Thursday, January 19, 2006

"Can I talk to you about something...?"

This girl down the hall caught me as I was walking out the door for my geology lab. Stephanie. Tiny Stephanie. She and her roommate are not getting along. At all. No one else knows this, "It's all a facade," as she put it. So I will have a roommate by tomorrow if housing clears it. So I lived alone for less than a week. It was worth it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going through a whole massive issue with housing over here... The school has no record of me living in Turner, and tried to give Courtney a new roommate over the break. They also ended my meal plan. Why? Who knows. But my meal plan is working now, so I think everything got worked out. Hopefully. Anyways, hope you and Stephanie get along well :)