Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"I'm charging my phone so I can talk to you."

Well, we were online, so I didn't see why it made sense to waste phone minutes while we were online. Hey, whatev.

I bought my music, and I have already sung two of the pieces, "The Awakening" and "Everlasting Melody." But I must say that I think I should practiced over the summer or something because I was screwing up left and right. I felt like one of those kids that sits in the back and sings along, mumbling, with the rest of the weak singers. I hate that. With my trombone, I would expect it. Singing? Hell no. I think the smoking has permanently damaged my voice, and I am not even joking. That just makes me so freaking angry. If I stay like this, there is no way I will have enough self-respect to continue into next semester. What bull.

I'm not sure how I feel about the director. Everyone loves and seems extremely nice. But reminds me a lot of Mrs. Jones. And not all of his smiles are completely sincere so that throws me off quite a bit. I'm sure I'll love him eventually, we'll just have to see what happens.

Alas, I think I am getting a cold or something. It feels like winter in our room which is all hunky dory when you've been outside and just walk in but it's freezing if you're in here for more than five minutes. I have stuff in the back of my throat that makes me cough a lot and I have a runny nose. I don't want to be sick my first week of school.

Dallas and I had dinner at Southside and walked it up to my room. The TV power button mysteriously does not work anymore so we have to wait for the remote when Eistir goes home. We sat around and talked for a while. And he left to go play tennis.

Last night I didn't really feeling up to doing anything so I just read. I'm becoming so boring. I talked to Alison and Kristen, and I told Kristen that I needed to click with someone. Anyone. Just so I have someone to pal around with on campus...or learn to feel okay with doing stuff by myself. But that's a problem because I have NEVER been a loner. I am the one who has endless amounts of friends to find something to do with. At least I did at home. And wow, did that sound like I have a big head or what. Believe me, you'll get over it. Alison wants to bring some U of I-ans from her study this summer to come visit me, and that just makes me a very happy camper. They were so nice!

Well, I think that's the news for today. Class in forty-five minutes. And chemistry later at 2:00. w00t. That should be a fun class because there were a lot of people from my preview group in it...and in my choir class too. *hug self to keep warm* Have a nice day.

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