Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I am disgusted with my cell. I have absolutely no reception at the house so everyone has to call me on the landline, everyone usually meaning Kristen. I was in Panther Creek dropping off Cathy after lunch at SnS on Wabash and walking around the mall aimlessly for an hour and a half when I called Matt to get his whereabouts...and of course, my cell phone cut off. I did blame it on his, and although I am not 100% positive, I am leaning more towards my phone being the likely culprit than his. My cell phone hates every fiber of my being and wishes me to communicate with no one. How dare it!

Oh, yeah, happy new year. I'm not making any resolutions because I normally don't keep them nor do I usually wish to. Maybe I should be less of a gossip because, afterall, I seem to be the Queen of Gossip. Good Lord, I am turning into Grandma.

I am at the Chatham library right now, trying to get caught up on my email and the likes. Bills, too. Can't you hear my unenthusiastic hooplah? Yep, thought so. I depleted my savings account today to further my higher education, go me.

To summarize my week so I can go to Matt's, I got my wisdom teeth pulled a week ago today. Vicadin does NOT agree with my stomach so I was extremely sick the majority of last week and really couldn't enjoy much of anything. I really didn't feel better until yesterday and last night was the annual holiday dinner at Aunt Irene's. My cheeks are still pretty puffy, too. Yesterday my left side looked like I had morphed into marshallow puff man or something.

Now I'm off...sorry if this wasn't long enough for your taste--I'll try better next time? It won't be for a while. I know Thursday I am going with Kristen to meet Scott in Bloomington and I'm excited to the point I could pee my pants. ;) Have an excellent week, kiddies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I made a New Year's resolution, and broke it on the 1st. So I gave up.