Sunday, October 30, 2005

"Good luck, babe."

I'll need it.

I woke up yesterday morning after four hours of sleep and got ready to leave. Made it home and helped Mom with some random weiner roast things. Wy came by for a while while Rachel entertained Aunt Mae. I left to pick up Lindsey, which didn't work out, she didn't come. And I stopped by Shakey's to see Grandma and more of Dad's extended family. I showed up to the roast an hour late to find some annoying kids and some beloved ones. Overall, it went pretty well. Everyone had a good time, so woohoo! Bobby and Meg, Brandon and Niki, Wheaton, and me decided to rent a movie so we got Land of the Dead, which I had already seen. Jared appeared out of nowhere which made me a million times happier. The two couples left and I was left with Wheats and Jared in the living room, doled out some backrubs and "You know you love me's." They both want to come visit. Jake came over around 2:00 and we went upstairs to talk and eventually sleep after we chatted for a long-ass time. He left around 8:00 this morning and I got up to go to church. Rachel went with me, we ate at MCL with Dad and Patty, then we went back to the house to get the Audi. Saw Matt to say goodbye since we didn't have enough time to see a movie (I am so sorry, sweetheart. I really wanted to spend some time with you.). We headed over to Dad's to grab some stuff and see the new puppy. Cute. Mom's puppies were uber cute, too. Got on the train and came home.

Jake and I discussed last night how neither one of us feel at home when we do visit home. We belong up here now. I missed it. But I miss where I used to live, too.

Jesus H, I am so flipping confused. I hope to God I get to talk to him tonight...otherwise, I might pop from frustration.

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