Friday, October 21, 2005

"Happy much??"

I attempted writing last night but it didn't work out very well. Yesterday was uber-busy. Or at least it felt like it. I didn't get up until eleven or so then ate then groomed then went to my chem after doing some homework. Scott was the only buddy to show up so we hung out at Bone for a little bit afterwards. It mainly consisted of him eating his PizzaHut and me watching Wayne's World 2 on VH1. They have a flatscreen in the lounge area between Burger King and Pizza Hut that I was unawares of. Oh, well. We split up so he could go do some homework and nap and I came back to my sickly Eistir and watched a little bit of TV while working on homework. Eventually, I made my way over to my chem lab. It took forever and my group was the last out the door because my partner screwed up the math on one of the questions, meh. As soon as I got out the door and safely outside into the rain, I made a dash for the :25 bus to the mall to pick up my paycheck. Congratulations, me, it was only one dollar higher than the last. Eistir called while I was out all worried because I am never gone that long on Thursdays and she did the "worried mom" thing. It was kind of cute. But when I got back, we headed to Chatter's and I got some 'Zello sticks (not that impressive), so next time I am trying Bosco sticks instead. Blahblahblah. The rest of the night was spent working on comm and justice while Eistir watched TV. That entire it was raining...I was wet from my 2:00 until 9:00. And I managed to talk to Patty, Mom, and Grandma. Lol, and Eistir kept saying, "It's Kevin," whenever someone called. That was mainly due to the fact that I talked to him Wednesday night for almost three hours. Crazy, eh?

Today I managed to go to my classes without much grumpiness. Kelly, Em, Fitts, and Eric went to Southside and I met them there after I dropped off my crap in my room. It wasn't too bad. You know, Southside. The place I eat daily. Went to Fitts' room to get her bio stuff and walked them to Bio before I had to go meet Dallas to get his car keys.

Tracy called me while I was eating to tell me I don't have to work tonight, which is extra nice. And if Katie and Jake weren't coming up this weekend, I totally would have gone home. I mean, I don't have to work tomorrow until 4:00 anyway, so that would have made a lot of sense. Now I get to do homework, finish cleaning the room, and do some laundry. And I'm contemplating whether or not I should clean the car or not. I'm thinking no right now because I am lazy and have a lot of work today. At least I can worry about my homework now and finish it before people get here the weekend officially begins. :)

Anyway, have an excellent weekend, kiddies, and hopefully I will talk to you later, journal.

Jessie--hope the shower is great. XD
Mom--thanks for calling me last night. I love getting calls from you.
Meg--gimme a ring when you're feeling better.

PS Scott is out of town for the third weekend in a row. A) I'm extremely jealous he gets to leave, B) I can't believe this is his third weekend he'll be gone, and B) I miss him uber amounts when he is gone. It makes me sad. :/ But hopefully, I'll get to see him before he leaves tonight at 5:00. Oh, Scotty, m'dear. Come back in one piece, darling.

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