Sunday, April 01, 2007

"You fill me full of self-doubt."

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.

I'm not in a fabulous mood right now. Actually, I am kind of pissed.

My pensive self this late/early is rather bitter. Perhaps this is caused by the "too much time on my hands."

I would like to apologize to my whole family for never allowing you to meet a boyfriend. None of them were any all. That's why you never got to meet them.

This little blurb was spurred on by a late night phonecall from my first boyfriend to tell me he wants to ask his current girlfriend to marry him. This would be his second engagement in the last year. The last one ended when he called his fiancee from a bar, drunk with his buddies, and dumped her over the phone then proceeded to call me to say "haha." I won't go into great detail but I did kick him in the shins at the end of our relationship. As you can see by the treatment of his fiancee, you can imagine how stupid he was back when he was 19/20 when we were dating. I'm so glad this guy is out in the work force and attempting to get married yet again--makes my conscience feel so much better.

You know what he said to me? "You know you won't do any better than me." I would rather never fall in love than spend my entire life with someone knowing that I had settled, thinking I couldn't do any better. It makes me so angry to think that someone could be so arrogant as to suggest that I couldn't do better than the gum stuck to the bottom of my Chucks.

On that bitter note, I will end this. Have a good night, chicadees.


Brian P. "Petey Pablo" said...

Ugh....What a fucking douchebag. He'll end up being somebody's "baby daddy". My dating situation for this past school year has been kind of retarded. The last three girls I tried to date, nothing worked out. Okay, well the last two were'nt right for me anyways. There was Anna, but I still don't understand what went wrong there. It still bothers me. Sometimes I want to talk to her, but I think I should just leave that alone. Oh well. Yeah, I like that Al Green song,"Ain't no sunshine." Anyways...I'll see you around

JD said...

9 out of 10 men don't know it, but have their head lodged in their sphincter. And not the good sphincter.

Anonymous said...

...and behind every woman that thinks that is a man who's sick and tired of her shit.