Sunday, November 13, 2005

"Hey, chocachocachoc. Boom chocachocalot."

The weekend has flown, as it normally does. I swear each freaking week goes by at warp speed and then some. Even if I'm being an emo bitch and uber sad, it still passes like no other.

Friday I went to work and then went out with the girls afterwards. I didn't get back until maybe 1:00 or so, then we ended up eating some leftover Papa John's and chilling out in Michele and Kristi's room until the rest of the girls got back. It was excellent when Nicole came out of her room with only a sheet wrapped around her. Or when Stef's roommate Stacey came back absolutely trashed. She was rather entertaining. Oh, and we bumped into RA at Z's, eating some cheese fries. I gotta tell you I ate a massive amount of food, and boy, can I pack it away.

Saturday I woke up not feeling all that great. I think Dad called me and I talked to him for five minutes or something (or maybe that was Friday morning?). I crawled out of bed around 1:00 or so, ate some nasty food from Southside (only nasty because I was feeling sickly), went to Dallas' for a little bit and met Ted and Big Jake. The rest of my day was consumed by lounging in my bed and eating while watching TV.

Today Micah woke me up by calling on the landline, which is annoyingly loud. He was back here for the weekend, so he called to see if I wanted to go to church. And even though I had planned on skipping, I got myself ready in a record twenty-three minutes (shower and all) to go to Journey. We had a guest speaker from Louisville, and he was great. Pretty fiery. I booked it back to my dorm so I could change and grab Shelley. I ended up being a tad bit late for rehearsal, but it wasn't all that bad, so whatev. :) I putzed around and met some parents inbetween rehearsal and the concert. We stayed for the symphonic band, but it was edging on 4:30, so me, Mom, and Rach got out of there before we got to hear the orchestra. We came back to my treacherous room and Mom and Rach left to go to my first cousin twice-removed's wake. Grandma Spengler's cousin? Yeah.

The RA meeting was super long, lasted until 9:00, but it went really well. They split up our huge group into groups of ten and made us do group activities. It could have been a lot worse, I can say that much. The people in our group were really cool, so it was all good. And they had people evaluating us while all this was in progress. Not too bad at all.

I wish I had some Chinese. We got a new Chinese place that delivers so everyone ordered some. And if I hadn't eaten before the RA meeting, I sure as hell would order some. I did get some of Lindsey's eggroll, though. I have come to the conclusion that I can eat about half and eggroll before not liking it anymore. There is that one definitive bite that just makes my mouth go, "Stop eating this crap. No more, no more! Spit it out!!!" Maybe that is just a me-thing. Quite possibly. So I am thinking Tuesday after work I am definitely ordering Chinese. Oh, how I miss China River! *wails* It's okay, though...I am sure I will frequent there over the summer, especially since I haven't eaten any real Chinese since the end of senior year. Blah. 'Night, kids!

1 comment:

JD said...

mmmm, Chinese buffet.