Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"Look what I got for Christmas..."

Dead silence except for my comment of "I think I'm going to pee my pants." Wow, my tact and wonderous grace astound me sometimes. Geeze. Sorry. It was more a reaction of shock than anything else. I thought I was supposed to be the first one married and pumping out babies. At this point, I would most certainly be content to be the last. Working with all those kids has made me learn a whole new kind of patience. And funny anecdote: Rachel's nose started running at church and she didn't have any kleenex so I leaned over and wiped her nose with my hand. Probably not too appetizing for my priceless readers, what can you do? *shrug*

So, yes and no, break has been eventful. I refuse to go through my daily ritual constantly--what's the point? Several of you have already heard or were there to witness it firsthand.

My snoring has become absolutely atrocious. What can I say? I have no only inherited Dad's height and non-graying hair but his sinus problems as well. *shrug* I kept Kristen and Corrie up at our little sleep-over Friday night here at Dad's (all of us agree we have not eaten this much junk in a LONG time) amd Jessie Christmas Eve after she got home super early in the morning. She actually moved to the couch downstairs to get some shut eye. I think Eistir's sleeping pills have masked me snoring problem since the time school began--either that or coming home really made it worse.

Christmas Eve and Day were massive family days, which I loved. I did get quite a few very excellent presents. Among my favorites Greg's purse, Patty's lotion, Jessie's purse, and Mom's luggage (I love luggage--I think my set is almost complete). Dad's family was over for a Patty-cooked meal on Sunday...Uncle Paul was the last to leave, as usual, and got Rachel the most horrific combo cell phone holder/wallet thing. God, it's ugly.

I got my bottom wisdom teeth pulled today. I couldn't feel my lower half of my face all day, which was especially fun when I was eating my soup and drinking, things just kept dribbling out of my mouth and onto my only Illinois shirt. Grandma took me, and after an hour of sleep at Scannura's office, we came back to the house and I have remained awake since then. I am impressed...I thought I would have slept all day. *shrug* I'm rotating my vicadin and prescription mortin, not to mention this very digusting mouthwash I have to use at least twice of day to keep my mouth relatively sanitary...I can't even brush my teeth until tomorrow afternoon. Ew. Right now I am waiting up until midnight to take another vicadin to knock me down for the count so I sleep all night. My lip is super swollen along with my stitched-up gums, and although gums don't necessarily hurt, I get a twing of pain whenever I put the slightest pressure on my jaw, like when Chewy bonked my face earlier with one of his paws on accident. Oh, well...I am hoping tomorrow will be as good as today and that I'll be able to have some Taco Bell by the weekend--that's the goal. ;)

Scott called me today and I was very glad he did. I think we're planning on meeting in Bloomington on Tuesday so he can move some of his stuff into my room before we have to move back in a couple of weeks. We'll get to spend the whole day together. Hooray!!! His bus leaves around 5:30 and that's about the time I will be hopping back on train towards Springfield, and if I buy my tickets in advance, it'll only be around $10 for the trip and I can get my paycheck while I am there so I will have some cash for the rest of the break. Go me. I invited Kristen to come if she wants, too, and as long as it is okay with Scott, she more than likely will. She called me tonight from Florida. She's not having any fun and so she calls me from her hotel room to tell me about the hot high school baseball players that seem to be floating around the hotel.

I keep spelling "Floriday instead of "Florida." And I gossip waay too much. But hey, I'm the one to always have the goods. ;) I think that about raps it up. I am going to secretly play Mah Jong and have another 7Up before taking my pill and heading to bed. You guys get a good night's rest and enjoy your day tomorrow...I know I will. Good evening, folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had much fun that night, though. :) Who's getting married?