Sunday, December 04, 2005


Did anyone mention it's now December? I guess I missed that with all the chesnuts roasting on an open fire, the rosy cheeks, and kids nestled in their beds. What am I talking about? How should I know? Freaking-A. It's 1:57 in the morning. All I know is I had a spectacular day today and now I am really tired, feel no motivation to put away the Christmas presents I bought or fold the clean clothes on my bed, nor do I wish to bother changing into PJs. Nope, throwing everything on the floor and crawling under the covers seems ideal right now. Oh, sleep. Glorious, glorious sleep.

Bill IMed me and we're having a...Bill-and-Sarah conversation. It has its moments. Sometimes it's a little awkward but I think it gets like that with everyone now and then. Nope, I guess he's over in California at the compay headquarters. Moved to Chicago and now he's in California. The boy just keeps moving up, and he's loving it. Good for Bill.

I hate the high school drama. Yeah, it has its place, but try to avoid putting it in my journal. Thanks, guys.

Rent is just as good the second time as it is the first time. Except I didn't cry as much this time. I want Mark, Collins, and Roger--in that order, only if Collins was straight. And if Collins and Roger didn't have AIDS. Yes, I would have Mark's babies any day, just so you know. The voice, the attitude, his glasses, and his emoness. Gotta love 'im.

I have a very random bottle of vegetable oil on my desk. I now have some green striped gloves and they make me think of Slytherin quidditch. And there's leftover Papa John's from last night and Chili's from tonight. Some drunk guys stood way too close to me at the ATM at the theater tonight. Weirdos.

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