Monday, October 17, 2005

What would make you happy? "Just Sarah."

Oh, my freaking gosh.

New Bette Midler CD out, produced my Barry it's all Peggy Lee songs. Gimme me a phone so I can order me a copy. Haha, actually, I wouldn't mind at least listening to it.

Comm midterm. The studying would have gone better if this mob had been running through the streets and the quad screaming about the White Sox winning. Great. No joke. Emily counted nine squad cars following them. And some girls on Walker three flashed the mob and will be getting in big trouble for public nudity or something.

I hung out with Em and Eric a while after lunch. He went to bio and we watched the Maxim's Top 100 Sexiest Women. The Latino chick from Desperate Housewives got first place. Emily gave me her Red Lobster nametag to add to my bag and this large red lobster I have to figure out how to pin to my purse, plus Scott made me two buttons. One says, "I <3 Silly Sarah," and the other says, "My head is getting bigger." I gave him kisses on the cheek and loads of hugs in thanks. I was so thrilled. Remnant was great tonight like usual, and it seems about ten times better when Lindsey goes with us, too. Afterwards, we went to Chatter's and got some Ben & Jerry's and sat on the quad for a long while. Lindsey and I sang oldies the entire way back to the dorm and some guys sitting on the front porch between Dunn-Barton kind of laughed at us and sang along.

Once I got back, I started talking to Matt. He wasn't in a spectacular mood but I think I helped fix that. And he is so stinkin' sweet. Geeze, Louise, the things that come out of his mouth. <3

Now I am headed to bed. I don't have LinC anymore, so I won't be getting up until like 10:30. w00t--go me!!! Talk to you later, my devout journal you. I love you, my darling. Sleep well until I log on again.

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