Friday, March 30, 2007

"Drowning my sorrows, but my sorrows, they learned to swim."

I bought a small box of Crunch 'n Munch for $0.79 at Meijer. Get this: I bought a pint of strawberry ice cream, four boxes of mac 'n cheese, and a box of Crunch 'n Munch for the grand total of $3.79. How is this possible, you ask. I have no idea...this caramely popcorn and peanut combination is very addicting.

Today was an excellent day. I woke up late because I didn't have class until 11, finished writing a paper that was due at 2. I looked really cute, too. After psych, I came back and instead of the RAs having in-service we got to go to Chuck E. Cheese. It was a blast! Afterwards, I had to go to an extremely long ISRAA meeting...but they had breakfast for dinner so it was okay. Wrote a letter for an overseas soldier at this table some RAs had set up in the dining center. Headed back to my room for maybe half an hour when I get a phone call from an RA from Atkin saying that I needed to go this Mocktail party in my building, so I figured I'd attend long enough to get my drink then duck out. There ended up being a jazz combo and several of my friends showed up that were filming something for the bi-weekly news so I stayed to help out. Basically, it just ended up being these "news casters" and a group of RAs from South-Central campus. But we danced and schmoozed and whatnot. I left so I could go to small group, which was different than normal--we went to a playground and played and talked then headed to Meijer and back to Breanna's apartment. I loved it...we had some major girlie time and talked about boys and other things that girls do. I didn't get back from Breanna's until close to 12:30.

It is such a refresher to remember that I have such fantastic friends. They surprise me at times and I rather enjoy it.

PS I'll be home in another week.

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