Sunday, March 18, 2007

"Come to the Hotel California?"

I'm listening to an amazing reggae album Kyle burned for me. I want to stand on my bed and groove out but I will refrain. He also introduced me to Pandora which is a really cool music site which doesn't requiring downloading any software or anything.

So the last few days have been amazing! I've seen many people this weekend that I haven't seen in ages. Some people I haven't seen since graduation--can you believe it? Nearly two years...I will post pictures on photobucket very shortly so everyone can see (I already have some up on myspace.).

Thursday I went over to Wyatt's and hung out with he and his lovely. Friday I got back home after a little adventure with the two of them...Jessie and Will came up. We went to D'Arcy's and no one wanted their picture taken. Met my girls at Perkin's for Cathy's birthday. We hung out there for a while and then afterwards I headed over to Adam's to watch Borat. I didn't end up getting back to Mom's until close to 4:30 in the up and did some parading, had some corned beef and cabbage. Went to Olive Garden to meet a bunch of people for Lynlea's birthday...had dinner with Jessie, Will, Brian, Megan, and Rachel at Amberjack's. Crazy hostess/owner had a shamrock cape on! And Kyle came over. He's one of those people I haven't seen in forever...I miss hanging out with my buddies from high school. You don't really think about what you're missing until you catch a glimpse of it.

And I think I caught a bug or something. My throat is killing me like no other. Have a fantastic day, kiddies. I am glad I came back from break with such a positive attitude.

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