Sunday, November 27, 2005

"Turkey turkey turkey!"

I hadn't planned on getting on the internet tonight but then Matt text'd me to check out something. I think it was worth it. It made me smile. :) That and I checked everything, mail and journals and all. *shrug* A lot of junk I didn't really need to look through tonight.

Lots of updates from Jessie, which I guess is good. And I have been home. w00t. Whose tat is that? Looks kind of...angry? Lol. Mom even updated, and Iam not sure but I think a sexual reference lay therein, which needless to say, kind of grossed me out. Oh, well. You can't just put "little guy" in quotations unless your readers know what you're talking about; otherwise, our minds wander to the gutter.

Anyway, break was fantastic. The only people out of my close friends from high school I didn't get to see would include Corrie, Mia, and Wheaton. I kid you not, I think I saw just about everyone else. I must say I am rather impressed with my skills. I even made it to the school to check up with some teachers and see my geeks. Jarvis, Welch, Jones, and Kimball. Mr. Kimball reminds me of Dilbert, which then reminds me of Wyatt which then reminds me of Algebra 2. At any rate, it was a lot of fun, and I didn't have to come back until this morning. Again, I had to take the 6:33 back because the 10:29 was running three hours behind. I slept most of the day then got ready for work. The room is a complete disaster zone right now because I threw my things on Eistir's side and didn't really care how precariously placed my clean and neatly-folded clothes were placed. I would write about my events of the week, but what is the point? I had a great time and saw many people, not to mention used over half a tank of gas.

I am not ready to go back to school. I don't necessarily want to. I don't mind the work so much, it keeps me extremely busy and in good humor. But school? I just wish the semester was over so I could go sleep in Rachel's bed like I did this week and play with the multiple puppies all day. I really needed that break. I am so happy another one is coming soon!


JD said...

ANOTHER puppy?

JD said...

Oh, and I don't know who the tat belongs too, but Brian did it. I think its funny because some of my friends in Springfield are constantly arguing cubs or cards. Its a cubby bear strangling a cardinal.