Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"Look what I got for Christmas..."

Dead silence except for my comment of "I think I'm going to pee my pants." Wow, my tact and wonderous grace astound me sometimes. Geeze. Sorry. It was more a reaction of shock than anything else. I thought I was supposed to be the first one married and pumping out babies. At this point, I would most certainly be content to be the last. Working with all those kids has made me learn a whole new kind of patience. And funny anecdote: Rachel's nose started running at church and she didn't have any kleenex so I leaned over and wiped her nose with my hand. Probably not too appetizing for my priceless readers, what can you do? *shrug*

So, yes and no, break has been eventful. I refuse to go through my daily ritual constantly--what's the point? Several of you have already heard or were there to witness it firsthand.

My snoring has become absolutely atrocious. What can I say? I have no only inherited Dad's height and non-graying hair but his sinus problems as well. *shrug* I kept Kristen and Corrie up at our little sleep-over Friday night here at Dad's (all of us agree we have not eaten this much junk in a LONG time) amd Jessie Christmas Eve after she got home super early in the morning. She actually moved to the couch downstairs to get some shut eye. I think Eistir's sleeping pills have masked me snoring problem since the time school began--either that or coming home really made it worse.

Christmas Eve and Day were massive family days, which I loved. I did get quite a few very excellent presents. Among my favorites Greg's purse, Patty's lotion, Jessie's purse, and Mom's luggage (I love luggage--I think my set is almost complete). Dad's family was over for a Patty-cooked meal on Sunday...Uncle Paul was the last to leave, as usual, and got Rachel the most horrific combo cell phone holder/wallet thing. God, it's ugly.

I got my bottom wisdom teeth pulled today. I couldn't feel my lower half of my face all day, which was especially fun when I was eating my soup and drinking, things just kept dribbling out of my mouth and onto my only Illinois shirt. Grandma took me, and after an hour of sleep at Scannura's office, we came back to the house and I have remained awake since then. I am impressed...I thought I would have slept all day. *shrug* I'm rotating my vicadin and prescription mortin, not to mention this very digusting mouthwash I have to use at least twice of day to keep my mouth relatively sanitary...I can't even brush my teeth until tomorrow afternoon. Ew. Right now I am waiting up until midnight to take another vicadin to knock me down for the count so I sleep all night. My lip is super swollen along with my stitched-up gums, and although gums don't necessarily hurt, I get a twing of pain whenever I put the slightest pressure on my jaw, like when Chewy bonked my face earlier with one of his paws on accident. Oh, well...I am hoping tomorrow will be as good as today and that I'll be able to have some Taco Bell by the weekend--that's the goal. ;)

Scott called me today and I was very glad he did. I think we're planning on meeting in Bloomington on Tuesday so he can move some of his stuff into my room before we have to move back in a couple of weeks. We'll get to spend the whole day together. Hooray!!! His bus leaves around 5:30 and that's about the time I will be hopping back on train towards Springfield, and if I buy my tickets in advance, it'll only be around $10 for the trip and I can get my paycheck while I am there so I will have some cash for the rest of the break. Go me. I invited Kristen to come if she wants, too, and as long as it is okay with Scott, she more than likely will. She called me tonight from Florida. She's not having any fun and so she calls me from her hotel room to tell me about the hot high school baseball players that seem to be floating around the hotel.

I keep spelling "Floriday instead of "Florida." And I gossip waay too much. But hey, I'm the one to always have the goods. ;) I think that about raps it up. I am going to secretly play Mah Jong and have another 7Up before taking my pill and heading to bed. You guys get a good night's rest and enjoy your day tomorrow...I know I will. Good evening, folks.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

"Oh, my Sarah Lou, what do I do with you?"

I like it that Wyatt calls me Sarah Lou like it's his geeky way of identifying me--like he thought it up in the first place. Haha. He just drove me home from Bloomington. Hooray!!! He got me around 9-ish, we left, then Angela called from the Studio saying I'd left my phone so we had to get off the highway to go back and get it. While driving back south, I had an epiphany--SnS time!! We stopped for shakes and onion rings in Lincoln and I filled up his tiny tank in the Z (his pet name for the car). We made it back to New Berlin around 11:45...Dad was half passed out in the chair in the music room so I sent him to bed and here we are.

Work has been going great...yes, it's quasi-stressful but I went out on a good note so tis excellent. Tonight was uber-busy because people are picking up their last minute Christmas pictures and taking group photos. I even had several passports today...a six-month-old farted while I was trying to take his passport photo and it was the most sickening smell I have ever encountered. Yeah, that might seem kind of absurd to put in my journal, but you would understand why it was significant if you had witnessed the crime. Geeze. Angela and I were the old two photographers and Jen manned the front desk...tough work but always a lot of fun. Angela thinks Wyatt is a major cutie, heh. At any rate, Tracy told me to send her my spring semester schedule, which is fantastic because that means A) I am not just a seasonal photographer and B) I have a job for next semester. *happy dance* This leads to a transfer over the summer. I think I will still apply for a Dept. of Ag job, but this is a good fall back. I can always work at Sear's until summer ends and transfer back to Bloomington for Christmas season if need be. :)

I went on a date last night after work...it was kind of a last-minute thing. He picked me up and I had absolutely no idea what we were going to do...he ordered Monical's in the car so by the time we got there it was all ready to go. We stuck it in my purse and went next door to see Rent. I don't think he knew I had seen it twice already, which is fine by me. Anyway, we chowed down on Monical's throughout the entire movie and afterwards we went over to Z's, across from Watterson, and got some dessert. By the time we got back to my dorm, it was nearing 1:00...I invited him up and we ended up watching As Good As It Gets on TBS until he fell asleep and I told him he could call me tomorrow (today), which he did around 9:00. "Get out of bed, go take a shower, I am taking you to breakfast." More like brunch, but whatev. Went to Denny's then I chilled out in my room until I had to go to work. Ironically enough his name is Greg. Greg is from southern Illinois, somewhere near Carbondale. He has an apartment in Bloomington with some of his buddies. He is a junior, almost 21, majoring in sociology. He did a good job on the date, I'll give him that. He picked out a Sarah-type movie without knowing much about me at all and he picked up some of the best pizza in town. Good job. He's going home on Friday and will be driving through Springfield so he's supposed to give me a call. We'll see.

At any rate, it is late and I think I'm going to go snuggle on the couch with Chewie until I decide it's time to get into bed. I'm so glad that I am home now...and for a very long time, too!! Lots of me-and-Rachel time...and of course girl time with all the Lunch Buddies and the such. I probably won't write in this again until next year so merry Christmas and a happy new year! w00t. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

"Miss Sarah! Miss Sarah! Are you all right? Don't cry!"

I love some of the little kids that run through that studio. Today I not only ripped my only pair of jeans in both knees but I got a blood blister from pinching my finger inbetween the camera and the stand then I almost tipped over the camera stand which is really freaking hard to do, not to mention extremely heavy. And to top it off, I kept tripping on the muslin and made a hole in my shoes larger than it already was. Fantastic, eh? But those boys...they saw me when that stand landed on me and gave me some hugs and, "Don't worry, Miss Sarah, it will get all better." It was so sweet it made me want to cry. Working around kids can be so fun sometimes...

We got our Christmas bonus. *air five* Not in money, no, portrait sheets, oh yes. Now I am thinking of how I want to use them or if I will at all. I think I'm going to have to consult Rachel on this one. We might have some fun with this. ;)

Here's the deal...I worked Tarah's very early, very long shift today. Had a couple of screamers, one of them has a red face to match his even redder hair. It was actually kind of amusing--I have never heard a kid with a set of lungs like that. *shrug* Had some very good sits today, and it's great to know how very shocked I am sometimes to find so many attractive families out there. I don't mean to sound odd, but this one family, the one with the boys that cared, was gorgeous. All three boys were very cute and had fantastic everything-smiles, attitudes, clothes, hair, dimples, blue eyes-all inherited from their both very attractive parents. My ramblings bother me sometimes. Anyway, I made it out of there by 5:00 even though I was supposed to leave by 4:00. Once I got back, I started to clean some more and take apart my stereo, move my fridge, some of the basics for bug spraying. Beth gave me a call around 9:00 to see if I wanted to do anything; by 9:30, she was cleaning my fridge of leftover Papa John's from last night and we decided to go see Narnia at 10:00 at Parkway (funny how there is one here, too). I just got back and so I thought I should update because tomorrow will be busy, busy and I am not sure if I am coming back Monday or Tuesday for work, it all depends on whether or not I have to work Tuesday night.

Dad says he is going to be here around 9:30, so I am getting up around 7:00 to shower and pull together everything else I will need to take with me. I am ready to go home, friends. It's about time.

I hope you had fun at Megan's wedding...you'll have to give me all the details later and let me know if Jessie fell on her face or if someone pulled something out on the dance floor. Aunt Mae's birthday was today and I forgot to call her...whoops! I should try to remember doing that tomorrow (today really). And Kaylin turned five today (meaning Sunday). Oh, she's an old fart now.

Good night, folks...have a good one!!

Friday, December 16, 2005

"Wow, that was extremely awkward."

Ah, poor Micah. Yesterday, Scott came by while I was half-napping and we had some lunch that we brought up to my room to watch TV. On the way out of the dining hall, Micah comes running out, yelling my name, which of course I didn't hear immediately because I am deaf. If he had done that towards the beginning of the semester, like he used to do so many times, I might swoon a little bit. But not then, right then I was thinking of food. He hugged Scott and gave me a little handshake. Always the awkward boy. He's 21 now, just think what he'll be like at 60. I bet he'll still be just as sweet and just as if not more awkward. :P He talked about finals and this and that...he's student teaching this next semester and then he graduates. He told me I will be sure to get an invitation and come to his little grad party afterwards. He's going to be at Morton over break and the next quarter then he's going to South Dakota to teach on an Indian Reservation. At any rate, as Micah walked away, he tried to hug me, which was very awkward but very tight then he told me he was going to miss me. When Scott and I got on the elevator, I let a sigh escape and Scott laughed at me. Oh, well.

"Come Rain or Come Shine" was just running through my playlist and I remembered I used to sing that to someone. Very annoyingly. I am pretty sure it was Jessie Kratz, but I couldn't tell you for sure. I am almost positive it was the choir gang...speaking of choir, I thought I should let you know that I had to rearrange my class schedule for next semester, and unfortunately, it excludes choir. The first time since...forever...that I haven't been in choir. I am going to go talk to Dr. Fredstrom about it once we get back from break to see if I can still attend class even if I'm not on the roster. It makes me extremely sad...

I stuck with band because it's Christine's last semester and they don't have very many trombones but in choir we have a bazillion altos. Plus band is only one rehearsal a week and blahblahblah. I can always sing, no matter what, but I will lose my chops completely if I stop playing. And I think this will give me a chance to check out the choral groups--maybe the a cappella group or something. They only have one good bass, I might be a good addition. ;)

Oh, I am completely finished with finals now. I am extremely delighted. Dad is coming to get me on Sunday. He wants to help move me out since Mom got to move me in. I'm debating on whether or not I am going home on Sunday because if I do, I'll have to come back Monday or Tuesday depending on the work schedule and I'd have to find someone to drive me to the train station during the day. I am going to check out my work schedule tonight to see what I need to do...like packing and laundry and all kinds of random stuff. In fact, right now I am going to take a nap then wake up in an hour or so and do some packing and get ready for work.

All my close friends on campus have left which makes me sad, but I will get over it. I won't be the only person in the dorm all weekend, so that's not too bad. Anyway...g'day, folks.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

"We've kinda started a movement."

To Those Concerned As you may or may not know, a new rule has gone into effect for the 2005-2006 Pep Band. The rule states that no band member is allowed to leave his/her seat during a basketball game unless Mr. Jones permits them to use the restroom.  No one will be allowed to move during the game, unlike previous years where we were allowed to converse or sit with friends not in the band. Not only this, but now the tyrannical Mr. Jones has decreed that all members must stay for the entire game rather then just until the half, thereby doubling play time.  This cannot stand! According to these rules, all band members are required to sit in the same place for three hours consecutive. Something must be done to resolve this problem. What if all band members had to suddenly use the restroom after pre-game?  Well, the line would be so long, all members will be in line until a few minutes before half time. This is the plan; everyone will stand up and leave after tip off. If this is a combined effort, and if everyone participates, Mr. Jones will not be able to punish anyone.  Remember, we will be at our seats at pre game, at halftime, AND at post game. If you choose to miss post game presentation, feel free to, but you will not be endorsed by the militia. We mean only to protest, not disrupt. On Saturday, we will rebel. Long live the Free Band!
The Militia

I got this from Brian's away message and Kevin told me about it last night. Those band geeks are the best, not to mention my most favorite people in the world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

not worthy of a quote.

I told myself I would not cry. I almost managed it, too, until I read in Corrie's journal about how she needs a Sarah hug. I broke down. And I can't stop.

A) He text'd me, "God I am so sorry."
What is that supposed to mean? Does that mean he regrets not going further, not treating me better? Sorry things didn't work out better? Sorry I couldn't have been better? Yes, I am sorry. Limitations amongst other things make me regret my dating this semester. I have blown off some perfectly nice guys, for what? I could have gone on the dates and had fun, but no, I refuse to go on a date with someone I only feel lukewarm upon meeting. I found someone I liked a lot and things didn't work. Is that what he's sorry for?

B) Finals.
I haven't really stressed about them until now. I hadn't stressed at all, truth be told. And now I am. Especially tonight, this moment...I feel a disaster.

C) I had one of those good cries in a long time.
As a matter of fact, I don't think I have had one of those really excellent cried in a couple of months (could be wrong), somewhere along the lines of being homesick. Now I am sitting her, blubbering, with no one to hug me or keep me company. Because Eistir isn't here, and even if she was, she'd tell me to suck it up or look awfully uncomfortable while trying to console. This leads to...

D) Not being sure who to call.
This poses a major problem. I want some consolation, but not just a note online or whatever...I mean, I want to realy hug, a little peck on the cheek, soothing voice, a listener. Who do I know like that? Quite a few people actually. I flipped through my phone racking my brain but alas those I chose to call I could not get a hold of and the one person I managed to procure before the waterworks was extremely busy as always and could not speak. So instead I have a pity party and complain to my online journal.

E) I hate being sick.
Yes, it's an excuse to not do some things, but I have been feeling like absolute crap since Saturday. I swear I have lost five pounds because my pants feel like they're going to fall off and my normal belt notch isn't substantial enough to hold up said pants. These are freshly laundered pants, too, which means they're especially tight, fresh out of the drier. I hadn't noticed with all my baggy PJs and crappy last-resort clothes I wear when I haven't done my laundry in a while. Dehrydration does wonders for the figure, girls.

Guys, I even called someone I would never call under these circumstances, Jake. He's been ignoring me since Halloween...haven't spoken, no texts. It's so irregular, and do I dare admit, I kind of miss the annoying bugger.

Now that I have stopped crying, I am just very mad at myself. I hope you have a much better night than me. I'm going to get some gossip out of Rachel...she always makes me feel better.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I wretched again. Vulgar, I know. I was lying in the dark, waiting to fall asleep when I had to run to the bathroom. I went over to Daryl and Jen's room and Jen gave me peptol bismo but I am not sure if I should take it, so I am consulting Mr. Matt and Mr. Caleb, the only two souls online without away messages. Caleb gave me some websites to go to because he is ingenious and told me he thinks pepto should be fine as long as I don't throw it back up. We'll see.

Geeze, Tuesday is going to be a VERY long day, kids.

PS Eistir's friend Kelsey is coming very shortly to pick her up and whisk her back to Libertyville. I can't believe she gets to go home a week and a half earlier than me. Hope she has fun...I'm not helping her move her stuff.

Monday, December 12, 2005

"Oh, my God...it's...MARK!

So I watched Dazed and Confused tonight for the first time. It was pretty good. I'm uber glad I have the soundtrack already. As I was watching said film, I saw a character I thought I recognized. Oh, yes. Anthony Rapp. Oh, yes. My latest crush from Rent--Mark Cohens. Oh, my God! As silly and ridiculous as I might be, I went to imbd.com and checked out what other movies he has been in...A Beautiful Mind, Road Trip, Man of the Century, School Ties. And he played Oliver when he was 9. Ah, geeze. Makes me want to love him more.

Seeing him go from the geek of Dazed and Confused to the geek in Rent makes me a very happy girl. ;)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

"Pukey magee!"

That's right. That not-so-good feeling from last night lasted ALL night. I don't think I slept at all because I felt so revolting. I got out of bed around 7:15ish and made a run for the bathroom. Thank God because if I hadn't no one would be able to come into our room for a very long time. I managed to crawl back into bed around 8:00 where I decided I would call Tracy and tell her how very sick I was. So I did that around 8:15 as I was getting dressed because I knew if no one could cover my shift I would have to go in. Which is exactly what happened. Tarah picked me up and I was feeling a little better. I was drinking my water and munching on some saltines...after sitting at Sear's for twenty minutes, I puked in the trash can. Disgusting, I know. Especially because it was just water and those two crackers I had eaten since the last puke fest. And I had to clean up and hose the garbage can out...it was a complete disaster. I called everyone I knew that had a car except Jeff but let's not go there and no one could come get me or was still asleep, so I passed out on the floor of our storage room and waited until Tarah could take a break and drive me home. As soon as I got upstairs, I passed out on my bed until 4:30ish and decided I was completely disgusted with myself. I now feel like I could cry I am so tired and stressed. I have a final at 7:50 tomorrow morning that I haven't studied enough for and I have yet to find someone to cover my shift for Tuesday for my chem final. My day just keeps getting better and better.

But I did manage to down some soup and crackers, so I am feeling better yet revolted. Grawr. I'm off to take a shower and study some more. Good luck to all of you taking your finals this week. Have a good one...

"Hey, bitch."

It's super late. I am super sick. And Eistir is super drunk.

10 Firsts:
First Best Friend(s): Johnathon Deerdorf
First Screen Name: sarah3106rachel
First Kiss: Mark in Florida at sunset (no joke)
First Pet: Heidi, the three legged dog and misellaneous kitties
First Piercing: 'lobes at 13
First Crush: Johnathon Deerdorf
First CD: No Doubt, Tragic Kingdom
First Car: BURT!
First love: Johnathon Deerdorf
First stuffed animal: no idea. Mom would be better qualified to answer that one.

9 Lasts:
Last Song listened to: something Ludo
Last drink: my water. Hooray!
Last Car Ride: Beth gave me a ride home last night from work.
Last Kiss: I don't even want to talk about it...too embarassing.
Last Movie Seen: currently watching Silence of the Lambs
Last Phone Call: Kathy N.
Last CD Played: Matt's Thai and oreo pie mix
Last bubble bath: More than likely when Grandma Spengler made one for me...
Last time you cried: When I was watching Friends this week!

8 Have You Evers:
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends?: no
Have You Ever Been Arrested?: no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped?: yes XD
Have You Ever Been on TV?: Thanks to Noonan's True Value and News Channel 20. Hooray Christmas showings.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone of the Opposite Sex? Yeah, I hope so.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone and Then Regretted it?: most certainly.
Have You Ever had a Dream About Someone You Knew?: Yes. I had another one about Mike. That's not weird at all.
Have You Ever played in the middle of a hurricane?: erm, no.

7 career paths you’ve considered:
social science teacher
music teacher
army girl
freelance musician
cheerleader (don't ask)

6 Things You’ve Done Today:
slept very late
worked a lot
ate some old Papa John's
felt very sick to my stomach
opened my last secret santa present
watched Eis fall

5 favorite things in no order: (things, not people)
Papa John's garlic sauce
my orange squish pillow
random texts

4 People You Can Tell Anything to in NO order:

3 Choices:
White or black: black
Hot or Cold: cold
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

2 Things You Want to Do Before you die:
sky dive
have that handful of kids

1 thing you regret:
eating that pizza today

Thursday, December 08, 2005

"As the candy canes frollick on my toungue...?"

Yummy, candy canes. I am freaking bored OUT OF MY MIND!!

Nothing on TV, tired of working on homework, everyone here in the dorm is working on classwork or studying and me? I have nothing to do. And I think Lindsey borrowed my copy of Empire Records so I can't watch it. Le sigh.

And it's after midnight...can't sleep either--too early. Brownies? That sounds good, too. Peanut butter brownies. And more macaroni. This is how I gain weight. Jesus H.

Dude, I know what. I am going to eat some mac while watching a movie then start to read some Jane Austen. That will wear me out. ;)

Malz says she will have those pictures up from this weekend tomorrow or I get to slap her in the face. I told her she shouldn't say such things because I will hold her to it. Lololol. Not really. So I will have pictures of my friends for you tomorrow! So excited. There is a super cute one of my and my second lover, Lindsey. My first is Scott. Oh, Scotty, I need a picture with him, too.

At any rate, I am done blathering for now. G'night, folks.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink."

Not true! I actually got some sleep last night. It was very nice!!! I'm contemplating a nap here in a little bit, but I should finish working on my comm portfolio and look over the study guides for both comm and justice. Since I don't have plans for the next couple of days, I had was going to work on those three things. I have to write a three-page paper to finish my portfolio, but let's be honest here--I won't start that until tomorrow afternoon or night. That's just the way things go around here.

Last night I got off work early so I cam home, ate the rest of my sandwich from Chili's, and decided to make some mac 'n cheese and lure Lindsey down to watch some TV. It worked. Muahaha. :) She came down to eat some macaroni and we watched most of the tenth season of Friends. Jen down the hall has the entire DVD collection so we've been borrowing her discs when we get bored. I honestly haven't seen a lot of the episodes since like 2001, so I feel like I need to catch up to some extent. I think Jen's letting me borrow a couple of seasons over break since I will be here by myself for a while, which is a very generous offer.

Right now I am listening to The Be Good Tanyas. Eistir's influence. Mom, I think you would like them a lot--folk music. Kind of reminds me of Nickel Creek. I have a couple of their CDs on the computer now, so I can burn you one when I get home. I made this relaxing, fun mix of a bunch of crazy songs on iTunes. It always cracks me up when the Mountain Goat song comes on--the one Matt sent me. I guess he went to a concert with Mike and Matt thought I should hear a song. And of course, what mix would be complete without "Bitches Ain't Shit." Haha.

I finished my shopping with the minor exception of the Secret Santa Rachel pulled for me, or as Bekki and Wyatt now refer to him as "Creepy Uncle Paul." What do I get him? I was thinking Pease's or something...but that just doesn't seem like an Uncle Paul present. Plus Grandma tells me we are to encourage the reducing of his belly size. Oh, well. I will think of something, I always do. Speaking of Secret Santa, I got my presents from work, and so far, I have a little black planner and a bottle opener (beer, wine, and can). Someone knows we college kids like our alcohol.

Now it's off for my nap. Have a good one, lovelies.

In Scott's bed "studying" for chem. We were actually listening to the Temptations sing "Ain't No Mountain." He recorded me singing all over the room--it's a good thing that didn't go online. :) Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 05, 2005

"On Sunday morning without any warning..."

I am in a ska kind of mood. I bought some dirt cheap argile airwalks. Ah, they make me think of duck shoes. And I don't think anyone knows what I am talking about when I say that. *sigh*

This week is looking pretty free. I am almost disgusted with my lack of things to do. So I am thinking that maybe studying for finals would be the best plan of action. XD Not overly thrilled, but I am going to need all the help I can get. Want to know a secret? I bombed that last chem test--just saw my grade and thought I could cry. Yeah, I passed, but I was doing so well in there and that just dropped my grade like 3 points. Geeze, Louise. I better kick ass on these finals. *crosses fingers* I guess my final schedule is looking different than I thought it was going to be. I have justice 7:50a Monday, chem 3:10p Wednesday, comm 7:50a and math 8p Thursday. Sucks hxc style.

On a brighter note, I am going to the mall today to drop off my Secret Santa's present for the day and hopefully finish up my Christmas shopping. Tonight I want to go to church, but I am not going by myself, so I'm hoping Scott or Sarah will go with me.

That's how my day is looking folks, sorta boring but entertaining. PS I started wrapping Christmas presents today and I kick ass at it.

Oh, and the day of Christmas music went well. A lot of Lindsey and Mallory. Some of Scott. More of the boys that sit in front of us than normal. James, John, and our newly adopted schoir geek, Alex. Cute kid--senior. :) I bet he's glad he has befriended so many nutty freshmen. But hey, we're cool so it's all good. Mom brought Greg. I was slightly surprised but at the same time not so much. Hope you guys had a good time.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Did anyone mention it's now December? I guess I missed that with all the chesnuts roasting on an open fire, the rosy cheeks, and kids nestled in their beds. What am I talking about? How should I know? Freaking-A. It's 1:57 in the morning. All I know is I had a spectacular day today and now I am really tired, feel no motivation to put away the Christmas presents I bought or fold the clean clothes on my bed, nor do I wish to bother changing into PJs. Nope, throwing everything on the floor and crawling under the covers seems ideal right now. Oh, sleep. Glorious, glorious sleep.

Bill IMed me and we're having a...Bill-and-Sarah conversation. It has its moments. Sometimes it's a little awkward but I think it gets like that with everyone now and then. Nope, I guess he's over in California at the compay headquarters. Moved to Chicago and now he's in California. The boy just keeps moving up, and he's loving it. Good for Bill.

I hate the high school drama. Yeah, it has its place, but try to avoid putting it in my journal. Thanks, guys.

Rent is just as good the second time as it is the first time. Except I didn't cry as much this time. I want Mark, Collins, and Roger--in that order, only if Collins was straight. And if Collins and Roger didn't have AIDS. Yes, I would have Mark's babies any day, just so you know. The voice, the attitude, his glasses, and his emoness. Gotta love 'im.

I have a very random bottle of vegetable oil on my desk. I now have some green striped gloves and they make me think of Slytherin quidditch. And there's leftover Papa John's from last night and Chili's from tonight. Some drunk guys stood way too close to me at the ATM at the theater tonight. Weirdos.