Thursday, October 06, 2005

"I hope you feel better soon!"

About five people from class called me to see if I was okay and a few left me a message on facebook. I feel loved. I talked to Mom, Patty, Rachel, Dad, and Kaylin tonight, too. I attempted to go to my chem lab but after five minutes had to leave because I thought I was going to pass out.

Nothing really happened today besides me sleeping and watching TV on and off. I managed to eat a muffin this morning and had cottage cheese and mashed potatoes for dinner. They went down easy and that was all my throat cared about. Plus some powerade for some electrolites. I guess Eistir told the girls to look after me because they pop their heads in every once in a while to check on me, to make sure I am still alive.

I have ultimately decided that the Wedding Planner happens to be one of my favorite movies. I really don't like J.Lo a lot, but this movie is such a great chick flick. At any rate, I am now going to take my cough syrup, which knocks me out--that means some sleep. G'night, ladies and gents.

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