Friday, December 16, 2005

"Wow, that was extremely awkward."

Ah, poor Micah. Yesterday, Scott came by while I was half-napping and we had some lunch that we brought up to my room to watch TV. On the way out of the dining hall, Micah comes running out, yelling my name, which of course I didn't hear immediately because I am deaf. If he had done that towards the beginning of the semester, like he used to do so many times, I might swoon a little bit. But not then, right then I was thinking of food. He hugged Scott and gave me a little handshake. Always the awkward boy. He's 21 now, just think what he'll be like at 60. I bet he'll still be just as sweet and just as if not more awkward. :P He talked about finals and this and that...he's student teaching this next semester and then he graduates. He told me I will be sure to get an invitation and come to his little grad party afterwards. He's going to be at Morton over break and the next quarter then he's going to South Dakota to teach on an Indian Reservation. At any rate, as Micah walked away, he tried to hug me, which was very awkward but very tight then he told me he was going to miss me. When Scott and I got on the elevator, I let a sigh escape and Scott laughed at me. Oh, well.

"Come Rain or Come Shine" was just running through my playlist and I remembered I used to sing that to someone. Very annoyingly. I am pretty sure it was Jessie Kratz, but I couldn't tell you for sure. I am almost positive it was the choir gang...speaking of choir, I thought I should let you know that I had to rearrange my class schedule for next semester, and unfortunately, it excludes choir. The first time since...forever...that I haven't been in choir. I am going to go talk to Dr. Fredstrom about it once we get back from break to see if I can still attend class even if I'm not on the roster. It makes me extremely sad...

I stuck with band because it's Christine's last semester and they don't have very many trombones but in choir we have a bazillion altos. Plus band is only one rehearsal a week and blahblahblah. I can always sing, no matter what, but I will lose my chops completely if I stop playing. And I think this will give me a chance to check out the choral groups--maybe the a cappella group or something. They only have one good bass, I might be a good addition. ;)

Oh, I am completely finished with finals now. I am extremely delighted. Dad is coming to get me on Sunday. He wants to help move me out since Mom got to move me in. I'm debating on whether or not I am going home on Sunday because if I do, I'll have to come back Monday or Tuesday depending on the work schedule and I'd have to find someone to drive me to the train station during the day. I am going to check out my work schedule tonight to see what I need to packing and laundry and all kinds of random stuff. In fact, right now I am going to take a nap then wake up in an hour or so and do some packing and get ready for work.

All my close friends on campus have left which makes me sad, but I will get over it. I won't be the only person in the dorm all weekend, so that's not too bad. Anyway...g'day, folks.

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