Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"Fo' shizzle, my dizzle."

Haha, my roommate cracks me up. ;) So today is her birthday. Big 1-9. She is three weeks younger than me exactly, which means she has only been living with me for three weeks. It feels a lot longer than that.

Yesterday we had a floor meeting downstairs in the poli sci library. We made warm fuzzies...it was a blast. Mine is navy blue. And it is perched on one of the shelves over my bed. Hooray, warm fuzzies.

I had my final interview this morning for preview guide. It went really well. They laughed at all my jokes and seemed to like me a lot. The only reason why I think might not want to hire me over someone else is because I am a freshman. But so are a lot of the other applicants. *shrug* I'll know by spring break about both the RA and preview positions. That's three and a half weeks. Can you believe it? This semester has absolutely flown by so far.

My 11:00 got cancelled because Wolfgang had to take a test. I actually was wide awake for the entirety of my psych class, too--I was proud of myself. So for the rest of the day? I have rugby from 7-9, then I am running over to church if I am not too disgusting. I'll be back by 11:00 or so...Steph is having some people over tonight to celebrate. I'm sure there will be pizza or something of the likes. Oh, how I love that Papa John's.

Hope you ladies and gents have a delightful evening. I'm off to do some homework.

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