Friday, September 09, 2005


Yesterday I went to the rally on the quad. Bumped into Dallas for the first time since last Wednesday. Butthead. Anyway, Sarah and I had dragged Scott out of bed to go with us. We listened to some speakers. I dumped all my change into the five-gallon jugs that were being passed around. And the UHS has set up a place where you can donate some of your meal plan to feed kids in Louisiana.

Sarah and I want to go to Louisiana to help. Wish we could find a way to.

Dallas and I went to Wal-mart last night...bought some more groceries. As we were walking around, we found the cheap DVDs. Crocodile Dundee on DVD was on sale for about $5.00, and I almost bought it for Mom and Rachel. I got Shaft because of the yummy Christian Bale and Swing Kids because it was $3.00. When we headed to the movie store, I rented Moonstruck and he got Dumb and Dumberer. Geeze. What a combo, right? Moonstruck wasn't that bad; slight ly overacted but not bad.

Nothing too important to report. I am going with my LinC class to paint a house for two surviving familes from New Orleans that will be staying up here a while. I am excited about that...every bit helps.

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