Monday, January 16, 2006

"Awww, your hair is so cute!"

Yesterday was my first day back...thought I was coming back today but I guess I was wrong. I had to pack and do my laundry is a hurry. I can't believe it's Monday already--or that I have to go to class tomorrow. Thankfully, it won't be until 11:00. Tomorrow is my math lab then psych from 12:35 to 1:50. Mallory, Ashley, Heather, and I are going to go get some late lunch after that.

Yesterday I spent all of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy with Lindsey then I promised Kathy I would save her from the nerdy boys over in her boyfriend's room, so I went over there and we played Scene It! movie style. Around 12:30/1:00 am-ish, Scott came in his jammies and spent the night on the once Eistir bed. Apparently, my snoring was down to a minimum and I have extremely adorable bedhead when I wake up. Sure. After a big debate with Scott this morning, I finally crawled out of bed at 11:00 this morning, when we decided to take his stuff over to his dorm and go eat lunch at Watterson. Went back to his place and watched Lady and the Tramp. I picked up my books which weren't nearly as expensive as last semester, or heavy. :) Hit Mallory and Ashley's over in Watterson where I have been a very large majority of the evening and ate dinner. Good stuff.

The room seems so weird without Eistir, her things, Bob Marley, and all her gadgets. As Scott said, it looks like the projects, white and concrete without any personality. I honestly don't think I will be that lonely. Once I get her side of the room looking a little homier and rearrange some stuff, it will be okay. I'm going home this weekend so I can take care of some stuff then I won't be back until Anything Goes in March. I'm going to miss my drinking, smoking, loud roommate.

I'm currently listening to Mallory's cousin's band--not too bad actually. Relaxing, fun, me-music. Except this last minute of this song is weirding me out. And now I am off to read my borrowed copy os Wicked. Hooray. G'night, folks.

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