Sunday, February 05, 2006


"Fredericks, you're a turd... a stinky f-fat turd, go sniff a jock strap, you poop head. You love patting boys' butts... butt... you butt-patter! You're a perv and a loser and a stinky t-turd!"

That is Bill from Freaks and Geeks. The marathon continues. We only have four episodes left, and that makes me so sad! Next we are tackling the first season of Grey's Anatomy--tonight's episode is looking very promising.

This whole weekend has been movie weekend. None of us have any money so we've just been rotating whose room we're in. Today I woke up early enough to go to church with Mallory, Ashley, and Jason (a guy they went to high school with in OSWEGO)...and I was a little late because I was talking to Scott in my room. He decided to come with. I miss something awful when I don't get to see him. Is that sad? We tried out the Methodist church behind the Bone. I didn't like how short it was--we had two worship songs and one during communion, and the message was a little over a half-hour. I don't feel like you can get a whole lot of just thirty minutes. Anyway, we hit up BK in the Bone around noon-ish. I've decided I have kind of melted into the OSWEGO group very nicely. They remind me of our group back home. And Jason liked Scott, which was great. Jason pulled me aside to tell me a secret, "Hey, Sarah, Scott likes you just in case you didn't know." Haha, Scott doesn't like me. He likes boys. I said, "No, I didn't," and kept walking.

We all split up to do our homework. I am having a rough time with this geology project. I am so frustrated with it I want to throw my laptop around. Grawr!!!!!!!!! Don't see that happening, though. So instead I have been doing math and reading...oh, and studying for my history test tomorrow. Tonight we're watching Grey's Anatomy after the super bowl then we'll probably watch an episode of F&G. Moe, Stephanie's boy, will be over later, so I get to meet him finally. That should be exciting.

Now I am babbling and need to get back to my homework. Adieu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been going to Mrs. Jones' church pretty regularly. I like it a lot. The service is about an hour long, and the pastor is really nice. Jones is trying to get me to join the choir (go figure), and I might actually at some point, but not right now...