Monday, February 06, 2006

"Howdy ho."

So I just called Rachel for the second time today--and I text her during one my classes. I'm so excited for her...happy birthday to my baby sister.

I took a nap after my geology class, and it was fantastic. I came back from class and Steph was trying to fall asleep, so I got into bed and read some Wicked (finished it, actually) then took a nap myself until she came back from 4:00-5:30 class. Nice, long nap. And now I am just trying to find something to do. In all honesty, I have plenty to English unit is due Friday, and I'm done with the paper part, I just need to print it out. That's just money I don't necessarily want to spend, so I'm going to coax Scott into letting me use his printer. Geology project due Wednesday. Geology test Friday. History test Monday, and math and psych test on Tuesday. Go me. I need to get everything done this weekend because I know it won't get done this weekend. And Thursday is my group interview for preview guide. Hooray, hoorah. I'm working on psych homework--an online quiz is due every Thursday. Might as well finish it now since it's one of the easier things to do.

Now I am babbling about homework--no fun, I tell you. Last night we only half-watched the super bowl and watched Grey's Anatomy afterwards! *bites nails* Good episode--to be continued next week!

I'm meeting Mal and Ashley (and possibly my lover) for dinner at 7:00 since we have church at 8:00. I haven't been there in a long time, so this will be a nice sort of reunion, I think. Hope it isn't as long as it normally is. Anyway, I will talk to you guys later.

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