Wednesday, October 26, 2005

"I'll call you later..."

Sorry, Meg. Everything is hectic around here on Wednesday, especially since the world series is going on. I'll give you a call after band gets out (maybe 9:30-ish). And now I am going to be happy, like Meg. :)

  • boy smell
  • blue eyes
  • wrinkly foreheads
  • puppies
  • hot chocolate
  • twizzlers
  • my bed
  • Beatles
  • our purple notebook
  • Sox win
  • minty breath
  • fantastic, comfortable snuggling
  • short updates
  • spoons on noses
  • random texts: You are my sunshine
  • thank you cards
  • Lindsey's jacket
  • buttons for my purse
  • my $4 hot topic cherry glasses
  • art
  • collages
  • little, giggling kids
  • hoodies
  • Wheats
  • Law & Order and Sex in the City
  • getting a phone number
  • making chicken noodle soup for Eistir
  • getting the random emails that make you smile
  • kilts
  • people from high school
  • dry erase boards
  • AIM
  • Korean flash about bunnies and kittahs
  • Scott hugs
  • sweet dreams
  • Eskimo kisses
  • constant supply of paper towels
  • weiner roasts
  • Rocky Horror Picture Show

You. You make me so happy.

Last night was fantastic. End of story.

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