Monday, October 10, 2005

"Take on me..."

I just got off the phone with Rachel. I called Mom to check in with her and she handed me over to Rachel. God, I miss her so much. And she is just about the coolest little sister there is. I love it when she tells me stuff. It means she can trust me, enough to where she knows I won't make fun of her and even if I do it's because she should be able to laugh it off too. She tells me about IMEA and boys and homecoming and car insurance. I love her more and more every time I talk to her. I hope she realizes that I am always here for her, I am NEVER too busy for my little sister. And if she really needed me at home, I would try my damndest to be there for her. And she is growing up. I leave and she becomes a socialite. She has finally come out of shell and is being her. I love her even more for that. Maybe I was hiding her or something. Who knows. Regardless, she is who she is and she is the coolest person alive, my little sister.

Enough about Rach. :)

My speech keeps getting pushed back. I was originally supposed to go on Friday then it got moved to this Wednesday, then I got this email from Mrs. Gibson saying it was going to be pushed back until Friday...and midterms got moved to Monday, which means I have an entire weekend to study for it (hooray!) but that means I have to be careful about what I do concerning homecoming. I'm sure it will all work out. It just makes me a little bit nervous. And what is with these papers Dr. Phyllis is making us do? We have to write about our careers. Our nonexistent future careers. And I have to print off the journal I didn't hand in last week because I was so sick. Oh, the one time I miss LinC is the one time they have fun. Apparently, the GSpot provided wooden replicas of penises and uber amounts of condoms and they had to put them on. A very "Never Been Kissed" moment. I wish I could have been there for that one. At any rate, I need to quit stalling and start on the paper. I have until 9:35 tomorrow. Gah.

But wait! Remnant tonight. Lindsey, the coolest choir buddy ever, is coming with me tonight, we're meeting Dills on the corner like old times, and off we go! It should be great tonight because Dills and Scott will both be there. And I am just so happy I get to go to church. It's one of my favorite places to be. I have about five minutes until Lindsey comes down here and then another five before we meet Sarah. Go us.

Man, can you tell my energy boosted about ten times in the past three minutes? Well, it did in case you didn't notice. I'm in such a good mood. Oh, my day? I made it in time for comm, which went well. A bunch of us went to Southside, like normal. Spent the day lazing and working a little on my speech. Went to choir, which was fun like always because I have Mal and Lindsey. I hung out on the sixth floor for a little while until 6:00, when a bunch of Linds' friends had dinner together. I am now accepted into their "gang." They're loud, obnoxious, intelligent, music geeks. I say I fit in nicely. Blahblahblah, I have to go, kiddies. Love you, babe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly question, but what is LinC?