Monday, November 14, 2005

"No, but I am fluent in bullshit."

Hehe. Just heard it on the TV.

Matt, that's exactly why there is now an automatic thingy when putting entries. No more LoL entries. w00t.

I ate far too much Chinese food tonight. Far too much. Classes aren't that bad...took the chem quiz and got a 100% after much debate. And I am almost finished with artifact three for comm that's due Wednesday--and another math quiz tomorrow. I have a feeling it's not going to go over so well, but we'll see. I have to go study. Boo.

Something is up with Eistir. She's acting differently, and she says there is nothing might not be wrong but something is up and she's not telling me. Oh, well...she'll tell me when she wants to.

Now I have to go. It's way too hot in this room, that's why I can never sleep.

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