Sunday, August 21, 2005

"Freeze, it's the cops, get on the fucking ground!"

This is after I had dozed for a minute or two when Eistir got home. I hop out of bed and we look out the window to see what's going on. In the end, there were three cop cars, four cops on bicycles and a couple of undercover cops that were running around trying to catch these two guys who had taken off. One got caught, one got away. Two girls were hugging each other on the ground, just sobbing. We couldn't hear anything even after we opened our windows. And ambulance showed up and the girls got into it. At first, before the ambulance, we thought it was a busted party, but after it had arrived, I thought maybe a date rape or something along those lines. I guess we'll find out at the floor meeting tonight.

I am supposed to help Dallas move in...I think I am going out for a walk in a while. Eistir woke up not too long ago to go have a smoke and head to Wal-Mart with some of her buddies.

Mia called about 1:00 and woke me up. I talked to her for a little bit then I talked to Dad and Patty about things. Apparently, I have a lot of mail floating aorund the house now. I have like three paychecks I need to deposit plus some money from the state. I am glad because I have like $40 left in my checking account. I need to pay my phone bill and all that jazz. I want to get the rest of my stuff! Geeze.

I'm going for my walk now...and I need to get some school supplies down at the alamo.

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