Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"Hey, Sarah. I really like your roommate."

I bumped into Elvis downstairs. He really is a nice guy, just extremely overwhelming. He told me to give him a call later so we can play pool to "take my mind off being sick." Uh huh. I'm thinking he is switching girls because Eistir doesn't like him. Geeze, I hope that isn't the case. The barbershop concert is tonight so I told him that I was unavailable.

Classes so far have been bleh. I am REALLY not feeling well right now. I took some mortin before I left this morning, around 8:30, yet I don't feel better. At least they turned the AC back on so the heat is bearable in my jeans. LinC was absolutely pointless. Incredibly pointless. A bunch of us headed over to Southside afterwards since we got out so early. Emily and I talked about math a little and decided that we are all going to become pirates. We even laid out a set of rules. No pillaging or raping. Just looting. And we'll start out on the Great Lakes because it's closest, then manage to get a boat out on the eastern shore from which we will advance to more tropical climates because, apparently, the climate down there is better for the wood. I do enjoy chatting with Emily, she's super amusing. From there, Eric, Emily, and I made a super-slow walk to Stevenson for our math labs. Along the way, we passed by the CPA and I saw Mrs. Jorgenson waving at me from inside, so I went in to give her a hug. I got to meet the new choir director for the high school and she seems very nice. I am going to try to have dinner with the girls later before the concert at 7:00.

Micah called as I started writing this to go have lunch, and even though I wasn't hungry, I went down there to hang out. It was slightly awkward because we have never really just sat down to talk but not awkward in a dehabilitating manner. It was a good conversation and he walked me back up to my room when we got done. He is such a freaking cute kid!! Anyway, I went downstairs in Hamilton to go to the computer lab and print off a periodic table for the chem test, which I need to start working on. The test is in less than forty-five minutes and I am only now starting to get nervous. That and I am really not feeling that well at the moment. I wish I didn't feel like crap. At any rate, I need to be going, so I will talk to you later, my lovely online journal. Kisses.

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