Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Do you want to grab some dinner sometime?"

Uh, sure.

Things that happened today
-Had a meeting with my advisor to discuss my class options for fall semester. I can't actually register until April, but I have my schedule planned out already. Lots of classes to go toward my major. And if I don't get this job for the summer, I plan on taking a couple of history classes at LLCC over the summer to transfer over.
-I took a two-hour nap between the meeting and psych. I woke up because I was talking in my sleep.
-I found out there is a spur-of-the-moment match on Saturday so I'm not sure if I can come home or not. I'll know later tonight.
-I arrived a little late to my psych class so I came in the back so no one would really notice. I sat inbetween two really big guys in the very back row. The one to my left scratched himself continuously. The one to my right dozed up and ended up snuggling on my shoulder and snored very quietly. I tried to nudge him off to no avail. I even poked him a few times to at least get him to stop snoring in my ear. When he woke up at the end of class, he asked me if I wanted to get dinner. Awkward.
-Came back and Steph gave me a neck rub. Oh, yes. ;)
-I finished my online psych quiz.
-Went for a long meandering around campus and took some random pictures.
-Cleaned the room.

I am still really tired so I am considering another nap, but I don't think it'll happen. I have geology lab from 4-5:50 then I am supposed to go to this women empowering meeting thing at 7:00. I'll need some dinner since I haven't eaten since around 10:00. Hungry, hungry, hungry hippos.

I am feeling much better than I did yesterday. I am kind of sad because practice tonight is 4-6 so I can't go. Stupid geology. I hate that I miss out, especially since they're talking about the game this Saturday. I want to know about it...some to think of it, they did mention you have to go to at least two practices a week to play in the game so I'm not even eligible. Grawr. And there is a catering service that asked the team to work this weekend so we have some traveling money. I am the only rookie, that I know of, that voluteered tomorrow. That makes me super nervous. But we're serving food, so it's not I am a complete stranger to that. Hopefully, it won't be that bad. Those older girls are pretty intimidating sometimes, though.

Anyway, I am off. I need to do something constructive before I got to geology. Goodbye, my kiddies.

1 comment:

JD said...

Someday you'll be the older, scarier one.