Sunday, October 09, 2005

"I missed you."

I just went to a respect meeting up on six. I missed four's meeting a couple weeks back for work so I had to make it up. We made keychains. Geeze, I feel crafty.

Did I tell you I got my first paycheck? Yup. I was happy with it. Nothing like I made over the summer, but I am still glad. XD I am checking out my work schedule and I'm happy. I am almost positive I'll be able to make it to the football game unless I have to work open on Saturday. Even if I do have to work Saturday, I can make it as long as it's in the afternoon. Thursday and Friday I am on flex. And I still have yet to talk to Tracey about not working on Sundays. But she scares me so I keep pushing it off. I am lucky I could trade this Sunday with someone.

Talked to Eistir. She isn't coming home until Tuesday morning, which means she'll have been gone for six days. And she is going home this weekend. Gah. Boggles my mind how she can miss so much class and not feel guilty about it. At any rate, she'll be back in a couple of days. Until then, I have the room to myself. It's so weird.

Scott told me about his homecoming weekend and how it was odd going to the dance when all these tiny freshmen were running around. I know what he means...when I went to the football game labor day weekend, there were a bazillion little kids that I didn't know. Strange. But life goes on and I keep writing papers and walking across the quad to go to class. It's a good time, folks.

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