Monday, February 13, 2006

"If you plaigarize, you'll be lucky if you're flipping burgers!"

My English teacher is very passionate about plaigarism. Go her. Our second unit is due February 24. Definitely not as much time as we had for the first one, but that's okay. We're redoing our persuasive speech from comm, which is great because I got an A on that speech. Ban foie gras!

My weekend was flipping fantastic. I have so many pictures!! Check out facebook. I'm not going to put them in three spots this time, sorry.

Today I have a lot to do, surprisingly. I have my second preview guide interview at 3:00. It makes me a little nervous, but I know everything will go well. I am so glad I have been blessed with a good interview presence. ;) So after I have lunch with my new lunch buddies (we seriously have lunch together at least three times a week if not more), I have to take a shower and do my nails since the polish is chipping, then I have my geology class. My interview is right afterwards and then I have to do a lot of studying since I have a math test tomorrow, a history test Wednesday, and a psych test Thursday. Bleh. I don't think I'm going to church tonight either. Journey has gotten super intense--it's a little too much for me right now.

Anyway...I have to get going--I'm supposed to be listening to my English professor. She's talking about MLA...I've got it covered. See you later, chickadees.

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