Thursday, February 02, 2006

"It really sucks you can't come with us!!"

I am so unbelievably cranky right now. I almost want to throw some cookies around.

My day went really well actually. I am just sitting here, brooding about ym stupid psychology quiz online. I don't mean to sound like a snot, but I only got a 92% with the book in front of me. Grrr. I couldn't find some of the answers for the life of me, and that makes me quasi-pissed. On a brighter note, I got a 100% on my math quiz and 100% on this week's and last week's labs and quizzes. Next week I have a history test on Monday, geology project due Wednesday, and geology test on Friday. And unit 1 of my English section is due Friday, too. I am actually stressing a little bit--I normally don't do that too much.

My RA interview was at 10:30 this morning...I thought it went pretty damn well. I was confident, well-dressed, and professional. I looked cute, and I actually put make-up on. Surprise, surprise. :)

Stephanie and a bunch of the girls went out tonight. I decided to stay in and do some homework. I am so tired, too. Last night I didn't get in until after Steph had already gone to bed, so tonight I want to try to be in bed a little bit earlier. I fell asleep during the movie in psych, but I think everyone else did, too. I ran a few errands, one of them was to turn in my preview guide application--my interviews are on Feb. 9 and 13. S'all good.

Off to do some math--later, my chickadees.

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