Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Well, you look fetching today."

When I turned in my psych test today, my professor said that I looked fetching. I was slightly surprised. We do have a three hundred person lecture, and he said I looked fetching. Weirdo.

It's been extremely cloudy all day, just gorgeous. A perfect emo day. ;) I love this weather. It was so warm out earlier. And extremely windy...wasn't sure how much I was digging the wind. I thought I was going to fall over at one point it was blowing so hard. But I love the smell that signals the rain is coming. I sat outside for a little bit just because it was so absolutely stunning outside. Should have brought the camera so I could take pictures of the storm coming. The dark clouds have passed now, but it is still pouring outside.

I'm absolutely loving my hair, too. I'm thinking of investing in a straightener in the far distant future. Hair products is one of the things furthest from my mind right now.

Tonight we're going to the first party of the season. Everyone keeps telling me how Rugby house is the dirtiest but they always have free beer. Woohoo. I still don't like beer. It seems we women are encouraged to go, so I figured why not? Never been to rugby house--might as well try it.

Funny story. I was trying to trim something and I lopped off some of my eyelashes without realizing it until I put some mascara on. I wasn't mad but a little sad. I mean, I have these long lashes that curl on their own and now I have a some little stubby lashes in the middle of all these long ones on my left eye. *sigh* I keep saying I shouldn't be allowed to have scissors.

I have to try to find an umbrella to go to geology. I am almost positive I have one floating around. If not, then I'll have to go via hoodie and hat. Have a good one. :D

1 comment:

JD said...

Keep your clothes on and watch out! They will get naked!