Friday, August 19, 2005

"That deserves a pound."

No, you can't. And it'll only be awkward if you make it that way.

I didn't tell you to cut off Megan because I want to replace it. Far from it. Why the hell would I want to do that? Never in my wildest dreams. I just gave you some advice I've given to more than one person in the past. I even did it. I cut off Brian completely. It was the only fucking way I could get over him. God, I mean, it still fucking hurts to talk about him, I don't even want to now, so I'll stop. No, I won't. I loved that kid with all my hurt. And I left him. I just left him behind with a fucking broken heart and ripped mine into a tiny million pieces along the way. People act okay to mask their fears and mistakes, I acted perky to try to forget what a horrible thing I had to do, give something up that I cared more about than anything else in the world. I just gave him up. Do you know how fucking hard that was? No, you don't. You don't. I did what was best for the both of us, I tried to forget and move on. Has it worked? Yeah, to a certain extent, but that hurt is always there, that pain I never seem to get rid of floating around in the back of my mind.

And, no, I wasn't that hurt when you told me no. I will get over it like everything else. Like everything else. And I do want to be friends, because regardless of what I have said or not said, a slight rejection is a slight thing to end a friendship over.

You emo kid. How was that for an update?

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