Monday, February 20, 2006

"Just like a prayer, I'll take you there."

This song plays during the scene in Never Been Kissed where Billy throws that egg at Josie. It makes me sad every time I think about it.

I kid you not, almost all my friends have lots of things to do this week. The last couple of weeks for me has been hectic and now everyone is when I'm twiddling my thumbs. I have a quiz on Wednesday over some history reading and my second unit for English is due on Friday. Not a lot to do. I am already done with the reading for history, so I am bored out of my mind. Did I tell you I got an A on my first English unit? Well, I did in case I forgot to mention it. Pretty exciting. ;)

We're listening to Madonna (obviously), and now I am off to read some Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. Have a delightful day...

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