Sunday, February 26, 2006

"It's Theory of a Dead Man."

Rachel burned me a CD. I love that girl. And I am really liking the Disturbed cover of "Land of Confusion." Was it Genesis or just Phil Collins? Anyway.

This weekend was busy. A lot of family, laundry, and Leber boys. ;) I hung out with Wyatt and Bekki on Friday night after eating dinner with Dad, Patty, and Rach. And after dinner with Mom and Greg, I ended up hanging out with Wheaton and Loopy, who was quasi-drunk and extremely pissy. He snapped on me several times, which really agitated me. Everyone at the table just looked at me like, "Wow, you should hurt him for being such a jackass." He took my phone and my car keys because I wouldn't tell him something and he bit me. Talk about annoying.

I love going home. And at the same time, I don't want to because I miss out on things here. Rugby is supposed to be going to Purdue next weekend, but I don't know if I'll be able to go. Hopefully...*shrug*

I'm running on a lack of sleep here. I am sorta working on a paper that is due tomorrow. And I am meeting Mallory, Ashley, and Scott for dinner over at Watterson at 7:30 then watching some Grey's Anatomy. I think this is our Sunday ritual now.

Stephanie has mono now so she went home for the next two weeks. This means I won't see her until after spring break. It makes me really sad. I like her so much. I feel bad for her, she's so worried about falling behind in her classes...I think she'll manage, though.

I love you, Mom.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

"It scares me to think that you could find takers other than me, better than me."

I am absolutely in love with Emery. Thanks, Matt. :)

I just got back from a meeting with Ashley and Mal. I put my gum down on my desk because I was going to eat some chocolate cookie thing then put my elbow in it without realizing it. I am so absentminded sometimes. I ran into Jessie Elmore tonight...I almost never see her. I was uber excited that I did.

The game is March 25 not Feb. 25, so I am still going home as planned for the weekend. Only bummer is that I have to take the 10:30am train back to school because the 5:30pm was full already. I guess that means a little extra time with my kids here at school on Sunday.

Steph is sick. Wish her better.

sigh. Posted by Picasa

"Do you want to grab some dinner sometime?"

Uh, sure.

Things that happened today
-Had a meeting with my advisor to discuss my class options for fall semester. I can't actually register until April, but I have my schedule planned out already. Lots of classes to go toward my major. And if I don't get this job for the summer, I plan on taking a couple of history classes at LLCC over the summer to transfer over.
-I took a two-hour nap between the meeting and psych. I woke up because I was talking in my sleep.
-I found out there is a spur-of-the-moment match on Saturday so I'm not sure if I can come home or not. I'll know later tonight.
-I arrived a little late to my psych class so I came in the back so no one would really notice. I sat inbetween two really big guys in the very back row. The one to my left scratched himself continuously. The one to my right dozed up and ended up snuggling on my shoulder and snored very quietly. I tried to nudge him off to no avail. I even poked him a few times to at least get him to stop snoring in my ear. When he woke up at the end of class, he asked me if I wanted to get dinner. Awkward.
-Came back and Steph gave me a neck rub. Oh, yes. ;)
-I finished my online psych quiz.
-Went for a long meandering around campus and took some random pictures.
-Cleaned the room.

I am still really tired so I am considering another nap, but I don't think it'll happen. I have geology lab from 4-5:50 then I am supposed to go to this women empowering meeting thing at 7:00. I'll need some dinner since I haven't eaten since around 10:00. Hungry, hungry, hungry hippos.

I am feeling much better than I did yesterday. I am kind of sad because practice tonight is 4-6 so I can't go. Stupid geology. I hate that I miss out, especially since they're talking about the game this Saturday. I want to know about it...some to think of it, they did mention you have to go to at least two practices a week to play in the game so I'm not even eligible. Grawr. And there is a catering service that asked the team to work this weekend so we have some traveling money. I am the only rookie, that I know of, that voluteered tomorrow. That makes me super nervous. But we're serving food, so it's not I am a complete stranger to that. Hopefully, it won't be that bad. Those older girls are pretty intimidating sometimes, though.

Anyway, I am off. I need to do something constructive before I got to geology. Goodbye, my kiddies.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Myself with Kelly and Steph at her birthday shindig last night. Posted by Picasa

"Did you get your hair cut?"

I woke up with a pounding headache, achy body, and a 9:00 history quiz. Yuck. I went to my classes not feeling too well and got some food at Southside like normal for lunch. Had geology...boring as anything. I've basically done a whole lot of nothing today.

Last night was unbelievable. God, we were so in 460. There were probably 15 people in and out of here all night, and they didn't start leaving until around 1:00 this morning. Then Steph's boy text'd her and dumped her. Oh, God. It was really awful. There was a lot of hysterical crying going on. I didn't end up falling asleep until 2:30 or so.

Now I am talking to Brian Spring, and I mean's strange. It's bringing up a lot of forgotten emotions and memories. And I'm listening to Nickel Creek. It's just a regular trip down memory lane. I am being so sappy at the moment...and I have no one to share it with. I really wish I did.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I decorated for Stephanie's birthday. Posted by Picasa

"Fo' shizzle, my dizzle."

Haha, my roommate cracks me up. ;) So today is her birthday. Big 1-9. She is three weeks younger than me exactly, which means she has only been living with me for three weeks. It feels a lot longer than that.

Yesterday we had a floor meeting downstairs in the poli sci library. We made warm was a blast. Mine is navy blue. And it is perched on one of the shelves over my bed. Hooray, warm fuzzies.

I had my final interview this morning for preview guide. It went really well. They laughed at all my jokes and seemed to like me a lot. The only reason why I think might not want to hire me over someone else is because I am a freshman. But so are a lot of the other applicants. *shrug* I'll know by spring break about both the RA and preview positions. That's three and a half weeks. Can you believe it? This semester has absolutely flown by so far.

My 11:00 got cancelled because Wolfgang had to take a test. I actually was wide awake for the entirety of my psych class, too--I was proud of myself. So for the rest of the day? I have rugby from 7-9, then I am running over to church if I am not too disgusting. I'll be back by 11:00 or so...Steph is having some people over tonight to celebrate. I'm sure there will be pizza or something of the likes. Oh, how I love that Papa John's.

Hope you ladies and gents have a delightful evening. I'm off to do some homework.

Monday, February 20, 2006

"Just like a prayer, I'll take you there."

This song plays during the scene in Never Been Kissed where Billy throws that egg at Josie. It makes me sad every time I think about it.

I kid you not, almost all my friends have lots of things to do this week. The last couple of weeks for me has been hectic and now everyone is when I'm twiddling my thumbs. I have a quiz on Wednesday over some history reading and my second unit for English is due on Friday. Not a lot to do. I am already done with the reading for history, so I am bored out of my mind. Did I tell you I got an A on my first English unit? Well, I did in case I forgot to mention it. Pretty exciting. ;)

We're listening to Madonna (obviously), and now I am off to read some Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister. Have a delightful day...

"Oh, I love you. Get over yourself."

This weekend went by too fast. The weekends normally do. But then again, so do the weeks. I'm not sure how I feel about all of it actually. Freshman year will be over in a few months. Wow, how time has flown. And if things work out, I'll be here over the summer, too.

So my first boyfriend is getting married this summer. It's a big deal. He called me and told me himself. He is super, super happy and invited me personally. Should I go? Probably. Will I? Probably not. The kid is 22, they haven't been together long, but he just knows she is the one. He graduates this spring, too. He's getting old on me, heh. Alas no one in my family knows him very well if at all, and I think is due to the fact that he was too old for me at the time we dated. Sorry, guys. His mom sent me this box of things that were related to me. Pictures, letters, notes, ticket stubs, some of my programs from musicals and concerts. It makes me so happy because we looked like such a happy couple. His mother wrote a note and stuck it on the top,

You will always be my favorite. You made my only child extremely happy while you were together, so I thank you. I am very sorry things didn't work out between the two of you, and I had always hoped you would work things out. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Be blessed in everything you do, and I will always remember you lovingly.

It makes me sad on so many levels. We broke up for a reason. Many reasons. I don't regret it, but it still somehow hurts that he is so completely willing to let go of something that lasted on and off for two and a half years. Maybe it just hurts my pride more than anything.

Anyway. I have to get some rest, so I will talk to you later, my online journal friend.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

One of my favorite pictures. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 18, 2006

"Oh, my God. Becky look at her butt, it is so big!"

I like big butts and I cannot lie. You other guys can't deny...

We went to dinner last night for Heather's was a lot of fun. We had a really good time. :) The waitor made her get up on her chair and dance when they sang happy birthday to her. I thought it was pretty stinking fantastic.

I didn't end up going to the rugby house on Thursday. Instead a bunch of us girls stayed in to watch Sex in the City and ate some Ben & Jerry's. Man, I am so glad that thing is on campus.

Yesterday was a lot of class and blahblahblah. I got an A on my English unit. w00t. I am very proud of myself. I felt unprepared for the psych test, too, and I didn't do as badly on it as I thought I would. Kathy straightened my hair again, so it's another day of straightness for me. When I washed it yesterday, I couldn't believe how much I'd cut don't realize it's all gone until you are in the shower, washing it out. I sighed a little then got over it. I really like it.

Enough about my hair? Why am I up so early in the morning?? I have no idea. I am ready to go get some breakfast now, so I think I will be doing that. Haha, Steph is in bed but I REALLY don't remember her coming home. I wonder what time she came in?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Well, you look fetching today."

When I turned in my psych test today, my professor said that I looked fetching. I was slightly surprised. We do have a three hundred person lecture, and he said I looked fetching. Weirdo.

It's been extremely cloudy all day, just gorgeous. A perfect emo day. ;) I love this weather. It was so warm out earlier. And extremely windy...wasn't sure how much I was digging the wind. I thought I was going to fall over at one point it was blowing so hard. But I love the smell that signals the rain is coming. I sat outside for a little bit just because it was so absolutely stunning outside. Should have brought the camera so I could take pictures of the storm coming. The dark clouds have passed now, but it is still pouring outside.

I'm absolutely loving my hair, too. I'm thinking of investing in a straightener in the far distant future. Hair products is one of the things furthest from my mind right now.

Tonight we're going to the first party of the season. Everyone keeps telling me how Rugby house is the dirtiest but they always have free beer. Woohoo. I still don't like beer. It seems we women are encouraged to go, so I figured why not? Never been to rugby house--might as well try it.

Funny story. I was trying to trim something and I lopped off some of my eyelashes without realizing it until I put some mascara on. I wasn't mad but a little sad. I mean, I have these long lashes that curl on their own and now I have a some little stubby lashes in the middle of all these long ones on my left eye. *sigh* I keep saying I shouldn't be allowed to have scissors.

I have to try to find an umbrella to go to geology. I am almost positive I have one floating around. If not, then I'll have to go via hoodie and hat. Have a good one. :D

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

"I thought I could change you but you changed me."

I am really liking Emery. If you like a good emo/screamo band, go for it. Ponytail Parade. I'm in such an emo mood right now. Matt is sending me some Anaberlin and the new Brand New stuff. Go us. We're both wallowing in our emo ways.

Last night was a lot of fun. Practice made me sore and muddy as promised, but it was worth it. I'm a backee--in the tight five. Our only home match is April 22. Come cheer on your favorite Sarah--now called Lou. I get a butch name, great. Saw Walk the Line, which was excellent. Went to Encounter then headed over to Watterson with Mallory. I came back around midnight...

I said something. Probably shouldn't have. Don't mean to scare anyone. *sigh* So now Matt and I are listening to our emo music and reminecsing of his beating this weekend (I totally won...I left over that fouton like it was nothing. Muahaha.).

PS I should not be allowed around scissors when I am frustrated. We straightened my hair today (it looked excellent when we first did it) and you can see all my lovely layering, lol. Chop, chop, chop. I evened it out a little bit, so it's not too bad now. But still. I shouldn't be allowed scissors. I ran through the rain from tri to my room and my bangs got wet which meant automatic curling. Oh, well.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Valentine's Day, everyone.

I took my math test earlier...I understood all but one question. Right now I am taking a break from history. I have a test tomorrow, so I'm trying my hardest here--it's going to be tough studying later since I have plans. :)

Rugby 4-6.
Dinner with Mallory and change my clothes.
Walk the Line 7 in Schroeder for free. w00t.
Encounter 9.
Dessert and chick flicks starting at 10.

It's going to be rough to get up tomorrow, let me tell you. But it'll be worth it. I am so excited about practice today. Fitts is excited, too. I saw her on the quad and she yelled, "I'll see you later, girlie," and winked. That's her state of excitement. Anyway, back to history. Have a fantastic day, mon amis.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"It sounds like you two are tight."

Two major occurences have, well, occurred.

1) I cut my hair today. In a fit of frustration. Steph left for class and I whipped out the scissors. I hate when I do this normally, but it actually turned out well. Thank God.

2) I am now on the women's rugby team. I am so excited. Fitts and I joined tonight--first rehearsal is tomorrow afternoon. This should be a lot of fun. I need to buy some cleats and a mouth piece. Ladies and gents, the Sarah monster has come out of the closet. *rawr* Yeah, scary, I know. They showed us a video of all the things they do...and how they're mainly known for drinking and dating the rugby men.

This week is looking to be very fantastic. I guarantee you I will complain about it tomorrow, though--that's how I roll. Plus I will be very muddy and pissed I chopped my hair off. Then I'll get over it. Our first game is at Purdue March 4 against Western Kentucky, IU, and Purdue. Our first home game isn't until April 22. I guess spring semester is definitely a more fun time and less competitive season. Oh, well.

Gotta go--I'm off to study some for one of my tests this week. 'Night, folks.
{Matt, if you get this at a reasonable hour, I called you and you should get online so I can talk to you. Mike said you are still asleep--go to bed earlier and we won't have this problem.}

I really did cut my hair this time. There is about half as much as there was before. Posted by Picasa

"If you plaigarize, you'll be lucky if you're flipping burgers!"

My English teacher is very passionate about plaigarism. Go her. Our second unit is due February 24. Definitely not as much time as we had for the first one, but that's okay. We're redoing our persuasive speech from comm, which is great because I got an A on that speech. Ban foie gras!

My weekend was flipping fantastic. I have so many pictures!! Check out facebook. I'm not going to put them in three spots this time, sorry.

Today I have a lot to do, surprisingly. I have my second preview guide interview at 3:00. It makes me a little nervous, but I know everything will go well. I am so glad I have been blessed with a good interview presence. ;) So after I have lunch with my new lunch buddies (we seriously have lunch together at least three times a week if not more), I have to take a shower and do my nails since the polish is chipping, then I have my geology class. My interview is right afterwards and then I have to do a lot of studying since I have a math test tomorrow, a history test Wednesday, and a psych test Thursday. Bleh. I don't think I'm going to church tonight either. Journey has gotten super intense--it's a little too much for me right now.

Anyway...I have to get going--I'm supposed to be listening to my English professor. She's talking about MLA...I've got it covered. See you later, chickadees.

Friday, February 10, 2006

"I haven't whined. No, I just like making of you guys for doing it."

I talked to Rachel today when she was at work.

My geology test did not go over that well. I studied for about two hours last night and a little today during lunch, but I still blanked out when it came to uniformitarianism. That is one long-ass word that not a lot of people need to know. Grrr.

Steph and I are currently listening to some Backstreet Boys.
wascleskiss (4:33:27 PM): from the first day
wascleskiss (4:33:34 PM): that i saw ur smiling face
wascleskiss (4:33:41 PM): together forever
wascleskiss (4:33:46 PM): out
stoopsigen (4:33:47 PM): when i asked you out
wascleskiss (4:34:00 PM): u thought that u d never love again
wascleskiss (4:34:06 PM): just once
stoopsigen (4:34:15 PM): prove this all wrong
wascleskiss (4:34:17 PM): ill never break ur heart
stoopsigen (4:34:21 PM): there's nothing like me.
stoopsigen (4:34:27 PM): i'll never make you cry
wascleskiss (4:34:30 PM): id rather die
stoopsigen (4:34:30 PM): i'd rather die
stoopsigen (4:34:35 PM): than live withouy
stoopsigen (4:34:38 PM): *without
wascleskiss (4:34:38 PM): thats no lie
wascleskiss (4:34:44 PM): i;l never make u cry
stoopsigen (4:34:45 PM): i'll never make you cry
stoopsigen (4:34:56 PM): that's no lie!
wascleskiss (4:35:02 PM): fo sho!

That's just to give you an idea. Anyway...

I love the valentine cookies from downstairs. Gah!!! Lemon shortbread with craploads of icing with sayings like "Be mine!" or "I love you!" or something equally as cheesy and delightful.

Matt said something to me last night that made me think. He said girls are confusing...yeah, I can see that. But so am I apparently. And it's not because I am the typical girl--no--it's because I change so much. I was confused by this but he said I change my mind, my opinion, just change. I guess I am kind of fickle. Sorry? I compared myself to software, like how you have to update it every so often. I think he just laughed at me.

And I shouldn't be allowed to talk sometimes. I say some of the strangest things. Last night I was with Mallory, Ashley, and Becky, and I definitely compared someone to the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden. I'm all up on my analogies, I guess.

Have an excellent weekend, kiddies.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hello! Posted by Picasa

Bone Boys. Posted by Picasa

"You like football players?!?!"

Stephanie and I are listening to some Michael Jackson right now. She and I get along really well...and I'm really happy about that. "Just beat it, just beat it."

I'm really excited about this weekend, guys. It should be a blast.

I had to take down the new layout I worked so hard on. I was uber-pissed when I realized you couldn't comment on it. Bleh. Maybe I'll find a way around it...hopefully. But for now, it's back to a template. Yuck.

Scott is leaving tomorrow morning at 6:30 to go on tour with the concert choir--they're going up north to travel to some high schools and the like. He won't be getting back until late Friday night, which means I won't be seeing him for a while. Although I am kind of bummed about that, my mounting excitement is getting me over it.

I am a camera whore. It's true. I have more for you--some band pictures. 'Night, folks!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My newest tattoo. It only cost me fifty cents, Mom! Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

"Howdy ho."

So I just called Rachel for the second time today--and I text her during one my classes. I'm so excited for her...happy birthday to my baby sister.

I took a nap after my geology class, and it was fantastic. I came back from class and Steph was trying to fall asleep, so I got into bed and read some Wicked (finished it, actually) then took a nap myself until she came back from 4:00-5:30 class. Nice, long nap. And now I am just trying to find something to do. In all honesty, I have plenty to English unit is due Friday, and I'm done with the paper part, I just need to print it out. That's just money I don't necessarily want to spend, so I'm going to coax Scott into letting me use his printer. Geology project due Wednesday. Geology test Friday. History test Monday, and math and psych test on Tuesday. Go me. I need to get everything done this weekend because I know it won't get done this weekend. And Thursday is my group interview for preview guide. Hooray, hoorah. I'm working on psych homework--an online quiz is due every Thursday. Might as well finish it now since it's one of the easier things to do.

Now I am babbling about homework--no fun, I tell you. Last night we only half-watched the super bowl and watched Grey's Anatomy afterwards! *bites nails* Good episode--to be continued next week!

I'm meeting Mal and Ashley (and possibly my lover) for dinner at 7:00 since we have church at 8:00. I haven't been there in a long time, so this will be a nice sort of reunion, I think. Hope it isn't as long as it normally is. Anyway, I will talk to you guys later.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


"Fredericks, you're a turd... a stinky f-fat turd, go sniff a jock strap, you poop head. You love patting boys' butts... butt... you butt-patter! You're a perv and a loser and a stinky t-turd!"

That is Bill from Freaks and Geeks. The marathon continues. We only have four episodes left, and that makes me so sad! Next we are tackling the first season of Grey's Anatomy--tonight's episode is looking very promising.

This whole weekend has been movie weekend. None of us have any money so we've just been rotating whose room we're in. Today I woke up early enough to go to church with Mallory, Ashley, and Jason (a guy they went to high school with in OSWEGO)...and I was a little late because I was talking to Scott in my room. He decided to come with. I miss something awful when I don't get to see him. Is that sad? We tried out the Methodist church behind the Bone. I didn't like how short it was--we had two worship songs and one during communion, and the message was a little over a half-hour. I don't feel like you can get a whole lot of just thirty minutes. Anyway, we hit up BK in the Bone around noon-ish. I've decided I have kind of melted into the OSWEGO group very nicely. They remind me of our group back home. And Jason liked Scott, which was great. Jason pulled me aside to tell me a secret, "Hey, Sarah, Scott likes you just in case you didn't know." Haha, Scott doesn't like me. He likes boys. I said, "No, I didn't," and kept walking.

We all split up to do our homework. I am having a rough time with this geology project. I am so frustrated with it I want to throw my laptop around. Grawr!!!!!!!!! Don't see that happening, though. So instead I have been doing math and reading...oh, and studying for my history test tomorrow. Tonight we're watching Grey's Anatomy after the super bowl then we'll probably watch an episode of F&G. Moe, Stephanie's boy, will be over later, so I get to meet him finally. That should be exciting.

Now I am babbling and need to get back to my homework. Adieu.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

I thought this was cute. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

"It really sucks you can't come with us!!"

I am so unbelievably cranky right now. I almost want to throw some cookies around.

My day went really well actually. I am just sitting here, brooding about ym stupid psychology quiz online. I don't mean to sound like a snot, but I only got a 92% with the book in front of me. Grrr. I couldn't find some of the answers for the life of me, and that makes me quasi-pissed. On a brighter note, I got a 100% on my math quiz and 100% on this week's and last week's labs and quizzes. Next week I have a history test on Monday, geology project due Wednesday, and geology test on Friday. And unit 1 of my English section is due Friday, too. I am actually stressing a little bit--I normally don't do that too much.

My RA interview was at 10:30 this morning...I thought it went pretty damn well. I was confident, well-dressed, and professional. I looked cute, and I actually put make-up on. Surprise, surprise. :)

Stephanie and a bunch of the girls went out tonight. I decided to stay in and do some homework. I am so tired, too. Last night I didn't get in until after Steph had already gone to bed, so tonight I want to try to be in bed a little bit earlier. I fell asleep during the movie in psych, but I think everyone else did, too. I ran a few errands, one of them was to turn in my preview guide application--my interviews are on Feb. 9 and 13. S'all good.

Off to do some math--later, my chickadees.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"Aww, my Sarahs."

I am plural apparently.

I got out of the shower earlier and put so much gel in my hair to keep it tame that it's nearing crunchy. That's just gross for a girl. Speaking of gross, I am listening to the Grosse Point Blank soundtrack. I adore it. And my myspace music is the Violent Femmes, "Blister in the Sun." I think that is one of my all-time favorite songs. That and "Ain't No Mountain."

Stephanie moved in yesterday without a hitch, and I didn't even have to do much work. Her friends like me, and we're getting along fantastically. I warned her about the snoring, and she said that she started to giggle when I did fall asleep. "Well, it was just funny!" Her taste in music makes up for anything bad I might find out about her along the way--it is nearly the same as mine. Just about everything--with the minor exception of rap. We can tolerate, but beyond that, nuh uh. We only seem to be in the room at the same time when we're sleeping. *shrug* I'm sure that will change here pretty soon.

I just realized I have a lot of stuff to do here in the next few weeks. I took care of my application and references for preview guide--Nonn and Jarvis agreed to write my letters of recommendation, so we'll all set. I just need to pick out my interview dates now. And interviews...that reminds me that I have my final RA interview tomorrow morning at 10:30 in Walker. I am super nervous. To be honest, I am fairly confident that I will become an RA; I meet all the requirements, and I think I would be good at it. I'm outgoing and diplomatic in my own sort of way. Oh, and I'm very fun. ;) I ran into Rafa, our peer advisor for LinC last semester tonight when I was getting dinner with Scott. He was really surprised I wasn't applying for a peer advisor position. Again, I think it would be fun and I'd do a good job, but I thought RA and preview guide was enough for the next couple of months. :D

Last night was fantastic. Sarah Dillion, Ashley, Mal, and I went to get dinner at McAlister's, went to a job fair for about twenty minutes before going to a Greek quintet concert and church. I enjoyed myself immensely. Mal and Ash bought me a disposable camera and photo album. Cute stuff. :)

And now I have to go to band. Love you.