Monday, August 29, 2005

"She wanted it in the ass."

Some of the things that come out of Dallas' mouth scare me.

The drive down was quiet. Not necessarily. We sang along with some really awful music from the radio and drove with the windows down on the highway. It seemed long, but D-niggie had a lot further to go than me so I won't complain. Plus I don't think he likes driving by himself. At all. That's usually why I get drug along his little roamings through B-town.

I heart Harvest Bread Co.

Friday I went to Matt's, we ate at KFC. Stopped by Wyatt's to see the new place before seeing Brothers Grimm, which wasn't all that bad. Wheaton came over while we were there...and Steve came home. Wyatt called Matt while I was in the bathroom at showplace because I had left my phone. So we went back to the apartment to get it and Loopy was there, too. We waited until Bekki and Wyatt got back and headed over to Matt's where I got an extremely tasty smoothie. I was excited...and I drank it even though it looked like purple diarrhea. Yummy. :P I was proud of myself for being home slightly before midnight. Go me. I was so freaking huggy that night. Ironically enough, I don't think I hugged Mattie poo once. But I hugged Steve whom I have never hugged before besides the "grasping of his shoulders while sitting next to him in a Denny's booth." And Loopy is just a huge teddy bear, so are Wheatos and Wy. Whatev, muahaha.

Saturday, I woke up to Patty grabbing me as hard as she could at like 5:30 AM. Well, technically, it was a bear hug. But I was completely out of it so it seemed more like grabbing. I missed her. She missed me. She said she was really glad I was home. I concur. I missed everyone a lot, and it's only been a week and a half. Go me. I did my own thing the entire day...sat around, tried to do some homework and pack some, took a long-buttocks shower with no flipflops. Wheatos went to see Corrie! In Jacksonville!! She liked her present, hooray for us picking out a nice gift. Oh, yes, it was her eighteenth birthday--that's half the reason why I wanted to see her. The other half was that I figured I wouldn't see her for a long while. I miss her. Like I miss the rest of my girls. After I dropped Wheaton off at his dad's, I rented The Crow: Death Prayer, which was a waste of money. A dollar, maybe. But definitely not $2.75 for one night. Don't do it!

Yesterday I went to church with Dad, Patty, Rachel, and Kaylin. Oh, boy, I miss that little weiner so much. I almost cried when she had to leave. I love her. You should have seen the look on her face when she saw me on Saturday--I dropped by Bobby's to see her and she dropped everything she was carrying and charged at me then proceeded to throw her entire body at my legs and laughed and yelled, "It's SARAH! I missed you!" It makes me so happy to think she loves me back. God bless her. After church, we ended up going to Grandma's for lunch with Aunt Priscilla, Uncle Paul, and my cousin Kathy. It was fun, and I played with Kaylin the entire time the adults were at the table discussing something about the bank. Granted, I probably would have benefitted from the conversation, but I was having much more fun playing with the weiner. I finished packing and did a little bit more homework. Ate dinner with the 'rents, packed the PLEWIS Mobile to go to Mom's then headed over there. Dallas was much later than first expected but he called to keep me updated so it was all good. Mom and I got through the majority of Evelyn, which was great as far as I watched it, before D-niggie made it to Springfield.

It was late by the time we got back here. I am exhausted. I got maybe four and a half hours of sleep. The ride up was so much better than it was down because we gossiped and I told him all about Mia and how I met Wyatt and everything. Lol, he had assumed Wyatt and I had been lifelong pals or something. Not quite. "You were his friend...girl. You got used." It happens. I don't really care anymore, what's done is done, and we're still all buddy-buddy so what does it matter?

I just went to the bathroom and that's where almost everything is posted. We're getting floor tees. We had to vote on our first choice. They actually didn't look that bad, so I think it'll be okay, and they're cheap so we're all good. The homies are planning on making Fourth Floor Whore t-shirts. Yes. I'm excited about that. Heh.

All right, I am headed towards some homework and some napping, but I have to unpack first, which shall take forever. Later, folks. :)

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