Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"Do you want me to come pick you up?"

Spring break. Not bad at all. It's kind of frustrating not having a car but it's not the end of the world...and Bobby Joe needs it more than me anyway. Rachel and I hung out all day on Saturday and did our girl thing. Walked around downtown, got a manicure and our eyebrows waxed, did some thorough window shopping, grabbed some movies to watch. Sunday was awesome because Dad made pancakes and I slept forever and a day.

Monday Bekki picked me up and we went to eat at Chili's, walked around downtown and got some Cold Stone. The two of us are quite the duo...I don't think I realize how much I miss her until I finally get to see her--I hadn't seen her since before her birthday in December. That's a very long time to go without Bekki.

Yesterday I ran some errands, saw 300 with Loopy, Wheats, and their friend Sam. I gotta say that I love going out with those boys because they always end up paying for everything--that's not the only reason I like them, lol. I haven't had boys pay for my stuff in a long while so it's great to have two of my male friends who have nothing else to blow their money on besides paying for my movie tickets and chocolate. One of my friends (Stephanie) from school who is from Decatur drove to Springfield yesterday to have dinner with me. I was absolutely thrilled! I took her for her first Cozy Dog visit and she really loved it. Afterwards, we made a trip to the mall so she could grab some khakis or something. When I got home, Mom said it was too late for Rachel to drive me back to Dad's so Wyatt picked me up and we headed out to Wings to see Bekki while she was at work. Being with the two of them is fantastic. I really miss seeing them and the rest of the Tri-City group--yeah, I hang out with Wheaton and Loopy but that it's not the same. I got an application for Wings which would be a fun job over the summer (I'd get to waitress which means tips!). After a music-blaring and singing-as-loud-as-we-could drive back from the east side of town, I had a talk with a buddy so he decided to come over. We watched part of Donnie Darko and talked about some things that just needed to be talked about.

I'm not tired of boys--I am tired of the way I react to them. I try to be me at all times, but everyone changes their attitudes around certain people. You know you do just as I know I do. You act differently around your mom, your dad, your sister, your brother, your best friend, your boyfriend/girlfriend, acquaintence, church buddy, coworker. You slightly modify your attitude; you choose your words a little more carefully around certain people. Everyone does it. I just hate that I do it moreso around certain people than I do with others. How can I be my true self when I feel the need to modify my behavior in front someone? I can't.

I don't want someone to get to know the wrong me. I want them to know the me Ashley, Bekki, Kristen, and Stephanie do. The open fart policy, the belching, the homework, the ex's, the other friends...they're the only people I am really willing to cry in front of besides Rachel and my parents. I'm not saying I want to be best friends with everyone. Nope, not at all. I just wish I could be a little more open with more people.


Brian P. "Petey Pablo" said...

Where's my Happy Birthday Greeting?? You guys are slacking. All those people I know from Encounter, and I only get a few happy b-day's on my wall. Gee whiz.

I write more about your post later.

Brian P. "Petey Pablo" said...

Springfield is nice, especially compared to Decatur. I was thinking about your comment about guys, and for reason it reminded me of the fact that most of my friends here are girls. I can understand how you change your behavior depending on which people you're around. Sometimes, I cuss a lot, or I'll talk about drinking, and can't be like that around everybody I know. You get what I'm saying.