Wednesday, August 24, 2005

"Well, this is a box, not a bag, as any of you can see."

Okay, so I liked giving my extremely short informative speech in communications, told a little bit about myself. One guy was creative enough to bring a lightbulb. "I'm generally a shy guy, but when I get to know people, I lighten up." I thought it was funny.

I accidentally missed my math class...I need to email the professor and ask if there was any homework. It's just so embarassing. God. I don't want to be like that at all.

So when I came home last night I was just so happy. I had an excellent time with Scott and Sarah. Next time we're claiming a couch. We had to sit on the floor and I think all our butts went numb at some it was awkward because three of us were sitting in a space that should have been meant for two people, lol. The message was good and I had so much fun singing. I miss it so much.

It's so unbelievably cold in my room all the time. I'm really glad I found my "Not Guilty" hoodie. It's all warm and fuzzy. I definitely have to bring the rest of my hoodies back with me. Want to hear my list of things I need to do when I got home? Of course you do.
  • See Corrie and Mia before they leave and Matt if he get homes before I leave.
  • Deposit all four checks I will have waiting.
  • Pay the phone bill.
  • Get my coat from Burlington Coat Factory.
  • Do assignments due Monday.
  • Celebrate Corrie's birthday.
  • Buy a graphing calculator.
  • Buy printer and ink.
  • Grab my CDs, stereo, glasses, contacts, desk lamp, TV stand, trash can and bags, paper towels, napkins, school supplies, posters, pictures, dictionary, umbrella, flashlight, and bathrobe.
  • Bake Dallas cookies. My specialty, lol, and he demands we name them "Dallas cookies." Whatev.
  • Get the rest of my clothes.
  • Go to church.
  • Give Jessie Rae a hug.

Well, so maybe that isn't a heck of a lot. I can do that all the buying, bills, paychecks, and packing forgotten things on Friday since I am going to be back so early. I am really happy I get to go home early, you journal, you. Does that seem ridiculous? I miss everyone. But I am really start to enjoy myself here. And I know for a fact I will not be able to come home hardly at all until Christmas. That makes me extremely nervous and, in fact, makes me wish I had decided to just stick to a school job with quite a bit fewer hours. This way I'll have plenty of money, though, and I won't need two jobs this coming summer...I don't know how the job situation will work then but I have until April to start considering the situation seriously. I'm really going to need a car.

I have choir at 4:00 and band at 7:00. My first rehearsal!! How exciting, huh? Now I need to go do some homework. Love you, my darling notebook.

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