Friday, March 23, 2007


It's amazing how one decision can affect the rest of your life. A decision to go on vacation or to go home or to have sex or to have a shooting competition. All could result in the loss of a life, all could result in prejudices, all could result in tragedy. But even through the pain of injury, the confusion of being deserted, the black cloud surrounding death, and the fatal consequences of what you think is a simple game, you can see the light. You have persevered and made it through the darkness in the hopes for something better. You're going to live. You are going to make it through another day and be able to tell people down the line that you are a survivor. And everyone is connected through all of it. You're never alone...

I could be connected to some child in Africa who is starving or some rice farmer in Thailand.

When something like this is put in front of me, I wonder about fatism. Does it exist? How could you not believe that everything has a purpose? We're not just floating on clouds, waiting to drop from the sky. Every decision you have has consequences.

And it's time for me to start making some drastic decisions myself.

1 comment:

Brian P. "Petey Pablo" said...

Huh? I don't get it. I did see "to have sex" in there. Is all that from a movie or something?