Saturday, August 20, 2005

"Like pouring rain..."

Eistir is talking to her mom this morning. She came in at 2:30 and accidentally woke me up then woke me up when she came in again at 7:30. When she went to take a shower, I fell back asleep and didn't get up until about 9:30, and believe you me, it was an extremely difficult task.

We were supposed to go to a "diversity" something-or-other meeting, but we decided not to attend. All the meetings I've been to so far have rather pointless. And I haven't gone to any of the recommended shit, meh. Oh, well.

I called Bekki last night to check up on the moving. It went well, I guess...Bekki gave me Cara's phone number to get a loft. we'll see what happens there. But they moved in okay, and hopefully, they'll get unpacked all right. I wish Dallas would call me so we can make plans for tonight. I want to get drunk, but we'll see how that one ends up.

[Edit--time 2:10pm]

I went to lunch at Watterson with Eistir and her friend Madeline. I took my shower, and soon I'll have to go to my tech start thingy. Eistir went to hers yesterday and told me it was completely pointless. I'll take her word for it but I'll have to find out for myself since it's required. Hooray.

I still cannot get a hold of Dallas. Jesus H. I'm bored anymore, but I want to know when we're fucking leaving. And I can tell you this much, I am not acting at all like I normally do. I'm surrounded by people I don't know and it's all a little frightening. At least the majority of my friends went to a school with another one of their friends, me I'm all by myself. I am coming to terms with it. A girl from preview is two doors down. And Jessica goes here, so I guess that is on some sort of comfort level. Eistir is extremely talkative and outgoing and makes friends in the lunch line, like today. Why am I not doing that? Somehow, I feel that there should only be allowed one person per room like that and since she's so good at it, I stand on the sidelines and watch. I'll give this to her, she definitely has people skills. She's going to hate Dallas, though. He's one of those semi-uninformed republicans, or maybe not, I could be wrong. I guess we'll see.

I am in such a down-type mood, I need to go for a walk or something. Bye.

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