Monday, September 19, 2005

"The sounds in this small town hurt my ears."

Gah, for lack of a better quote...listening to FOB obviously. This girl in my comm class and I were discussing how it sucks how cool bands become commercialized and the guy sitting next to me started making fun of us. But he asked something, "Well, if you were them, you'd be wanting to make money doing what you love, wouldn't you?" Yeah. But commercialization? Geeze. It somehow loses its lovliness when "adoring" fans with next to no knowledge of the band buy it because they hear one "cool song" on the radio. Whatev. Like that?

I awoke to an extremely bad hair day. You don't want to know how bad. So I put on my Mizzou hat because apparently I am a traitor to my school and my GTU hoodie and headed to class. Didn't even bother changing out of my cut-up yoga pants I have slept in. And I have successfully managed to go over two weeks without doing my laundry. Muahaha. I think that is probably the first time since I was thirteen or so. Wow. Not because I didn't have enough clothes, just because I like really clean clothes. Whenever I want to do laundry, someone is in the slot, so I am scheduled to do it between 1:00 and 3:00 on Wednesday before choir. Mmm, clean laundry.

Tonight I have to write a reflection paper on volunteering last weekend. And I might as well type up my journal entry for LinC and work on my research log while I am at it. Bleh. After choir, I am headed over to Movie Fan to drop off the movies and perhaps pick up some others. I am really disappointed that Sense and Senibility and Emma were on VHS and not DVD. Darn it...I really wish I had a VHS player here. Must look for one at some point--I knew I should have bought one at FamVid during the summer when they were only $15. Can't beat that, right? Well, anyway, Jimmy John's sounds very yummy right now. I can say the only food I have gotten off-campus since I've been here is Harvest Bread Co., so it's about time I expanded my horizons. And I was also thinking about stopping at the College Town to check out the much cheaper sweatshirts and other decore. Mom needs her decal and I could use another hoodie or two and some sweatpants that I don't have to change out of once I wake up. XD

Good night, folks.

1 comment:

JD said...

Thanks for the call. I'll see what I can work out for Sunday. And yes. I was at work tonight.