Thursday, December 08, 2005

"As the candy canes frollick on my toungue...?"

Yummy, candy canes. I am freaking bored OUT OF MY MIND!!

Nothing on TV, tired of working on homework, everyone here in the dorm is working on classwork or studying and me? I have nothing to do. And I think Lindsey borrowed my copy of Empire Records so I can't watch it. Le sigh.

And it's after midnight...can't sleep either--too early. Brownies? That sounds good, too. Peanut butter brownies. And more macaroni. This is how I gain weight. Jesus H.

Dude, I know what. I am going to eat some mac while watching a movie then start to read some Jane Austen. That will wear me out. ;)

Malz says she will have those pictures up from this weekend tomorrow or I get to slap her in the face. I told her she shouldn't say such things because I will hold her to it. Lololol. Not really. So I will have pictures of my friends for you tomorrow! So excited. There is a super cute one of my and my second lover, Lindsey. My first is Scott. Oh, Scotty, I need a picture with him, too.

At any rate, I am done blathering for now. G'night, folks.

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