Monday, October 03, 2005

"We should get you drunk soon and often."

Thursday night was a lot of fun. Went shopping with Scott after we got his stitches taken out. We spent about two hours on the bus going to Wal-Mart, and when I got back, I went to have dinner with Micah and some of his friends. I felt bad for being about forty-five minutes late. Anyway, hung out with them for a little bit, went to Micah's room and met his adorable German roommate. I went downstairs with his roommate for a ciggy (I promise I didn't smoke one) and met this kid named Daniel (the Dan-meister) from Britain on the elevator. He decided we needed to watch a movie, so we ended up coming to my room to watch Little Monsters, which we did after helping out in the lounge. We made some halloween cards for the elderly, w00t. Dan and I watched Little Monsters. I fell asleep half-way through the movie and ended up kicking him off my bed because I sprawled out over the entire thing. Oh, and this kid Jeff from Colby 4 borrowed my cowboy hat and came back about 1:00 drunk, while Dan was still there. Lol, and he made me take his picture with him. It was amusing.

I worked both Friday night and Saturday morning. I actually got up at 6:30 so I could make the 7:25 bus to the mall in order to be there for opening. Friday night was reserved to work on my speech and did that happen? NO. Instead, Eistir got a stalker named Elvis. He's a little crazy. Cool, nice, but definitely told Eistir that he loved her after knowing her for ten hours or so. Cah-razy. It took her a whole forty-eight hours to get rid of him. Kristen came from UIUC, which was extremely exciting. The campus was pretty dead this weekend, except for the exceptional amount of UIUC kids. I'd be walking around with Kristen and we'd bump into some of my friends who more than likely had a UIUC friend with them. Meh. Everyone lives in the six-pack. Hah, I don't think Kristen would be able to handle that. Anyway, Kris thinks that Eistir is going to make me come out of my shell and therefore approves of the match. I saw a lot of Scott this weekend. I was okay with that. Kristen likes him, and everyone unanimously thinks he is gay and perhaps doesn't know it yet. The thing that topped it off was him saying, "That's a really cute belt, Kristen!" Whatev. My drama is over for the weekend, I hope.

I feel extremely ill. Extremely. I have a fever and am sweating profusely, not to mention my throat hurts like a mother. Eistir made me take some tylenol last night and I felt better, so I am contemplating it again. And shower because those usually help. We'll see. I have to study my little tush off tonight for the chem test. Gah!

But I got a plan (I got a plan)
To drink for forty days and forty nights
A sip for every second-hand tick
And every time you fed the line,
“you mean so much to me”
I'm without you

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