Monday, December 05, 2005

"On Sunday morning without any warning..."

I am in a ska kind of mood. I bought some dirt cheap argile airwalks. Ah, they make me think of duck shoes. And I don't think anyone knows what I am talking about when I say that. *sigh*

This week is looking pretty free. I am almost disgusted with my lack of things to do. So I am thinking that maybe studying for finals would be the best plan of action. XD Not overly thrilled, but I am going to need all the help I can get. Want to know a secret? I bombed that last chem test--just saw my grade and thought I could cry. Yeah, I passed, but I was doing so well in there and that just dropped my grade like 3 points. Geeze, Louise. I better kick ass on these finals. *crosses fingers* I guess my final schedule is looking different than I thought it was going to be. I have justice 7:50a Monday, chem 3:10p Wednesday, comm 7:50a and math 8p Thursday. Sucks hxc style.

On a brighter note, I am going to the mall today to drop off my Secret Santa's present for the day and hopefully finish up my Christmas shopping. Tonight I want to go to church, but I am not going by myself, so I'm hoping Scott or Sarah will go with me.

That's how my day is looking folks, sorta boring but entertaining. PS I started wrapping Christmas presents today and I kick ass at it.

Oh, and the day of Christmas music went well. A lot of Lindsey and Mallory. Some of Scott. More of the boys that sit in front of us than normal. James, John, and our newly adopted schoir geek, Alex. Cute kid--senior. :) I bet he's glad he has befriended so many nutty freshmen. But hey, we're cool so it's all good. Mom brought Greg. I was slightly surprised but at the same time not so much. Hope you guys had a good time.

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