Thursday, December 22, 2005

"Oh, my Sarah Lou, what do I do with you?"

I like it that Wyatt calls me Sarah Lou like it's his geeky way of identifying me--like he thought it up in the first place. Haha. He just drove me home from Bloomington. Hooray!!! He got me around 9-ish, we left, then Angela called from the Studio saying I'd left my phone so we had to get off the highway to go back and get it. While driving back south, I had an epiphany--SnS time!! We stopped for shakes and onion rings in Lincoln and I filled up his tiny tank in the Z (his pet name for the car). We made it back to New Berlin around 11:45...Dad was half passed out in the chair in the music room so I sent him to bed and here we are.

Work has been going great...yes, it's quasi-stressful but I went out on a good note so tis excellent. Tonight was uber-busy because people are picking up their last minute Christmas pictures and taking group photos. I even had several passports today...a six-month-old farted while I was trying to take his passport photo and it was the most sickening smell I have ever encountered. Yeah, that might seem kind of absurd to put in my journal, but you would understand why it was significant if you had witnessed the crime. Geeze. Angela and I were the old two photographers and Jen manned the front desk...tough work but always a lot of fun. Angela thinks Wyatt is a major cutie, heh. At any rate, Tracy told me to send her my spring semester schedule, which is fantastic because that means A) I am not just a seasonal photographer and B) I have a job for next semester. *happy dance* This leads to a transfer over the summer. I think I will still apply for a Dept. of Ag job, but this is a good fall back. I can always work at Sear's until summer ends and transfer back to Bloomington for Christmas season if need be. :)

I went on a date last night after was kind of a last-minute thing. He picked me up and I had absolutely no idea what we were going to do...he ordered Monical's in the car so by the time we got there it was all ready to go. We stuck it in my purse and went next door to see Rent. I don't think he knew I had seen it twice already, which is fine by me. Anyway, we chowed down on Monical's throughout the entire movie and afterwards we went over to Z's, across from Watterson, and got some dessert. By the time we got back to my dorm, it was nearing 1:00...I invited him up and we ended up watching As Good As It Gets on TBS until he fell asleep and I told him he could call me tomorrow (today), which he did around 9:00. "Get out of bed, go take a shower, I am taking you to breakfast." More like brunch, but whatev. Went to Denny's then I chilled out in my room until I had to go to work. Ironically enough his name is Greg. Greg is from southern Illinois, somewhere near Carbondale. He has an apartment in Bloomington with some of his buddies. He is a junior, almost 21, majoring in sociology. He did a good job on the date, I'll give him that. He picked out a Sarah-type movie without knowing much about me at all and he picked up some of the best pizza in town. Good job. He's going home on Friday and will be driving through Springfield so he's supposed to give me a call. We'll see.

At any rate, it is late and I think I'm going to go snuggle on the couch with Chewie until I decide it's time to get into bed. I'm so glad that I am home now...and for a very long time, too!! Lots of me-and-Rachel time...and of course girl time with all the Lunch Buddies and the such. I probably won't write in this again until next year so merry Christmas and a happy new year! w00t. ;)

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