Thursday, November 10, 2005

*LoL face*

Since Scotty says, "JK," a lot, I've taken to using the LoL face and yelling, "LoL!!!" really loudly. His roommate finds this slightly annoying, I think, but laughs nonetheless because I am so unbelievably witty and charming. Er...right.

I have a little bit of time to kill until I meet Dills. Which means I should be technically meeting her right now but she has a tendency to show up three minutes late, so I will be leaving in about two minutes to meet her. *shrug* I decided I don't want to drink tonight. So instead I am going to Campus Crusades with Sarah. Should be fun, I have never been...gotta try everything once, right?

Something like that...


JD said...

Good to see that you are weighing drinking versus church gatherings.

Static Transmissions said...

Wow you have to type a verification word now? That measn I wont see any lol posts on sarahs site about laundry cleaning now.