Friday, February 10, 2006

"I haven't whined. No, I just like making of you guys for doing it."

I talked to Rachel today when she was at work.

My geology test did not go over that well. I studied for about two hours last night and a little today during lunch, but I still blanked out when it came to uniformitarianism. That is one long-ass word that not a lot of people need to know. Grrr.

Steph and I are currently listening to some Backstreet Boys.
wascleskiss (4:33:27 PM): from the first day
wascleskiss (4:33:34 PM): that i saw ur smiling face
wascleskiss (4:33:41 PM): together forever
wascleskiss (4:33:46 PM): out
stoopsigen (4:33:47 PM): when i asked you out
wascleskiss (4:34:00 PM): u thought that u d never love again
wascleskiss (4:34:06 PM): just once
stoopsigen (4:34:15 PM): prove this all wrong
wascleskiss (4:34:17 PM): ill never break ur heart
stoopsigen (4:34:21 PM): there's nothing like me.
stoopsigen (4:34:27 PM): i'll never make you cry
wascleskiss (4:34:30 PM): id rather die
stoopsigen (4:34:30 PM): i'd rather die
stoopsigen (4:34:35 PM): than live withouy
stoopsigen (4:34:38 PM): *without
wascleskiss (4:34:38 PM): thats no lie
wascleskiss (4:34:44 PM): i;l never make u cry
stoopsigen (4:34:45 PM): i'll never make you cry
stoopsigen (4:34:56 PM): that's no lie!
wascleskiss (4:35:02 PM): fo sho!

That's just to give you an idea. Anyway...

I love the valentine cookies from downstairs. Gah!!! Lemon shortbread with craploads of icing with sayings like "Be mine!" or "I love you!" or something equally as cheesy and delightful.

Matt said something to me last night that made me think. He said girls are confusing...yeah, I can see that. But so am I apparently. And it's not because I am the typical girl--no--it's because I change so much. I was confused by this but he said I change my mind, my opinion, just change. I guess I am kind of fickle. Sorry? I compared myself to software, like how you have to update it every so often. I think he just laughed at me.

And I shouldn't be allowed to talk sometimes. I say some of the strangest things. Last night I was with Mallory, Ashley, and Becky, and I definitely compared someone to the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden. I'm all up on my analogies, I guess.

Have an excellent weekend, kiddies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girls are confusing. I'm very confusing. And it's wonderful.