Sunday, December 18, 2005

"Miss Sarah! Miss Sarah! Are you all right? Don't cry!"

I love some of the little kids that run through that studio. Today I not only ripped my only pair of jeans in both knees but I got a blood blister from pinching my finger inbetween the camera and the stand then I almost tipped over the camera stand which is really freaking hard to do, not to mention extremely heavy. And to top it off, I kept tripping on the muslin and made a hole in my shoes larger than it already was. Fantastic, eh? But those boys...they saw me when that stand landed on me and gave me some hugs and, "Don't worry, Miss Sarah, it will get all better." It was so sweet it made me want to cry. Working around kids can be so fun sometimes...

We got our Christmas bonus. *air five* Not in money, no, portrait sheets, oh yes. Now I am thinking of how I want to use them or if I will at all. I think I'm going to have to consult Rachel on this one. We might have some fun with this. ;)

Here's the deal...I worked Tarah's very early, very long shift today. Had a couple of screamers, one of them has a red face to match his even redder hair. It was actually kind of amusing--I have never heard a kid with a set of lungs like that. *shrug* Had some very good sits today, and it's great to know how very shocked I am sometimes to find so many attractive families out there. I don't mean to sound odd, but this one family, the one with the boys that cared, was gorgeous. All three boys were very cute and had fantastic everything-smiles, attitudes, clothes, hair, dimples, blue eyes-all inherited from their both very attractive parents. My ramblings bother me sometimes. Anyway, I made it out of there by 5:00 even though I was supposed to leave by 4:00. Once I got back, I started to clean some more and take apart my stereo, move my fridge, some of the basics for bug spraying. Beth gave me a call around 9:00 to see if I wanted to do anything; by 9:30, she was cleaning my fridge of leftover Papa John's from last night and we decided to go see Narnia at 10:00 at Parkway (funny how there is one here, too). I just got back and so I thought I should update because tomorrow will be busy, busy and I am not sure if I am coming back Monday or Tuesday for work, it all depends on whether or not I have to work Tuesday night.

Dad says he is going to be here around 9:30, so I am getting up around 7:00 to shower and pull together everything else I will need to take with me. I am ready to go home, friends. It's about time.

I hope you had fun at Megan's'll have to give me all the details later and let me know if Jessie fell on her face or if someone pulled something out on the dance floor. Aunt Mae's birthday was today and I forgot to call her...whoops! I should try to remember doing that tomorrow (today really). And Kaylin turned five today (meaning Sunday). Oh, she's an old fart now.

Good night, folks...have a good one!!

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