Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink."

Not true! I actually got some sleep last night. It was very nice!!! I'm contemplating a nap here in a little bit, but I should finish working on my comm portfolio and look over the study guides for both comm and justice. Since I don't have plans for the next couple of days, I had was going to work on those three things. I have to write a three-page paper to finish my portfolio, but let's be honest here--I won't start that until tomorrow afternoon or night. That's just the way things go around here.

Last night I got off work early so I cam home, ate the rest of my sandwich from Chili's, and decided to make some mac 'n cheese and lure Lindsey down to watch some TV. It worked. Muahaha. :) She came down to eat some macaroni and we watched most of the tenth season of Friends. Jen down the hall has the entire DVD collection so we've been borrowing her discs when we get bored. I honestly haven't seen a lot of the episodes since like 2001, so I feel like I need to catch up to some extent. I think Jen's letting me borrow a couple of seasons over break since I will be here by myself for a while, which is a very generous offer.

Right now I am listening to The Be Good Tanyas. Eistir's influence. Mom, I think you would like them a lot--folk music. Kind of reminds me of Nickel Creek. I have a couple of their CDs on the computer now, so I can burn you one when I get home. I made this relaxing, fun mix of a bunch of crazy songs on iTunes. It always cracks me up when the Mountain Goat song comes on--the one Matt sent me. I guess he went to a concert with Mike and Matt thought I should hear a song. And of course, what mix would be complete without "Bitches Ain't Shit." Haha.

I finished my shopping with the minor exception of the Secret Santa Rachel pulled for me, or as Bekki and Wyatt now refer to him as "Creepy Uncle Paul." What do I get him? I was thinking Pease's or something...but that just doesn't seem like an Uncle Paul present. Plus Grandma tells me we are to encourage the reducing of his belly size. Oh, well. I will think of something, I always do. Speaking of Secret Santa, I got my presents from work, and so far, I have a little black planner and a bottle opener (beer, wine, and can). Someone knows we college kids like our alcohol.

Now it's off for my nap. Have a good one, lovelies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. I was up at 3 in the morning the other night, completely wired, and the night before that was 2:30 at least. And even though I have to get up at 7, I wasn't tired during the day... weird, huh? Last night I got about 8 hours of sleep, though, so I think I'm going to be ok :D Hahaha.