Tuesday, January 31, 2006

"Happy birthday!"

Cathy called at 12:01. Kristen is on the phone right now. I feel super loved, I really do.

Scott took me out tonight. We went to WalMart and Ashley and Mallory had planned on going, too, but none of us planned it like that. They came with us to WalMart and Avanti's. They got me a little cake. :)

So now I am sitting here, studying for my math quiz tomorrow, eating leftover cake, and listening to some Violent Femmes. How could life get any better?

Have a fantabulous day, kiddies. ;)

Oh, and Pretty in Pink was on sale at WalMart for $4.88. Perfect day indeed.

I adore my boy. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 30, 2006

"Eeeeahhhhh! Woo woo wooh!"

I absolutely adore Freaks and Geeks. We watched a couple of episodes last night after The Goonies and Grey's Anatomy. I get Nick from Freaks and Geeks and George from Grey's Anatomy. Geeze. Nick is super, super intense but completely devoted to Lindsey, and George is just hysterical. "Anyone want to have sex?" Best last line of an episode ever.

Anyway, I just got in from a little chat in the hallway with Lorrie and Stephanie. The girls on this floor gossip like no other and that entails quite a bit of drama. Like high school drama, and I think this is why I have stayed clear of them for so long. I've made it one semester and they're finally sucking me into their girlie vortex. Gah! Everyone on the floor is really nice to me, mainly because I am the nice, quiet girl (funny, right?). I live at the end of the hall, and although I circulate amongst the other girls, I am usually independent of them. But recently, since I am Steph's new roomie and because I have more classes with these girls, I seem them ten times more often and they are confiding in me and blahblahblah. I am actually enjoying it. Like Lorrie, for instance. She was telling me about her boyfriend, and when she needed help filling out some job applications, she came to me because I am knowledgeable in these areas (that is what other girls on the floor say, at least). Since Kelly and Lorrie are friends with Steph, that means they'll be in my room a lot more. Well, I'll stop talking about it, but you get the idea.

So how do you enjoy that last picture? It makes me laugh, a lot. Scott says it's a very me-picture. *shrug* Yep, I am just goofy like that.

He's taking me out to dinner tonight to celebrate tomorrow's events. It should be fun. And a trip to WalMart might be necessary, too. We like to go shopping together...it's the married couple thing, I guess. So now I am going to take a shower and get gussied up. :) I love my gay man.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

"Oh, sweetie...I hope you feel better."

I saw this one coming.

You Are Most Like Miranda!

While you've had your fair share of romance, men don't come first
Guys are a distant third to your friends and career.
And this independence *is* attractive to some men, in measured doses.
Remember that if you imagine the best outcome, it might just happen.

Romantic prediction: Someone from your past is waiting to reconnect...

But you'll have to think of him differently, if you want things to work.

Thursday night I got back from Heather's really later and ran into Shawna who, I guess, thought I was drunk, and she told everyone on the floor. I didn't have one drop of alcohol and everyone thinks I was drunk. I was super tired and not fully coherent but otherwise sober. Yesterday I hung out with Mallory and Ashley after lunch. Ashley and I watched more Freaks & Geeks until around 5:30 and decided it was time to eat and see a movie instead of TV reruns. Eventually, we made our way back to Atkin where I threw up after ten mintues or so. Jen, Eistir, her friend Brett, and Shawna were drinking Jack and coke and I ran out to go vomit. Blah. I had had a humongous headache the entire and it escalated into a migraine or something--enough to make me sick. Ash and Mal left because I was sick, and they didn't want to drink and didn't know anyone else. After a couple minutes of sipping some water and watching them play 007 drunk, I decided I was going to bed. So that's what I did--I went to bed. I woke up to Eis knocking the door around 10:30, so I had slept well over twelve hours, and she brought the RA on duty and he checked her out of the room.

I don't think I had realized how much she misses me. :) She kept asking when I was coming to visit, and I think we decided I am going up to Libertyville the first weekend of break. And I talked to her on the phone three times this week, I think mainly due to the fact that she was coming down this weekend.

Speaking of which, Stephanie is either moving in tomorrow or Monday. I'm going back to bed...my head and tummy still hurt.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


There is this song on the radio and I can't remember the title for the life of me. It's instrumental, on the oldies station, lots of cowbell and trumpet. Greg just kind of looked at me when it came on and made a funny face. He's not such a big fan of oldies, but since he is in my room, he'll have to tough it out.

Speaking of Greg. I went downstairs to get some lunch after my shower and got a baked potato, some lemonade, and the mother loadof puppy chow. As I stepped onto the elevator, I heard a guy yell, "Hold the elevator!" so I did--low and behold, Greg. "I've been calling you, why don't you return any of my calls? I've been worried about you. I even came all the way over here so you would talk to me and to make sure you're okay." I really do love that he's concerned for my well-being but it doesn't change that I don't want to date him. The kid is nearly perfect, I'll give that to him, but he surely deserves better, especially since I don't want to date. I wish he would listen to me when I tell him that. Oh, so persistent.

I have to leave for class now or I won't get a good seat. I hate lectures so much. I guess he's walking me over there, too. Good Lord, Greg.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Yesterday...major giggles. I couldn't help it. Everything just seemed funny. Mallory made fun of me last night because I talk so much. It's fair game because it's so true. I probably talk too much--if you had seen me at the beginning of last semester, you would have thought I was a relatively quiet kid, and now I am back to normal. Well, to be honest, I don't think I am quite as loud as I was in high school. *shrug*

After Encounter last night, we went back to Watterson to watch some Freaks & Geeks--I remember it back in the day. 1980. High school. Very fantastic. As I recall, I was in junior high when the show came out, and I thought, Man, I hope it isn't like this. A little bit, but it's more for entertainment than reality. Erica got the first season (only season) from the Normal Public Library for a long while. The library has a lot of CDs and DVDs you can borrow, so I'm thinking about getting a library card here so I can check out some new CDs. I'm getting a little weary with my collection I have had for so long. iTunes says I have 585 songs, and it sounds like a lot yet it doesn't feel like it when I run through the playlist. Almost all of it is from CDs with the few exceptions of the songs Matt sends me.

Now I am just babbling. I'm going to get going--Mallory and Ashley's friend Jason from high school is performing over the Bone right about now and we're going to grab some BK or Pizza Hut in the union and watch him. And tonight is band. Woohoo. *dances in chair* You would love it, too, if you were me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"What can I do? 'Cuz I feel blue."

`I do believe I am addicted to the Oldies station.
`Mallory burnt me copies of Rent and Moulin Rouge because my were too scratched.
`My hair is huge and extremely curly. I am rather enjoying it.
`I put eyeliner on for the first time in what seems like forever.
`Mallory and I are also married on facebook. Yes. And tonight we're having a photoshoot.
`I have absolutely no homework and I am bored out of my mind.
`I talked to Mike today for a fair amount of time. Go, Mike!
`I am going to get another diet coke then I'll be set until dinner--reading more Wicked.

Monday, January 23, 2006

"Take this broken heart and make it grow."

Emo, emo, emo. All you kids and your being emo. Snap out of it! Okay, maybe I am being harsh, especially since I am just coming out of one of those phases. Me and being hypocritical. Who would have thunk it?

I talked to Eistir tonight for over an hour. Damn, I miss her. A lot. She'll be here this weekend to take care of the rest of her check-out then I guess Steph will be in here next week. I was really starting to enjoy my solicitude.

I put the rest of my pictures up. I had quite a few and now a big open space is completely plastered with Cathy, Corrie, Niki, Meg, and Rachel. I even have one up of Matt--from prom. Muahaha. And I found a random picture of Nonn and Udey so I put it up, too.

Speaking of which, I talked to Nonn today. I am using her as one of my references for my summer application. Most of you know that I am applying for a summer job here for preview (i.e. orientation), and if you didn't, you do now.

Geology was good. Kelly fell asleep multiple times as she was writing and served as a good source of entertainment for Lorrie and myself. I walked Scott to choir since I obviously had nothing to do, and he came over...a little after 5:00 since he had to work after choir. We ate down at Southside, and when we came back up here, he laid on my bed for a while and randomly started to sing at the top of his lungs, running from song to song, little bits here and there. And he sounded so awful--he tried to go so high his voice kept cracking. I tried to tickle him or cover his mouth but he kept going. He is persistent, but I love him anyway.

We bumped into Lindsey on our way out and she is about the billionth person to comment on us acting like a married couple. I have accepted it. It is fantastic being friends with him, nice being loved and missed when I am gone. I don't even have to tell him why I am upset, he just snuggles with me and we watch Disney movies. I haven't had a best friend in a long while. I missed it.

"I don't think I get your sense of humor."

We have to write a paper on our worst or best day in English. Me, I opted to the worst week over break. We type in class and none of us were able to finish our first draft before we had to peer edit, which means we have to write two questions at the end of the draft and have two kids answer each question. The guy sitting next to me did not understand that my paper was extremely sarcastic and overexaggerated, though the girl after him got it. He kept commenting on how he didn't really understand what I was saying and I used big words--I kid you not. Me, with big words? Ha. He cracks me up, nonetheless.

8:00 math class isn't as tough as I used to make it out to be. Yeah, I want to be lazy and just not go, but that doesn't seem like a very good option. Tuesdays I don't have it until 11:00 and Thursdays I get up for the 8:00 then sleep until lunch. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. History is always interesting. I will tell you this much--the professor's choice in clothing today was distracting. He had a plum colored shirt on and sky blue pants. And I noticed his upper body is unproportionately large. He's Mr. Duggins' height but he also has a chest like Schwarzeneggar. Geeze.

Last night I went over to Ashley's room to watch Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, which was fantastic. We ate some Ben & Jerry's and polished off the brownies Patty gave me. Cat fights always make shows better, which appeals to our animal nature--I guess that Jerry Springer has such high ratings, har har. Afterwards, I headed over to Lindsey's to gossip a little and study some on the seventh floor lounge. It's extremely quiet up there except for the occasional cell phone chatters.

I'm meeting Mallory and Heather for lunch over at Southside, so I am going to take a half-hour nap before that. Hope you folks have a lovely day.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

"Can I talk to you about something...?"

This girl down the hall caught me as I was walking out the door for my geology lab. Stephanie. Tiny Stephanie. She and her roommate are not getting along. At all. No one else knows this, "It's all a facade," as she put it. So I will have a roommate by tomorrow if housing clears it. So I lived alone for less than a week. It was worth it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"I think he'll adjust to the talking and giggling that is me."

First band rehearsal tonight. It wasn't spectacular or anything--never is. We have a newbie named Dan. He's a freshman from the Gurney (sp?) area and lives in Watterson. I think Jim and Joe were happy to see the life of the low-brass section was still in action. Yes, I know I can talk too much on occasion, but for the most part, I'm a good kid in the back that entertains everyone. Jim warned Dan about me, told him I might get him into trouble. What a liar.

On the way up to school on Sunday, Dad asked me what emo was. There was an explanation that probably lasted a good half an hour or so. I found it amusing.

I'm going to go read some more Wicked. Elphaba feels my pain.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Sooner or later, love is gonna getcha."

What have I done today? Ran some errands around campus with Mallory and Heather, went to all of my two classes for the day, read, moved stuff around in my room. Yep, that's pretty much it. Oh, and I ate and showered in there.

I really wish Mom would return one of my phone calls. I miss her. A lot. And it's silly that I have to write this on my journal on the off chance she'll read this.

I made a whoops on my entry yesterday. I guess I will be home the weekend before Anything Goes because break is that. March 10-19.

I've been on a super Mah Jong kick the past couple of days. The game is extremely addictive. It's almost not fair. And I have been reading out of Wicked. So far it's strange but enjoyable, so I think I am going to go continue the reading bit. Night.

Monday, January 16, 2006

"Awww, your hair is so cute!"

Yesterday was my first day back...thought I was coming back today but I guess I was wrong. I had to pack and do my laundry is a hurry. I can't believe it's Monday already--or that I have to go to class tomorrow. Thankfully, it won't be until 11:00. Tomorrow is my math lab then psych from 12:35 to 1:50. Mallory, Ashley, Heather, and I are going to go get some late lunch after that.

Yesterday I spent all of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy with Lindsey then I promised Kathy I would save her from the nerdy boys over in her boyfriend's room, so I went over there and we played Scene It! movie style. Around 12:30/1:00 am-ish, Scott came in his jammies and spent the night on the once Eistir bed. Apparently, my snoring was down to a minimum and I have extremely adorable bedhead when I wake up. Sure. After a big debate with Scott this morning, I finally crawled out of bed at 11:00 this morning, when we decided to take his stuff over to his dorm and go eat lunch at Watterson. Went back to his place and watched Lady and the Tramp. I picked up my books which weren't nearly as expensive as last semester, or heavy. :) Hit Mallory and Ashley's over in Watterson where I have been a very large majority of the evening and ate dinner. Good stuff.

The room seems so weird without Eistir, her things, Bob Marley, and all her gadgets. As Scott said, it looks like the projects, white and concrete without any personality. I honestly don't think I will be that lonely. Once I get her side of the room looking a little homier and rearrange some stuff, it will be okay. I'm going home this weekend so I can take care of some stuff then I won't be back until Anything Goes in March. I'm going to miss my drinking, smoking, loud roommate.

I'm currently listening to Mallory's cousin's band--not too bad actually. Relaxing, fun, me-music. Except this last minute of this song is weirding me out. And now I am off to read my borrowed copy os Wicked. Hooray. G'night, folks.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Your dad would come after me with a shotgun."

Boy, I like to scare Wheats.

Any news? No, not really...I am feeling 100% back to my old self, including a slightly emo side. I called Mom tonight but she didn't return my phone call and that really worries me. I can tell she's upset and that worries me even more. She's right, I haven't spent any time with her, and I wish I could...I just need to know when it's okay for her.

No word on if I have a new roomie or not, so Eis and I believe I won't be having one unless there is a last minute change or someone has some indescretion with their roommate during this semester. Scott and Heather are both getting new roommates this semester, too. It just sucks.

I have called Corrie and Niki, too, no word back from them.

Plans didn't work out to go have lunch with someone on Sunday, and Greg called on his way up from Carbondale and asked if we could meet in town, so I drove into Springfield to see him. He decided against dating his ex-girlfriend again and wants to know if I can forgive him and allow him to treat me like a princess again. Told him I would have to think about it and would let him know by the start of classes. To be honest, I wasn't super heartbroken when we decided to stop dating...I think we'd be a fun couple, but I don't know if it would last that long. I obviously don't want to commit or feel like I haven't found the right person to commit to, you know? Anyway.

I have seen both Wheaton and Mia since the last time I wrote in here. Nothing spectacular, just wanted time to see them. I hadn't seen Mia since before graduation--crazy, huh?

But on a slightly more amusing note, I keep trying to write words in French, and I'm not really sure why. Kind of like my "Floriday."

As you can tell, my creative writing juices are superfluous tonight, so I'll just leave it at that.

"No, I love you more!"

You scored as Anthropology. You should be an Anthropology major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with QuizFarm.com

Sunday, January 08, 2006

"I'd pop a cap in Sancho, and I'd smack her down."

When Kristen, Dad, Patty, and I were at Head West Thursday night, we were discussing stoner music. The music being played was more reggae-rap than anything and didn't sound like the typical stoner music. But Sublime? Always. And I love "Santeria." Ironically enough, I heard it on the radio twice on Friday.

Thursday morning I was up by 4:00, got Kristen, rode the train up to Bloomington, killed some time at the mall and had breakfast at Cindy's, got paid, went back to the dorm where Scott and his brother Steve met us around 11:30 or so. As disturbing as my Scotty might find it, his brother is an absolutely gorgeous speciman of the human race. It was hard to pry my eyes away...and he has a really deep voice (and laugh). Once we got all of Scott's stuff into my room, Scott, Kristen, and I had lunch at McDonald's down the street. We got back to the dorm, and since there is no longer a TV in my room, Scott and I played Taboo while Kristen took a nap in my bed. When she awakened, we watched most of Swing Kids before departing for our train and Scott went to meet his bus.

Why do I not have a TV anymore, you ask? Oh, perhaps it's because I no longer have an Eistir. That's right. I was highly shocked when I arrived to a very baren Eistir side. No sheets, TV, clothes, fridge, or Marley and anti-Bush posters. After nearly having a heart attack, I realized that her parents probably decided she would not be attending ISU in the spring since her fall grades were so horrid. A call from her later confirmed that. Her mom was super pissed with her 2 F's, 2 D's, and a C. Since it is so late into the year, we're not sure if I will have a roommate at all this semester. I am extremely nervous about the whole thing really. I am pissed at Eis for leaving me alone and doing so badly, and I am scared that I might get a really creepy, scary, loner, or otherwise ridiculous roommate. And if I have the whole room to myself? That means Scott can decorate the other side and pretend like its his. He's getting a new roommate this semester who is a senior from Plainfield, where Scott is from. He thinks they won't get along, which means he will definitely be spending more time in my room--I am perfectly okay with that.

Yesterday I was going about my business...and *-boom-* I got hit by a car. I was actually on the phone with Mom when it happened and I am sure there was some loud curse word in there (sorry). But there wasn't a scratch on either car, and even though the guy was a real asshole about the entire ordeal (especially since he was on the that rear-ended me at a stoplight), everything turned out all right. I had lunch with Cathy and Kristen, ate some yummy Thai food to go from Thai Kitchen, and I thought of you, Matt. :) I went out with Katie Whitehead to celebrate her birthday a week late at TGI Friday's then made it to Starbuck's for the second time in one week. Afterwards I ended up at Wyatt's until very late.

I am now just sitting here...typing, obviously. I was on the phone with Kevin earlier, but his brother, who apparently does not like me in the slightest, was pestering him so he told me he would call back. I doubt he will, but he would be calling the house phone and that would wake up Dad and Patty if he did call, so I figure I will wait another twenty minutes before going to sleep. Other than that, nothing new to report. Have a nice night, kiddies.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

"You are just so great, Sarah."

I have now experienced a day from hell.

I couldn't sleep last night because my brain was thinking when I wanted to actually sleep. My left gum is infected so I am now on more medication--hooray! Most of lunch from Perkin's was unedible, but that's okay because when I got home Max was puking up stuff that looked like egg yolks. Oh, apparently I can handle some strange kids puke being all over my body but I can't handle my own dogs puke, and I would know since I puked on top of his and had to clean up the entire thing off the floor. I was ready about to break and cry when my beloved Gregory called to make sure I was having a good day. My day was slightly bettered but then, shit, he dumps me for his ex girlfriend of three years--she wants to get back together because she misses him.

On a brighter note, I made a pot roast, carrots, and potatoes that turned out rather delicious, not to mention my biscuits, peas, and green beans from a can or my brownie mix and blue bunny ice cream for dessert. Yep. I did outdo myself.

I need to go take a shower. Patty and I are leaving the house at 5:00 so we can pick up Kristen and make it to the train station by 6:00--she has to open up her office tomorrow morning at 6:30. I had to bribe Kristen with lots of coffee. But it'll be all worth it...you can't believe how much I want to see Scott right now. After having the world's shittiest day, it's about time.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I am disgusted with my cell. I have absolutely no reception at the house so everyone has to call me on the landline, everyone usually meaning Kristen. I was in Panther Creek dropping off Cathy after lunch at SnS on Wabash and walking around the mall aimlessly for an hour and a half when I called Matt to get his whereabouts...and of course, my cell phone cut off. I did blame it on his, and although I am not 100% positive, I am leaning more towards my phone being the likely culprit than his. My cell phone hates every fiber of my being and wishes me to communicate with no one. How dare it!

Oh, yeah, happy new year. I'm not making any resolutions because I normally don't keep them nor do I usually wish to. Maybe I should be less of a gossip because, afterall, I seem to be the Queen of Gossip. Good Lord, I am turning into Grandma.

I am at the Chatham library right now, trying to get caught up on my email and the likes. Bills, too. Can't you hear my unenthusiastic hooplah? Yep, thought so. I depleted my savings account today to further my higher education, go me.

To summarize my week so I can go to Matt's, I got my wisdom teeth pulled a week ago today. Vicadin does NOT agree with my stomach so I was extremely sick the majority of last week and really couldn't enjoy much of anything. I really didn't feel better until yesterday and last night was the annual holiday dinner at Aunt Irene's. My cheeks are still pretty puffy, too. Yesterday my left side looked like I had morphed into marshallow puff man or something.

Now I'm off...sorry if this wasn't long enough for your taste--I'll try better next time? It won't be for a while. I know Thursday I am going with Kristen to meet Scott in Bloomington and I'm excited to the point I could pee my pants. ;) Have an excellent week, kiddies.