for a bit then headed to bed...didn't wake up until about 1:30, started to get ready for work. I realized what time it was (2:20) and ran as fast as I could to make the bus and arrived a few minutes early. Work was slow so three of us got to watch Tarah and Debbie, a new trainee, work on a group portrait. I did one sitting, rang a couple of people up, then got to go home after I closed down a room.

I met someone interesting on the bus. He got on at Target and I saw him taking his hat off and yelling while gesturing in angry motions. I was kind of iffy when he chose to sit next me, but he started a random discussion about me working at Sear's (my noticeable shirt and name tag), which wasn't that bad. Bud (his name?) lives in Hamilton and is extremely good looking. His friend Brian had the biggest reddest beard I have ever seen. Anyway, I ended up walking back to the dorm with both of them. Bud managed to give me his number without my asking and told me we need to hang out this week. Okay, if I have time between work and class. I went up to my room, talked to Matt(s), and called Grandma to see what she was up to. God, if she wasn't excited to hear from me. We talked for forty-five minutes or so then that's when Dallas and I started talking. Once I headed out the door looking all cute because I haven't been out in a while, I escaped crazy Elvis by mere seconds. He didn't notice me leaving the lobby until I was out the door, and by then I could say I "didn't hear him." Plus he was having a conversation with two people about the game on so he couldn't get up to run after me. Does that make me a mean person? I just don't want to have to say "no." I feel like the only way I could get him to leave me alone would be to tell him off and be rude, and I don't want to be mean and he doesn't deserve that. Grawr.

Now I am back to talking to Matt(s). Go me.

Oh, Jessie finished working at DH, thinks she has a job in Columbia, and is moving. When? I don't know, sometime soon. I feel in the loop. I wish I could at least see her before she goes. I miss her just like I miss everyone else, and I feel like I kind of jipped myself out of getting to know her while she was in Springfield. Sorry, sis.

Friday, October 14, 2005

"But I really wanted to see you..."

A couple of people have called me today asking if I was coming home. The answer is unfortunately no. When I talked to Mom, I almost started to cry. I really wanted to see her and Rachel and Dad and everyone else. This is probably the last time we would all be home the same weekend before Thanksgiving.

Although this week had some greatness to it, I was stressed and overall feel that it could have been ten times better. I got very minimal sleep last night, I won't tell you how little, to work on my speech. Which I bombed miserably. And three people called me before 8:30 this morning. It's a good thing I was already awake, huh? Tracy called to ask if I could come in at 3:00 instead of 5:00 because we are just so busy tonight. That obviously meant I wouldn't be able to come home tonight. This woman named Tasha from workforstudents.com called to schedule my interview for next Tuesday, and she was waaay too perky. And then some random person called for Lindsey, that chick who obviously had my phone number before I did because so many people call asking for her.

I hope work goes well, and I am also hoping that Kristine doesn't ask me to work Sunday because I would like to go to church. At any rate, have fun at homecoming, kiddies. I want to see the pictures and hear about your night.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"That bitch!"

Some random girl just screamed that outside my window. And then a fire alarm went off somewhere very near. Random screaming, too--I think that people are starting to get into the Halloween swing. Niki signed off and on her Aquariusstarbabe and I heard Coldplay so I am listening to "Clocks." There is something so great, so exhilirating yet so calming about this song. I heart Coldplay. Did you know the lead singer is married to Gwenyth Paltrow? Well, now you do.

Now I am relaxing to this excellent song and starting to work on my speech while chatting on AIM. McKenzi Clausen added me to her Facebook buddies. Somehow that completely shocked me. I was on the phone with Dad when I was checking my email and I got one announcing her befriending. I turned my head to the side and said, "McKenzi!" Dad was quasi-confused, but that happens. Meh. I saw her over the summer a couple of times at the theater, but besides that, I really hadn't spoken to her since the beginning of freshman year. Very surprising. Oh, well. Who cares, right?

Work went surprisingly well, though I was bummed I couldn't better sales out of my two sittings. Between the two of them it was near $90. Not so hot compared to last week. Meh. Kristine wants me to work for her on Sunday if Tracey okays it so that gives me seven hours on Sunday including the meeting Sunday night, which is actually at Tracey's house. I have my schedule for the next couple of weeks.
  • Sat., Oct. 15 4:00-8:00
  • Sun., Oct. 16 6:30-9:00 meeting
  • Friday., Oct. 21 4:00-8:00 flex
  • Sun., Oct. 23 10:00-5:00
  • Tues., Oct. 25 4:00-8:00 flex
  • Fri., Oct. 28 4:00-8:00

I am now off to work on my speech. Oh, and "Pretty Penny" by Stone Temple Pilots is an excellent song as well. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I ripped this off Christine's lj. Ah, yes, I am so original.

The Devil Card
You are the Devil card. The Devil is based on the
figure Pan, Lord of the Dance. The earthy
physicality of the devil breeds lust. The
devil's call to return to primal instincts
often creates conflict in a society in which
many of these instincts must be kept under
control. Challenges posed by our physical
bodies can be overcome by strength in the
mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Pan is
also a symbol of enjoyment and rules our
material creativity. The devil knows physical
pleasure and how to manipulate the physical
world. Material creativity finds its output in
such things as dance, pottery, gardening, and
sex. The self-actualized person is able to
accept the sensuality and usefulness of the
devil's gifts while remaining in control of any
darker urges. Image from The Stone Tarot deck.

Which Tarot Card Are You?

"Hey, baby! We should go play pool this week! Gimme a call!"

Yeah, so I keep blowing off Eistir's stalker. I'm not sure where he is going with this pool thing? He seems genuinely nice but in that creepy older guy kind of way. Gah. Do you know what I am talking about? Of course you do, online journal, because you are the bestest.

I was talking to Mattie poo earlier about grapes. I horde them.

Anyway. Choir was a lot of fun. Lindsey makes it about ten times better. We're two of the tallest girls and we sit in front and everyone sees us goofing around, including Dr. F. But it's all good. :) I got busted in band for talking. I think we're the most talkative section in the band. And Joe read my shirt (I'm not wearing underwear) and burst out laughing while directing, had to cut off the band to catch his breath. He turned so red and said, "I just read your shirt," then continued on with the song. I thought he wouldn't look at me the rest of the night because he might start laughing, but he most definitely loosened up the rest of the rehearsal which was great. Rawr.

I am now addicted to Sex in the City. Why is Carrie Bradshaw so great? I don't know! One of the girls up on six has the complete collection and she told me we could have a marathon sometime. Shcore. <3

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"I'm so glad I came."

Last night was just...fantabulous. Lindsey had a lot of fun, and that makes me really happy. Plus I think she and I are going to get tight, and I love that because she is such a fun person to be around. And she's at least two inches taller than me. :)

This is more for my purpose than anyone else's. It'll just remind me of what I need to do...

  • Lab four quiz--ask about question three.
  • Go to my advisor's meeting today at 3:00.
  • Seriously work on my four year program.
  • Finish LinC portfolio.
  • WORK ON MY SPEECH! Quit procrastinating, Sarah.
  • Read out of Walker--read the online stuff for justice.
  • Start going over comm materials.
  • Go to math?
  • Deposit checks.
  • Quit stressing out.
  • Go to work and be as polite as possible...
  • Find out if I am coming home this weekend.
  • Do that public speaker artifact.
  • Go to bed fairly early.
  • Take some IB profeun.
  • Find some more cough syrup.
  • Oh, yeah, and calm down.

Gah. I need to go before I get wound up too much more. *shakes head in frustration*

Monday, October 10, 2005

"Take on me..."

I just got off the phone with Rachel. I called Mom to check in with her and she handed me over to Rachel. God, I miss her so much. And she is just about the coolest little sister there is. I love it when she tells me stuff. It means she can trust me, enough to where she knows I won't make fun of her and even if I do it's because she should be able to laugh it off too. She tells me about IMEA and boys and homecoming and car insurance. I love her more and more every time I talk to her. I hope she realizes that I am always here for her, I am NEVER too busy for my little sister. And if she really needed me at home, I would try my damndest to be there for her. And she is growing up. I leave and she becomes a socialite. She has finally come out of shell and is being her. I love her even more for that. Maybe I was hiding her or something. Who knows. Regardless, she is who she is and she is the coolest person alive, my little sister.

Enough about Rach. :)

My speech keeps getting pushed back. I was originally supposed to go on Friday then it got moved to this Wednesday, then I got this email from Mrs. Gibson saying it was going to be pushed back until Friday...and midterms got moved to Monday, which means I have an entire weekend to study for it (hooray!) but that means I have to be careful about what I do concerning homecoming. I'm sure it will all work out. It just makes me a little bit nervous. And what is with these papers Dr. Phyllis is making us do? We have to write about our careers. Our nonexistent future careers. And I have to print off the journal I didn't hand in last week because I was so sick. Oh, the one time I miss LinC is the one time they have fun. Apparently, the GSpot provided wooden replicas of penises and uber amounts of condoms and they had to put them on. A very "Never Been Kissed" moment. I wish I could have been there for that one. At any rate, I need to quit stalling and start on the paper. I have until 9:35 tomorrow. Gah.

But wait! Remnant tonight. Lindsey, the coolest choir buddy ever, is coming with me tonight, we're meeting Dills on the corner like old times, and off we go! It should be great tonight because Dills and Scott will both be there. And I am just so happy I get to go to church. It's one of my favorite places to be. I have about five minutes until Lindsey comes down here and then another five before we meet Sarah. Go us.

Man, can you tell my energy boosted about ten times in the past three minutes? Well, it did in case you didn't notice. I'm in such a good mood. Oh, my day? I made it in time for comm, which went well. A bunch of us went to Southside, like normal. Spent the day lazing and working a little on my speech. Went to choir, which was fun like always because I have Mal and Lindsey. I hung out on the sixth floor for a little while until 6:00, when a bunch of Linds' friends had dinner together. I am now accepted into their "gang." They're loud, obnoxious, intelligent, music geeks. I say I fit in nicely. Blahblahblah, I have to go, kiddies. Love you, babe.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

"I missed you."

I just went to a respect meeting up on six. I missed four's meeting a couple weeks back for work so I had to make it up. We made keychains. Geeze, I feel crafty.

Did I tell you I got my first paycheck? Yup. I was happy with it. Nothing like I made over the summer, but I am still glad. XD I am checking out my work schedule and I'm happy. I am almost positive I'll be able to make it to the football game unless I have to work open on Saturday. Even if I do have to work Saturday, I can make it as long as it's in the afternoon. Thursday and Friday I am on flex. And I still have yet to talk to Tracey about not working on Sundays. But she scares me so I keep pushing it off. I am lucky I could trade this Sunday with someone.

Talked to Eistir. She isn't coming home until Tuesday morning, which means she'll have been gone for six days. And she is going home this weekend. Gah. Boggles my mind how she can miss so much class and not feel guilty about it. At any rate, she'll be back in a couple of days. Until then, I have the room to myself. It's so weird.

Scott told me about his homecoming weekend and how it was odd going to the dance when all these tiny freshmen were running around. I know what he means...when I went to the football game labor day weekend, there were a bazillion little kids that I didn't know. Strange. But life goes on and I keep writing papers and walking across the quad to go to class. It's a good time, folks.

"What are you doing?!"

Um, what are you doing?

I am praying I get to go home next weekend. I am positive I won't make it Friday, but maybe Saturday?

Yesterday consisted of sleeping. I went to the football game when someone from work called me to tell me it was going to be slow at Sear's so I didn't need to come in. Met up with Mallory, Isabel, Katie, Kathy, and Jason, then Heather and her roommate Christie showed up while we were at the game so they sat with us. Surprisingly enough, we lost by three points in over time. That sucked. But I can honestly say I was cozy in my room long before the game ended. The game went on for almost four hours, I made it through halftime, but past that it was too cold. We had a lot of fun actually. Heather, Mal, and I made plans to have dinner at Watterson around six then go to the Normal Theater. When we got to the theater, it was twice as much as normal because they were showing independent horror films. We made it through half of them before we were a little too weirded out to stay any longer. Came back to the bungalow and watched Leaglly Blonde on TV before the girls left and I went to sleep.

Today I went to church and walked back with Patricia. Man, I was really glad that I went to church. I get so happy when I go! One of the girls said something to me about a particular person's behavior and it made me laugh. Yeah, he was being awkward. Yeah, he's usually awkward around me, but I thought that was normal. She said it isn't. If that's the case, it makes me happy. ;)

I am lazing around and doing not much of anything. I don't have any homework except my speech and I am working on it slowly. Bit by bit. Everything is going all right in general. Patty called me yesterday to check on me. Mom called me a couple of times this week to do this same. And she wrote to me in her blog. <3 That's great. I love my mom. She rocks hxc style.

I'm off to go do some more lazing around. Love you, little journal.